School Policy – Health & Safety

Health & Safety / Board Policy / Procedural Guidelines
Rationale: To provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff whilst complying with any legislation currently in place or that may be developed to ensure the safety of students and staff.
The Trust Board shall:
·  Provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff.
·  Comply fully with any legislation currently in place or that may be developed to ensure the emotional and physical safety of students and staff.
/ The board delegates full responsibility to the principal for all matters relating to the provision of a safe environment for students and staff and compliance with legislation.
The Principal shall:
·  Take reasonable steps to protect students and staff from unsafe or unhealthy conditions.
·  Provide a smoke-free environment.
·  Ensure a Risk Analysis and/or a Safety Action Plan (SAP) is carried out where and when appropriate.
·  Consult with the community regarding the health programme being delivered to students.
·  Provide privacy of personal documentation held at school.
·  A commitment to engaging with workers, including union and worker representatives, on health and safety.
·  A commitment to providing health and safety induction, training and supervision for all new and existing workers.
·  A commitment to supporting continuous improvement in the schools health and safety performance.
·  Workplace incidents, near misses and injuries are accurately reported, recorded and considered, and appropriately responded to. If appropriate, notifies to WorkSafe NZ.
·  The provision of support for the safe and early return to work of injured or ill workers.
·  A commitment to ensuring that emergency plans and procedures are in place. / ·  Emergency Management
o  Boarding House Evacuation plan
o  Pre-school Evacuation plan
o  Civil Defence Contact details
o  Council contact details
o  Crisis Action
o  Earthquake Drill
o  Earthquake Emergency-1
o  Earthquake Procedure - Out of school hours
o  Emergency Response
o  Fire Drill for Safety Officer
o  Lockdown
o  Medical Services
o  School Closure
o  Traumatic Incident
·  Administration
o  Electrical Equipment
o  External Contractors: Health & Safety
o  Harmful Substances
o  Hazard Identification Register 2017
o  Hire of facilities – Health & Safety
o  PAC – capacity for events (Atrium)
o  Risk Management Process
o  SHS Facility Hire Agreement
o  Swimming Pool Hire agreement
o  Swimming Pool Hire/Use agreement - Appendix
o  Use of School Mini Bus
·  Bullying Prevention & Response
o  Bullying Prevention & Response
o  Major Bullying Behaviour
o  Mild Bullying Behaviour
o  Moderate Bullying Behaviour
o  Severe Bullying Behaviour
o  Preventing and responding to workplace bullying (separate booklet)
·  Education Outside the Classroom
o  Driver - Transport (new)
o  EOTC Activity Guide
o  EOTC Guidelines Doc
o  EOTC Procedure
o  Selection of Camp Parents
o  EOTC Forms
§  Aquatic consent
§  Contracting Checklist
§  Event approval
§  Event evaluation
§  Event Plan Checklist
§  Event Proposal
§  Health Care Plan
§  Health profile
§  Incident Report Form
§  Injury Report Form
§  Leader/Assist Comp.doc
§  Medication Admin
§  SAP_doc
§  Student contract
§  Transport – Drivers
§  Volunteer Agreement
Health & Safety / Board Policy / Procedural Guidelines
Rationale: To provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff whilst complying with any legislation currently in place or that may be developed to ensure the safety of students and staff.
The Trust Board shall:
·  Provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff.
·  Comply fully with any legislation currently in place or that may be developed to ensure the emotional and physical safety of students and staff.
/ The board delegates full responsibility to the principal for all matters relating to the provision of a safe environment for students and staff and compliance with legislation.
The Principal shall:
·  Take reasonable steps to protect students and staff from unsafe or unhealthy conditions.
·  Provide a smoke-free environment.
·  Ensure a Risk Analysis and/or a Safety Action Plan (SAP) is carried out where and when appropriate.
·  Consult with the community regarding the health programme being delivered to students.
·  Provide privacy of personal documentation held at school.
·  A commitment to engaging with workers, including union and worker representatives, on health and safety.
·  A commitment to providing health and safety induction, training and supervision for all new and existing workers.
·  A commitment to supporting continuous improvement in the schools health and safety performance.
·  Workplace incidents, near misses and injuries are accurately reported, recorded and considered, and appropriately responded to. If appropriate, notifies to WorkSafe NZ.
·  The provision of support for the safe and early return to work of injured or ill workers.
·  A commitment to ensuring that emergency plans and procedures are in place. / ·  General
o  Administering Medication
o  Allergies & Anaphylaxis
o  Animal Welfare
o  Child Abuse
o  Clean, Safe & Healthy Environment
o  Duty Guidelines
o  Injury Prevention
o  Smoke Free Environment
o  Student Absence and Release
o  Sun Smart
o  Unwell Students