1. Japanese Aggression! (Pp 673-674 & 704)
  2. Japanese, with their westernized development, becomes the main power in Asia. Explain the following acts of aggression and when they occurred.
  3. Manchuria (Manchuko) –
  1. Mainland China –
  1. These moves violated what agreement signed by 64 nations, and prompted Japan’s withdrawal from what international organization?
  1. Who was the Chinese leader that asked for help from the League of Nations and the United States?
  1. What is the Stimson Doctrine?
  1. Why does Japan decide to invade its neighbors?
  1. Fascist Italy Flexes its Muscle
  1. Who is the fascist leader of Italy?
  1. What nation does Italy invade in 1935?
  1. What nation does Italy invade in 1939? (p 705)
  1. The Nazis begin building the Third Reich
  1. Why is the Spanish Civil War significant to Germany?
  2. Who was the fascist leader of Spain?
  3. Why did the Americans not help the Spanish Republic?
  1. What nation is annexed by Germany in March, 1938? –
  2. What was unsettling to FDR with regard to this?
  1. Hitler demanded what territory of Czechoslovakia in Sept, 1938?
  1. What is the Munich Agreement of 1938? –
  1. Did Germany adhere to the terms? What happened?
  1. Germany signs a non-aggression pact with what nation in 1939?
  1. Germany invades what nation in 1939, which kicks off WWII?
  1. American involvement in the growing problem
  2. What was the tone of the American people with regard to growing aggression in Europe and Asia in the late 1930s?
  1. Did FDR agree with the American people? If not, what were his thoughts?
  1. What is the significance of the “Quarantine Speech?” p 704
  1. What is the Neutrality Act of 1935? P 704
  1. What is the Neutrality Act of 1939 or “cash and carry?”
  1. What did Albert Einstein communicate to FDR in 1939?
  1. What is the Destroyer-for-bases Deal?
  1. What is the Lend Lease Act of 1941?
  1. What is the Atlantic Charter of 1941?
  1. The war is on in 1939 and America is on the sidelines
  2. Europe
  3. Hitler makes big gains in 1940 with a new tactic called?
  1. This leads to the fall of what nations in that year?
  1. Japan
  2. When does Japan invade Indochina?
  1. What does that prompt the US to do?
  1. Congress declared war on Japan on Dec 8, 1941 after what event?
  1. Did America know this was coming?
  1. American Homefront
  2. What economic improvements occurred during the war that proved Keynes correct?
  1. What is the Smith-Connally War Labor Disputes Act?
  1. With regard to the idea of freedom, what argument did the NAACP make during the war?
  1. African-Americans military personnel made significant gains in rights/responsibilities during WWII. Name some…
  1. What kind of prejudice did they experience during the war?
  1. What were the “zoot suit riots?”
  1. Who were the “Codetalkers?”
  1. What was Executive Order 9066?
  1. What roles did women serve in the war?
  1. The War - Europe
  2. What theater of war did the Allies concentrate their efforts early on?
  1. Where and when did the Western Allies first invade in the campaign against Germany?
  1. What was the name of the collaborativist government established in France?
  1. What was the last position the Germans held in North Africa before retreating into the Mediterranean?
  1. From there the Western allies entered Europe in 1943 by landing at what island?
  1. Then they attacked the continent by landing where in Sept 1943?
  1. In the meantime, the tide had turned in Russia and in Jan 1943 the turning point in the east occurred with a Russian victory at?
  1. The Invasion of France occurred when? What was the Operation name?

(Eventually the Russians squeezed Germany from the east and the allied forces pushed from the West)

  1. Last ditch attempt to drive the allied forces back occurred in Dec 1944. What was this called?
  1. The War – Pacific
  1. What is the Battle of Coral Sea?
  1. What is the Battle of Midway?
  1. What is Island Hopping?
  1. What was significant about the war in the pacific that was going to make it difficult to end the war?
  1. What was the Manhattan Project?
  1. What is Hiroshima/Nagasaki?
  1. Diplomacy
  2. What was the Teheran Conference?
  1. What was the Yalta Conference?
  1. What was the Potsdam Conference