Facilitator Training Day
28thApril 2018
10am-4pm(full day for both new facilitators and refreshers)
Edge Church International
1160 Park Avenue,Aztec West Business Park, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4TF
Use the world’s most thoroughly researched and effective inventories to help ensure that your personal qualities, qualifications and experience can be used efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of each couple.PREPARE-ENRICHis an online customised couple assessment that identifies a couple's strength and growth areas. The inventories are customised to allow for a range of personal circumstances in couples looking for marriage preparation, counselling, or enrichment, and also dating couples considering engagement.
The report produced from the assessment summarises background information, aspects of personality, and the way the couple perceive their relationship in a number of different areas. There are also suggestions and exercises to use in your feedback sessions with them, helping them discuss and understand their relationship as they are taught proven relationship skills.
During the training:
- Learn about the basis and value of
Prepare-Enrich inventories - Learn how to use the inventories
- Understand the content of the facilitator report
- Use the report and accompanying workbook to give feedback
- Understand the potential for working with groups
- Be helped to develop communication and conflict resolution skills
- Church leaders and marriage support workers
- Members of marriage preparation teams
- Social and Health workers
- Couple and Family Counsellors, Therapists and Mediators
Access to the internet, an email address and printing facilities.
Cost: £95 for both new trainees and refreshers, including all materials & free scoring credit. (Fee covers a single person or couple working together).
Discount available for existing facilitators that do not require materials.
Prepare Enrich Facilitator Training
28th April 2018
Edge Church International, 1160 Park Avenue,Aztec West Business Park,
Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4TF
Participant 1 / Full Name
Spouse / Full Name
Including post code
Organisation / (If any)
Any special
Payment by BACS (please let us know by email your payment date)
Amount: £95
Reference: Your surname – PE TRG28/04/18
Account Name: Prepare Enrich UK
Sort Code: 09-06-66
Account No: 41258721
Payments by cheque also accepted (post with booking form at address below)
We will not pass your details to any other organisation without your consent, but need to hold them on computer so that we may contact you again. Please contact us if you wish to discuss this.
Comments on Prepare-Enrich:
“Data collected and presented in one hour is equivalent to several hours of skilled questioning by a highly trained Counsellor.”
“The Report was an uncannily accurate portrayal of our relationship.”
“When we first saw Prepare we thought it would be too complicated… but after using it with a few couples we are amazed how easy it is to use. PREPARE just does so much to help both the Practitioner and the Couple...”
“We knew we had some problems in our relationship; now we can see the way ahead more clearly and we are determined to keep on improving.”
SVS, Kingsland Square, St. Mary Street, Southampton SO14 1NW
T: 023 80216003 E: W: