- Japanese Aggression! (Pp 673-674 & 704)
- Japanese, with their westernized development, becomes the main power in Asia. Explain the following acts of aggression and when they occurred.
- Manchuria (Manchuko) –
- Mainland China –
- These moves violated what agreement signed by 64 nations, and prompted Japan’s withdrawal from what international organization?
- Who was the Chinese leader that asked for help from the League of Nations and the United States?
- What is the Stimson Doctrine?
- Why does Japan decide to invade its neighbors?
- Fascist Italy Flexes its Muscle
- Who is the fascist leader of Italy?
- What nation does Italy invade in 1935?
- What nation does Italy invade in 1939? (p 705)
- The Nazis begin building the Third Reich
- Why is the Spanish Civil War significant to Germany?
- Who was the fascist leader of Spain?
- Why did the Americans not help the Spanish Republic?
- What nation is annexed by Germany in March, 1938? –
- What was unsettling to FDR with regard to this?
- Hitler demanded what territory of Czechoslovakia in Sept, 1938?
- What is the Munich Agreement of 1938? –
- Did Germany adhere to the terms? What happened?
- Germany signs a non-aggression pact with what nation in 1939?
- Germany invades what nation in 1939, which kicks off WWII?
- American involvement in the growing problem
- What was the tone of the American people with regard to growing aggression in Europe and Asia in the late 1930s?
- Did FDR agree with the American people? If not, what were his thoughts?
- What is the significance of the “Quarantine Speech?” p 704
- What is the Neutrality Act of 1935? P 704
- What is the Neutrality Act of 1939 or “cash and carry?”
- What did Albert Einstein communicate to FDR in 1939?
- What is the Destroyer-for-bases Deal?
- What is the Lend Lease Act of 1941?
- What is the Atlantic Charter of 1941?
- The war is on in 1939 and America is on the sidelines
- Europe
- Hitler makes big gains in 1940 with a new tactic called?
- This leads to the fall of what nations in that year?
- Japan
- When does Japan invade Indochina?
- What does that prompt the US to do?
- Congress declared war on Japan on Dec 8, 1941 after what event?
- Did America know this was coming?
- American Homefront
- What economic improvements occurred during the war that proved Keynes correct?
- What is the Smith-Connally War Labor Disputes Act?
- With regard to the idea of freedom, what argument did the NAACP make during the war?
- African-Americans military personnel made significant gains in rights/responsibilities during WWII. Name some…
- What kind of prejudice did they experience during the war?
- What were the “zoot suit riots?”
- Who were the “Codetalkers?”
- What was Executive Order 9066?
- What roles did women serve in the war?
- The War - Europe
- What theater of war did the Allies concentrate their efforts early on?
- Where and when did the Western Allies first invade in the campaign against Germany?
- What was the name of the collaborativist government established in France?
- What was the last position the Germans held in North Africa before retreating into the Mediterranean?
- From there the Western allies entered Europe in 1943 by landing at what island?
- Then they attacked the continent by landing where in Sept 1943?
- In the meantime, the tide had turned in Russia and in Jan 1943 the turning point in the east occurred with a Russian victory at?
- The Invasion of France occurred when? What was the Operation name?
(Eventually the Russians squeezed Germany from the east and the allied forces pushed from the West)
- Last ditch attempt to drive the allied forces back occurred in Dec 1944. What was this called?
- The War – Pacific
- What is the Battle of Coral Sea?
- What is the Battle of Midway?
- What is Island Hopping?
- What was significant about the war in the pacific that was going to make it difficult to end the war?
- What was the Manhattan Project?
- What is Hiroshima/Nagasaki?
- Diplomacy
- What was the Teheran Conference?
- What was the Yalta Conference?
- What was the Potsdam Conference