Sacramental Preparation – Eucharist

Linking the ‘I can’ statements with the Levels of Attainment

Lesson 1

  • I can tell you why the Catholic Christian community (family) comes together to celebrate MassAT1ii, AT1iii L3
  • I can tell you some of the ways the community prepares for the MassAT1ii L2
  • I can describe what happens during the Gathering AT1ii L2

Lesson 2

  • I can tell you that Catholic Christians believe that God forgives us when we are sorryAT2i L2/3
  • I can tell you about the ‘sorry prayer’ and the ‘Gloria’AT1ii L2
  • I can describe what people do during the Opening Rite and say why they do these thingsAT1ii L2/3
  • I can make links between the story of The Tax Collector and the Pharisee, an examination of conscience, saying sorry and the Penitential RiteAT1i AT1ii AT1iii L3

Lesson 3

  • I can tell you that special books such as the Missal and the Lectionary are used at MassAT1i AT1ii L2
  • I can handle books with care and show reverence and respect*
  • I can tell you that Catholic Christians believe that God speaks through the Scriptures and that the Gospels are Good NewsAT1i AT1ii AT1iii L2/3
  • I can explain ways in which Christians can be the Good News to othersAT1iii AT2i L2/3

Lesson 4

  • I can tell you that Catholic Christians believe that God speaks through the scripturesAT1i AT1ii AT1iii L2
  • I can tell you that the first reading at Sunday Mass is from the Old Testament AT1ii L2
  • I can explain the Responsorial PsalmAT1i AT1ii AT1iii L2
  • I can tell you that the second reading is from the New TestamentAT1ii L2

Lesson 5

  • I can tell you what happens during the greeting, acclamation and reading of the GospelAT1ii L2
  • I can give you reasons for the actions and symbols AT1ii L3
  • I can tell you why Catholic Christians reverence the Gospel AT1iii L3
  • I can explain what happens during the homily and whyAT1i AT1iii L3

Lesson 6

  • I can describe what happens during the Liturgy of the WordAT1ii L2
  • I can give reasons for the religious actions and symbols used during the Liturgy of the WordAT1ii L3
  • I can tell you some things I believe and tell you why Catholics make a Profession of Faith. AT1iiiAT2i L3
  • I can compose prayers of the faithful *

*not all of the I can statements match the levels of attainment descriptors

Lesson 7

  • I can tell you why preparation is important and retell the story of how the disciples prepared for Passover with JesusAT2i AT1i L2
  • I can describe what happens during the preparation of the giftsAT1ii L2
  • I can explain what happens during the preparation of the gifts and I can explain why these things happenAT1ii L3
  • I can explain the beliefs of the writer of an offertory hymnAT2i L3

Lesson 8

  • I can explain what happens during the Eucharist PrayerAT1ii L2/3
  • I know that the Eucharistic Prayer is a prayer giving thanks and praiseAT1i AT1ii L2
  • I know that Catholic Christians believe Jesus is truly present on the altarAT1iii L2/3
  • I can make links between The Last Supper and the Eucharistic PrayerAT1i L3
  • I can make links between Palm Sunday and the ‘Holy, Holy’AT1i L3

Lesson 9

  • I can explain what it means to remember or commemorate and tell you how it makes me feelAT2i L2/3
  • I can retell the Emmaus storyAT1i L2
  • I can make links between the Emmaus story and the MassAT1i L3
  • I can tell you that Catholic Christians believe Jesus is truly present on the altarAT1iii L2/3
  • I can tell you the difference between Holy Communion and ordinary food *

Lesson 10

  • I can explain what happens during the Communion Rite and I can explain why these things happenAT1ii L2/3
  • I can recognise/say the Lord’s Prayer, the Lamb of God and can make the Sign of Peace with respect and reverenceAT1ii L1/2
  • I can show someone how Catholic Christians receive Communion with respect and reverenceAT1iii L2/3
  • I can tell you what Catholics believe about Holy Communion AT1ii AT1iii L2
  • I know the difference between Holy Communion and ordinary food*

Lesson 11

  • I can explain what happens during the Concluding Rite and I can explain why these things happenAT1ii L2/3
  • I can retell some stories of the apostles being sent out to love God and change the worldAT1i L2
  • I can describe ways in which Christians are living todayAT1iii L2
  • I can tell you how the lives of Christians are shaped by their beliefsAT1iii L4
  • I can tell you ways in which I can love and serve the LordAT2i L3

Lesson 12

  • I can remember and celebrate the work I have doneAT2i L2
  • I can help to prepare a liturgy for my class*
  • I can use a planner to include a Gathering Rite, a Liturgy of the Word, a Response to the Word and a Going Forth Rite*
  • I can reflect on how I can change my life because of what I have learnedAT2i L3

*not all of the I can statements match the levels of attainment descriptors