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MSC Newsletter New Year Issue January2008

Vol. IV, Issue 1 for Arizona/California

Mystical Spiritualist Church Newsletter

California Ventures - 2008

Saturday, January 19th, Rev. Karin Marquez and Rev. Frances Greenspan will officiate a California New Year Celebration; "Bringing in the new year - releasingwhat no longer serves us.", in Suite 3 next to Visions & Dreams Emporium in Costa Mesa, CA., from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. This is the where of our California church used to have weekly Inspirational Services.

A Special Reminder Notice will be sent to those on our California Mailing List for this event.

And on Saturday, March 29 we will hold our California Spring Equinox Celebration from10:00 AM - 11:00 AM at Visions & Dreams in Costa Mesa, CA. More details will follow, later.

So You May you find a Peaceful Heart in this New Year:

Visit Cynthia Williams’ Web Site, at;

JOHN 1:33 PM (4 Jan 08)

God so loves the world that He gave each one of us to love and be loved by one another.

Love ye one another, even as I have loved you.” Words from The Master of love, the Christ.

MSC Newsletter New Light Issue December2007

Vol. IV, Issue 1 Print Edition for Arizona/California

Mystical Spiritualist Church Newsletter Extra Page


The Mystical Spiritualist Church is growing in Arizona. We had 17 attendees at church on December 23rd at our 6 PM Candle Light Service and Feast of Light Dinner. Our services, so far have included a dozen or more light seekers and light workers every meeting. We thank you all for coming and welcome your friends and family with our non-dogmatic message of love for all.

We offer a holistic viewpoint and as we meet each month, and are truly alternative and complimentary to what ever other church each of our attendees may wish to attend regularly. To some in the community, our messages are alternative and complimentary to the other dogmatic belief systems or philosophies that most are familiar with. We believe that our message is helping to expand love in this community and throughout the world.

As John believes what he heard many years ago, that God is alive and hiding in each one of us … right along with Goddess, all of our differences do not matter very much. Thus, Seekers who attend these services want to go beyond the old confines of barriers, borders and boundaries.

Our Next FREE CD Offer:

In January 2008 we will be offering a FREE CD about YOUR PRAYERS and shaping your future. We are not selling this CD, as it will be awarded by lottery in connection with our Angle Billet Readings. Come to one of our services and see if the angels pick you to receive this CD! Life really is not random and doesn’t need to be scary. This CD explains some of that energy as well.

You may now subscribe directly to our Email Newsletter at:

The Latest Editions toOur Website

Treat yourself to a new experience in the New Year and check out the church website. If you haven't been to our Mystical Spiritualist Church website lately, it's time to!

The following new features were added during the last month:

·  More "World Blessings" have been addedto that Page

·  A new Inspiration has been added to the "World Blessings" Page.

·  A new Meditation has been added to the "Meditation" Page.

·  A new header for the "Sermons" page and a new Sermon on "The Rapture"

MSC Newsletter New Light Issue December2007

Vol. IV, Issue 1 Print Edition for Arizona/California


We also encourage you and your friends to ask questions or make comments at the bottom ofour Contact Us Page.

The Adventure of Twenty First Century Spiritualism begins at ...

Please Help Us Save Trees!

Subscribe to our Newsletter by Email at: Www.MysticalSpiritualistChurch.Org


A Bit of Wit & Wisdom Inspired by Dr. Peebles, through Summer Bacon at

The Lord Jesus Christ is not a religion! He was a human being in the flesh, like you and me. Thus, he was part of the family of humanity upon the earth and thus has a very special way of relating to those He knows as His family, which is you and you and you.

Thus, He took people where they were and as they were and called them “friend” and family. He taught love to and for all uf us by example, not merely in words as many do today.

Next Open Session in Sedona, January 19 at 10 AM. Call John at 776-1686 to car pool!