Algebra 1 Lesson Plans
EMS 8th Grade Math Department / Unit 9: Statistical Models / May 10th to June 3rd, 2016Math Florida Standard(s): / MAFS.912.S-ID.1.1 (DOK 2): Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots). MAFS.912.S-ID.1.2 (DOK 2): Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviations) of two or more different data sets. MAFS.912.S-ID.1.3 (DOK 2): Interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers). MAFS.912.S-ID.1.4 (DOK 2): Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. MAFS.912.S-ID.2.5 (DOK 2): Summarize categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tables. Interpret relative frequencies in the context of the data (including joint, marginal, and conditional relative frequencies.) Recognize possible associations and trends in the data. MAFS.912.S-ID.2.6 (DOK 2): Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related. a. Fit a function to the data; use functions fitted to data to solve problems in the context of the data. Use given functions or choose a function suggested by the context. Emphasize linear, and exponential models. b. Informally assess the fit of a function by plotting and analyzing residuals. c. Fit a linear function for a scatter plot that suggests a linear association. MAFS.912.S-ID.3.7 (DOK 2): Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant term) of a linear model in the context of the data. MAFS.912.S-ID.3.8 (DOK 2): Compute (using technology) and interpret the correlation coefficient of a linear fit. MAFS.912.S-ID.3.9 (DOK 2): Distinguish between correlation and causation.
Learning Goal: / Students will be able to use dot plots, histograms, and box plots to compare center/spread and interpret differences as well as use mean and standard deviation fitted to normal distributions. They will also be able to synthesize categorical and numerical data on two variables.
Assessments / Guided Notes on Section 10 and 11
Quiz on Section 10
Quiz on Section 11
Essential Question(s): / How do you compare center/spread and interpret differences using appropriate data displays? What does the standard deviation tell us about normal distributed data? What are the differences between categorical data or numerical data and why would you use either type of data?
Progress Monitoring/Feedback Loop / If student has a low formative assessment, the teacher will monitor and possibly suggest before or after school tutoring to insure he is learning the unit adequately.
If the student has a 70 or below on a quiz he can study more and retake it within a 7 day period for full credit. If the student has below a 70, the instructor will provide real time remediation
Higher Order Question(s) / How else might you organize… recognize… show…. the data? What evidence will support your solution? How has your model served its purpose?
Key Vocabulary / Spread, Standard Deviation, Two-Way Frequency Table, Two-Way Relative Frequency Table, Bivariate Categorical Data, Causation, Center (of data), Conditional Relative Frequencies, Correlation Coefficient, Curve of Best Fit, Dot Plots, Frequency Count, Histograms, Joint Frequencies, Line of Best Fit, Marginal Frequencies, Normal Distribution, Relative Frequencies, Residuals, Shape (of data).
Wednesday, May 11th / Dot Plots and Histograms / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn the basics of constructing dot plots and histograms using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Brainstorm what you know about graphic displays of data.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor Student learning on Algebra Nation Video
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 10, Video 1)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Thursday, May 12th / Box Plots / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn the basics of constructing box and whisker plots using algebra nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 10, Video 2)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Friday, May 13th / Data Displays / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will construct dot plots, box plots, and histograms using real world collected data using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
WE DO: /
- Collect Survey Data from the Class on Sticky Notes.
- Construct Box Plots, Histograms, and Dot Plots of the Data.
- Summarize the data in words.
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Turn in Completed Graphs and Summaries.
Monday, May 16th / Measures of Center and Shapes of Distributions / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn the basics of measuring spread and analyzing the shapes of various distributions of data using algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 10, Video 3)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Tuesday, May 17th / Measuring Spread / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will go deeper into measuring spread of data using algebra Nation .
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet with your shoulder partner.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 10, Video 4)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Wednesday, May 18th / Empirical Rule / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn the empirical rule of measuring spread and distributions of data sets using algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet with your face partner.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 10, Video 5)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Thursday, May 19th / Outliers in Data Sets / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will examine how outliers affect spread and central measures of data using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet with your face partner.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 10, Video 6)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Friday, May 20th / Quiz on Section 10 / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of dot plots, histograms, box plots, measure of center, distributions of data and outliers through a paper and pencil test cooperative test.
(5 Minutes) /
- Review Algebra Nation Notes
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Around Rally Robin Technique
WE DO: /
- Work in Cooperative Groups(using Roundrally Robin) to Complete Quiz on Section 10.
- Summarize the data in your own words.
Homework /
- Have a Great Weekend.
(5 minutes) /
- Assess and Monitor Yourself on Learning Goal Scale.
Monday May 23rd / Relationships Between Two Categorical Variables / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn the basics of bivariate categorical data and the relationship between the two variables of data using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Review your scores pm the test as a group? Assess your knowledge as a group. Write a group assessment
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 11, Video 1)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Tuesday, May 24th / Relationships Between Two Categorical Variables / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn mora about bivariate categorical data and the relationship between the two variables of data using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet with your shoulder partner.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 11, Video 2)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Wednesday, May 25th / Scatter Plots and Function Models / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn to construct scatter plots and create a function model of the data using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet with your face partner.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 11, Video 3)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner.
Thursday, May 26th / Residuals and Residual Plots / DOK 3
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn to find residuals of data and analyze residual plots for trends in the data using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 11, Video 4)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your partner shoulder partner.
Friday May 27th / Examining Correlation / DOK 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will learn to examine positive, negative, linear, and non-linear correlations in data presented on a scatter plot using Algebra Nation.
(5 Minutes) /
- Take out and review Algebra Nation notes packet with your face partner.
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Pause Video for Clarification
WE DO: /
- Algebra Nation Guided Notes (Section 11, Video 5)
- Try It! Problems
- Beat the Test Problems
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Summarize notes verbally to your shoulder partner.
Tuesday, May 31st / Quiz on Section 11 / DOK 3
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of bivariate categorical and scatter plot data including residuals and correlation through a cooperative paper and pencil test.
(5 Minutes) /
- Review Algebra Nation Notes with your group
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor
- Think pair share with shoulder partner odds/evens– then talk over all answers and make sure you agree as a group
WE DO: /
- Work in Cooperative Groups to Complete Quiz on Section 11.
- Summarize the data in your own words.
Homework /
- Have a Great Weekend.
(5 minutes) /
- Assess and Monitor Yourself on Learning Goal Scale.
Wed, Thurs, or Fri June 1-3rd / Algebra 1 Scores and Surveys / DOK 3
Daily Agenda
Daily Agenda /
- Students will hopefully receive scores for the EOC and will complete a survey about the course to help the teacher determine needs for next year’s students.
(5 Minutes) /
- Sharpen Pencil
I DO: /
- Assess and Monitor student tasks
WE DO: / Discuss pros and cons of the Algebra Class during the school year.
- Take a Survey on the Algebra 1 Couse.
Homework /
- None
(5 minutes) /
- Assess and Monitor yourself on the year’s performance in algebra class.
Note: Learning Scales and Accommodations are below.
Scale / DateMastered / Learning Goals Scale:
Statistical Models
4.0 / I can fit a function to data on a scatter plot and use the function model to solve real-world problems related to the data. (S-ID-2.6.a)
3.0 / I can use shape to compare center and spread of two or more different sets of data. (S-ID.1.2)
I can use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. (S-ID.1.4)
I can informally assess the fit of data by plotting and analyzing residuals (S-ID.2.6.b)
2.0 / I can interpret how outliers affect shape, spread, and center of data. (S-ID.1.3)
I can draw a line of best fit on scatter plots that suggest a linear association. (S-ID.2.6.c)
I can interpret the slope (rate of change) and intercept (constant term) of a linear model in context of the data. (S-ID.3.7)
I can distinguish between correlation and causation. (S-ID.3.9)
1.0 / I can represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots). (S-ID.1.1)
I can represent data on a scatter plot and describe how the variables are related. (S-ID.2.6)
I can summarize and interpret categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tables. (S-ID.2.5)
WICR Strategies used during each unit.
Writing activities that help
students understand the
content / Inquiry
Questioning strategies
that help students
understand the content / Collaboration
Working together with a
partner or in a group of
students to understand, to
problem solve, or to
complete a task/project / Reading
Any strategies in reading
that help students
• summaries
Process writing
• using a rubric as evaluation
On-demand/Timed writing
• writing that is completed in class within a set amount of time
• grade is evaluated using a rubric
Cornell Notes
• taking notes on the most important information
• summarizing
• using the notes to study
Reflective writing
• students write about what they have learned and what they still need / Higher level questioning
in classes
• Costa’s Level 1: Students
find the answers right there
in the text.
• Costa’s Level 2: Students
must figure out the answer
from information in the
• Costa’s Level 3: Students
apply what they have
learned or use what they
have learned to evaluate or
create. / Think Pair Share
Sharing ideas with a
partner or in a group
Carousel/Gallery Walk
Problem solving in groups
Projects in groups / Before reading activities
• vocabulary activities
• accessing prior knowledge
• making predictions
During reading activities
• marking the text
• Cornell notes
• graphic organizers
After reading strategies
• summarizing
• group projects
Accommodations used daily on an individual basis in accordance with IEP and 504 plans and ELL Students
- Read directions for the student
- Check for understanding
- Allow to leave class for assistance
- Extra time for exams
- Daily agenda
- Allow student time to step out to de-escalate
- Testing in small groups
- Use of a planner/binder for organization
- English Language Dictionary
- Extended time on assignments =1 day
- Preferential seating
- Written direction given
- Break directions into chunks
- Read Aloud to Students
- Visual manipulatives
- Cooperative Learning,
- Vocabulary, Description, Introduction,
Student Friendly Mathematical Practice Statements
MAFS.K12.MP.1.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• Make a plan!
• Try different approaches when your problem is hard.
• Solve your problem in more than one way.
• Check whether your solution makes sense.
MAFS.K12.MP.2.1 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• Explain the meanings of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, and objects you and others use
MAFS.K12.MP.3.1 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
• Explain both what to do and why it works.
• Work to make sense of others’ mathematical thinking.
MAFS.K.12.MP.4.1 Model with mathematics.
• Apply math to real-world situations.
• Use models such as graphs, drawings, tables, symbols, numbers, and diagrams to solve problems.
MAFS.K12.MP.5.1 Use appropriate tools strategically.
• Choose appropriate tools for your problem.
• Use mathematical tools correctly and efficiently.
• Estimate and use what you know to check the answers you find using tools.
MAFS.K12.MP.6.1 Attend to precision.
• Communicate your mathematical thinking clearly and precisely.
• Use the level of precision you need for your problem.
• Be accurate when you count, measure, and calculate.
MAFS.K12.MP.7.1 Look for and make use of structure.
• Find, extend, analyze, and create patterns.
• Use patterns and structures to solve problems.
MAFS.K12.MP.8.1 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• Use patterns and structures to create and explain rules and shortcuts.
• Use properties, rules, and shortcuts to solve problems.
• Reflect on your thinking before, during, and after you solve a problem.