Lab Practices Committee for April 19th
Attending Members: Angella Breitenbeck, Mary Lenardson, Anita Friend, Sandy Buchner, Amy Vail, Brian Fry, Mike Andrews, Nasim Ansari
Location and time: Battle Creek Wastewater @ 10:00AM (Battle Creek, MI)
- Speaker updates
- Gregg Lundy: have the speaker confirmation, the title, the abstract – Gregg will provide a bio and the final presentation by May 10
- Amy Vail: have the speaker confirmation, the title, the abstract, and the bio – Mary may be able to be the backup speaker
- Dave Johnson: have the speaker confirmation, the title, the backup speaker, the abstract, and the bio
- Carol Injasoulian: have the title, the abstract, and the bio – Carol to complete the speaker confirmation form and designate a backup speaker
- Paul Krampitz: have the speaker confirmation, the title, the backup speaker, the bio – Angella to request an abstract and remind Paul of the deadline to have final presentation submitted
- Cory Bond: have the speaker confirmation, the title, the backup speaker, the bio – Carol to request an abstract and remind Cory of the deadline to have final presentation submitted
- Sara Simon: have the speaker confirmation, the title, the backup speaker (Michael), the abstract – Mary to request the bio and remind Sara of the deadline to have the final presentation submitted
- Brochure updates
- Official seminar brochure has been sent out by MWEA
- Student/Educator flyer is available – Sandy emailed the flyer to committee members for distribution to contacts: don’t know if any students/educators are registered yet
- Vendor updates
- Review a draft survey created by Mary:
- Question 1 - restructure “preparing for and attending”
- Question 2 – break into two questions: participated in LPC seminar?, participated in MWEA seminars
- Provide satisfaction scale with ratings from 1-5
- Group yes and no questions together
- Leave a “General Comments” space at bottom for suggestions
- Mary to update vendor survey and submit
- As of 4/12/13 we had 6 vendors signed up
- General seminar updates
- Speaker gifts are in, Angella will bring them to the seminar. Several additional beaker mugs were ordered for committee members that want one. Cost is $10/mug, please pay Angella.
- Facilitators: Angella can moderate AM, Amy can moderate PM, Catherine will be there early to help with registration
- Sandy will remind office to bring: raffle tickets, white board to list raffle winners
- Anita and Sandy will pass out raffle tickets at lunch, pick up prizes at the end of seminar by registration
- Seminar Techie: Carol
- Gift drawings: Sandy and Anita
- FLUSH updates
- Angella asked to have FLUSH tours and activities added to the meeting agenda in the future
- Mary agreed to be the Girl Scout point of contact for FLUSH activities
- 50 more FLUSH BSA patches are being made for distribution, after these are distributed formal tours with registration will be required to obtain more patches
- Possible timeline for another round of tours is September, scout troops are not as active during the summer
- General discussion
- Topics for 2014 LPC Seminar
- Amy saw a gentleman give a storm water permitting presentation that was very interesting and informative
- Hg minimization update
- up and coming issues
- safety topics
- Operators training – Sandy will collect names/contact info of possible instructors and get it to Jerry Harte (John Standre, Gary DeCock, Carnell Walker, Jeff Johnston, Bob Avery, Chuck Bellmore, retired university professors)
- There is a New Professionals meeting on May3rd – tour of the Grandville facility and their new egg digester
- Meetings : June 14th Cadillac
July 12 – No meeting
August 9 or 16 – GVSU AWRI & Jackson?
September 20 – Bay City?
October 18 – Wyoming? Kristen to host us?
November 8 – Charlotte?
December 13 – East Lansing - Catherine confirmed