Thursday 26 May 2016

Attendees: Mike Knowles, Murray Horne, Simon Beale, Megan Campbell, Melisa Webster

Apologies: Chris Foord, Tonille Crombie, Matthew Foster, Charles Finny, Jo Murray

CONTAINER WEIGHT VERIFICATION – Murray provided an update on discussions with ICLC, Ports, CBAFF and others. The Ports have advised all Shipper of the way New Zealand Ports will receive VGM. This information has also been posted to the Shippers’ Council website.

NEWSLETTER – Jo will forward a draft of the next newsletter to Mike. It is timed to go out by 15 June in line with the Ports start date for VGM. Mike requested including articles on the mega mergers and Port of Tauranga dredging.


Melisa confirmed that all members have received their login information for the website. Other content has also been loaded and when the newsletter is complete all articles will appear as individual news items on the site.

Melisa explained that the site can still be slow to load and this will change when we move to a different host. It was agreed that Melisa would find a new host ASAP that would ensure faster loading speeds.


  • Cartels bill – the letter to Minister Goldsmith has been acknowledged, and no follow up letter from him.
  • Green policy release – call attendees believed that the Greens’ focus of moving some goods to rail or coastal shipping made sense for some goods (non-perishable etc).


  • Budget – the amendments to the budget were accepted with increased targets to attract new members.
  • Fees review – include on next Executive conference call agenda


  • AGM venue and date – date confirmed as 25 August 2016. Draft AGM agenda to be discussed on next Executive call
  • Maritime School prize giving update – Murray provided an update on the prizegiving. Jo and Mike to work with Gazette on an article about the event.
  • POA review update – next reference group meeting is 15 June. Megan will attend.
  • GSF invitation to their AGM – Sri Lanka ,29th July 2016 – Megan to decline the invitation to attend
  • Fletcher Building membership update – Mike provided an update. NZSC will contact Fletcher Building again in 2017.
  • Minor changes made to the member survey – this will be sent out with the newsletter and followed up individually