Post occupancy evaluation consultancy brief
Post occupancy evaluation consultancy
Department of Health
Tender number:
Capital Projects and Service Planning branch
Project specific details
1.The client
2.The project
2.1.2POE broad evaluation criteria
2.1.3Additional issues
2.4Information Available
3Site inspections
4Terms and conditions
9Other information
10Lodging of submissions
11Responsibilities of consultants
12Selection criteria
1.The client
For the Post Occupancy Evaluation of Department of Health Facilities consultancy the Client will be the Department of Health. However, for all phases the Client will be represented by a Steering Committee.
2.The project
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is the structured and systematic analysis of an asset’s actual performance measured against the objectives stated in the design brief. The information collected through a POE is fed back into the process of asset acquisition, operation and maintenance to ensure continuous improvement in the planning and implementation of projects.
Capital Projects and Service Planning branch (CPSP) requires the selected consultants to undertake POEs for nominated department health facilities. A POE is generally conducted 12 months after the commissioning of a facility. Not all facilities undergo a POE. A range of different health or other human service buildings are selected for review. The process is undertaken in line with the policy and procedures outlined in the Capital Projects and Service Planning branchPlanning and Development Guidelines.
2.1.1Objectives of the POE
The objectives of a POE are to establish whether:
The service objectives of the state government, the department and agencies have been met.
The planning and procurement process was adequate.
The facility is ‘fit for purpose’, i.e. it correctly and adequately fulfils the service provision and user requirements established in the project brief.
The completed facility achieves efficiency targets set out in the Investment Evaluation.
The technical performance of the building is appropriate.
Adequate consultation was undertaken during the procurement process.
2.1.2POE broad evaluation criteria
The POE will generally include but not necessarily be limited to a review of the following:
Building technical performance
User satisfaction
Process for project delivery
Consultation process
Achievement of outcomes anticipated in the investment evaluation including recurrent costs.
2.1.3Additional issues
Additional issues that may be addressed by a POE include:
Does the design of the facility differ from established guidelines, and if so, in what way and should the guidelines be revised?
What level of change has occurred in the use of briefed spaces?
Have ‘value added’ objectives such as patient privacy, safety, autonomy and comfort were achieved?
Does the finished facility represent best practice?
The POE should provide:
Quantitative and qualitative data evaluating functionality, engineering, built environment, final capital cost, operational costs (including energy costs) and maintenance costs for the preceding 12 months and acceptance by staff, clients or patients, visitors and the community.
An evaluation of the service planning outcomes against the strategic service planning outcomes set by the agency and departmental program area.
Services planning and capital planning information in a spreadsheet or database format approved by CPSP that allows benchmarking with peer facilities eg by functional area.
A report providing an objective evaluation of the facility against the criteria listed in 2.1.2 and containing the outputs identified above in 2.1.4 a), b) and c) as well as floor plans, photographs, user comments, a summary of the findings and recommendations against those findings.
The project entails the detailed evaluation of twelve (12) facilities completed for the Department of Health. (Refer to appendix A for details of the projects). The level of information is deemed sufficient at this stage. Further specific site contact details will be provided to the successful tenderer.
The project requires the detailed evaluation to include, but not necessarily be limited to a review of the physical fabric, processes for project delivery, consultant/contractor performance and fit for service outcomes.
It is expected that in the conduct of the POEs, the successful tenderer will consult with all relevant stakeholders including but not necessarily limited to project designers, facility managers and service managers and staff.
The outcome of this consultancy is to conduct and complete post occupancy evaluations for the projects nominated in appendix A.
The consultant is to clearly set out the method to be used for the conduct of the POEs, showing all major steps and the timeframe for each step to be undertaken.
Capital Projects and Service Planning branch endorsement of the method must be obtained prior to commencement.
The consultant must provide:
A comprehensive written report for each project
An executive summary report
Two (2) oral presentations on the results of the POEs.
2.3.1Individual facility POE reports
The successful tenderer must provide a separate, written report for each nominated facility. A draft of each report is to be submitted for review by Capital Projects and Service Planning branch and the agency. The final report for each facility must reflect any outcomes from the review. The successful tenderer is to provide three (3) hard copies and an electronic copy (Microsoft Word 2010 format) of the final POE report for each individual facility.
The individual facility POE reports must:
Be in a format agreed with Capital Projects and Service Planning branch.
Outline specific recommendations against the five criteria detailed in section 2.1.2.
2.3.2Executive summary report
The successful tenderer must also provide a written executive summary report (maximum of 2 pages) of the findings from the POEs. A draft of the executive summary is to be submitted for review by Capital Projects and Service Planning branch prior to completion of the final report. The final executive summary report is to reflect any outcomes from the review. The successful tenderer is to provide ten (10) hard copies and an electronic copy (Microsoft Word 2010 format) of the final executive summary report.
The executive summary must:
Be in a format agreed with Capital Projects and Service Planning branch.
Aggregate the findings of the evaluations in an Excel spreadsheet.
Identify major themes and issues.
Make recommendations against the identified themes or issues.
The successful tenderer is required to report on their findings to:
A forum of Capital Projects and Service Planning branch staff.
A forum of department staff from the program areas concerned and management staff from the facilities reviewed.
2.4Information available
The following information or documentation is available for viewing (if deemed necessary) by contacting:
Judith Hemsworth
Capital Projects and Service Planning branch
Department of Health
Level 20
50 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Capital Projects and Service Planning branchPlanning and Development Guidelines
Department of Treasury & Finance Investment Evaluation Guidelines
3Site Inspections
Site visits of the facilities included in this consultancy may only be arranged by the successful tenderer after appointment—appropriate contact details will be provided to enable site inspections to be arranged, at that time.
4Terms and Conditions
The successful consultant will be required to enter into a standard Department of Health consultancy agreement (Attachment 2).
The terms and conditions are as set out in the standard Department of Health consultancy agreement.
Consultants are to be appointed for all work described above for a fixed consultancy fee.
The consultants are to provide professional indemnity insurance of $2 million and public liability of $10 million.
The Department of Health retains ownership of all intellectual property including the project evaluation reports and executive summary in whole or part as set out in the contract (refer – intellectual property).
The Department of Health reserves the right to not accept the lowest of any tendered fee for the consultancy.
It is anticipated that the post occupancy evaluation consultancy will commence on the signing of the contract.
The consultants are to provide a preliminary program as part of their submission, including a schedule of monthly steering committee meetings and fortnightly progress reports.
Complying submissions shall have the fee schedules set out in accordance with the attached format - Table A. The schedule shall be prepared for all consultant(s) including sub-consultants (shown separately if applicable).
It is anticipated that sub-consultants for the project team will include architect, health planner, services engineer and quantity surveyor.
Consultants are to provide a fixed fee proposal for the entire consultancy.
The fee proposal should also include a lump sum amount calculated on a per facility basis to allow for additional facilities to be reviewed if required.
Fee proposals should show the GST exclusive value and the GST value and note clearly that fee claims will be in the form of a tax invoice detailing the fee plus GST.
The submission for services will be in accordance with this brief and should include for each consultant and sub-consultant:
The names of the personnel who would be assigned to the consultancy, their roles and responsibilities, qualifications and other professional experience relevant to the conduct of these POEs.
One person is to be nominated to lead the team and act as the principal contact. The management structure of the team is to be clearly defined. The assigned staff together with allocation of time should be presented in the consultant’s submission in a form as set out below—see Table A.
9Other Information
The consultant is to provide the information required by the project brief and address all of the selection criteria detailed in Section 12, including the following items:
Experience - details of experience conducting other POEs.
Methodology - description of the manner in which you would provide the services as set out, including a proposed development program and reporting schedule for the whole project.
Referees - list of a minimum of 3 clients for whom you have recently carried out similar consultancies, together with a contact for reference in each instance.
Compliance - all consultants are required to acknowledge in their submission that they are prepared to sign a standard departmental contract.
10Lodging of submissions
Submissions should be clearly marked “Department of Health Post Occupancy Evaluation Consultancy Submission” and addressed to:
Tender No.
Tender Box
Department of Health
Level 7
50 Lonsdale Street
Submissions should be received no later than: 2.00 PM Thursday, (Day, Month, Year)
All queries should be directed through Judith Hemsworth of the Department of Health on (03) 90962056.
3 copies of the submission should be provided.
Submissions sent by fax or email, or delivered later than the date / time set out above will be considered to be non-conforming. Non-conforming submissions will be returned unopened in accordance with departmental tender procedure.
11Responsibilities of consultants
Quality assurance
The consultant is to ensure that appropriate quality assurance principles are actively adhered to at all times and that quality processes are in place to ensure the best possible outcome for the consultancy.
All sub-consultants are to be engaged and appointed by the consultant. These sub-consultants will be required to:
Provide advice on their particular discipline’s aspects of the project throughout all stages.
Administer their individual components of the work during the reviews.
Prepare documentation commensurate in detail with each stage of the consultancy.
Prepare reports contributing to the POE consultancy.
Undertake the particular aspects of the responsibilities assigned to the principal consultant that is associated with their discipline. This also requires the work of each sub-consultant to be checked in terms of quality control systems to ensure the information provided is fit-for-purpose.
12Selection criteria
The broad criteria used in consultant selection will take into account the following:
WeightingPrevious experience in conducting POEs for health care facilities / 10
Demonstrated relevant experience of the consulting organisation/group in working with or on projects of this type, scale and environment - provide examples and references.
Methodology/ approach / 10
Having a sound understanding of the issues surrounding the particular project and tailoring the sequence of activities to ensure that the desired project outcome is achieved. The ability to elicit cooperation and information from management is an important consideration.
Program/ response / 10
A demonstration that the consultants have an awareness of the time constraints placed on the project, and having considered the particular issues relevant to the project, have established the sequence of tasks and associated schedules necessary to achieve any predetermined timelines.
Team/ management / 8
The people assigned to the project; their experience, expertise and nominated tasks; and how they will be managed and coordinated.
Client response / 8
Consultant’s demonstrated ability to manage steering committee processes so that the appropriate input is obtained.
Availability / 8
Firm’s resource capability to perform services and the availability of key personnel.
Government procedures / 5
Demonstrated knowledge of government and departmental procedures.
Quality assurance / 5
The process that the consultants propose to put in place to ensure the ’correctness’ of the coordination of the consultancy.
Fee inclusions
Scope of services included in the fee proposal and the appropriateness of the quoted amount to enable optimum service provision for the client.
Three referees should be provided to support the submission in relation to the type of work/role envisaged.
Post Occupancy Evaluation Consultancy Brief 1
Facilities to be reviewed
Post Occupancy Evaluation Consultancy Brief 1
Attachment 1
Resources: Table A
Rate/ facilityFacility number / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Other#
Director *
Team leader *
Architect *
Services engineer*
Health planner*
Quantity surveyor*
* Example titles only. / Lump sum fee:
# Rateto be applied if consultants are required to undertake additional POEs. / + GST
Total / $
Note:Rate quoted should include allowance for travel and accommodation.
Post Occupancy Evaluation Consultancy Brief 1