Class 1 Intro to The Feasts of the LORD

  • Introduction
  • Acts 17:11 “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”
  • Pray
  • Who wrote Leviticus?
  • Lev 1:1 The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him...
  • In more than 50 places in Leviticus it is said that the LORD spoke to Moses
  • Leviticus is the 3rd Book in the Torah ≠ “Law”, but a more accurate translation is “Teachings”
  • Moses wrote the Torah: Jesus quotes from all 5 Books, attributing them to Moses.
  • Read Proverbs 25:2… “Hidden Messages” in the Bible??? “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but it is the honor of kings to search out a matter.”
  • Pg. 23 Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text by Chuck Missler:
  • Even the word “Torah” itself, drawing on the concepts that lie behind the original Hebrew letters , embodies some provocative elements: The Tav (originally, a cross), the Vav ( a nail), the Resh (the head of a man), and the Heh (the breath or Spirit of God). Thus: Man, with the Spirit of God, nailed on the cross! = Torah!
  • Bible Code in Genesis 1: In Hebrew go to the 1st T in the Hebrew text, count 49 letters to an O, 49 letters to an R, 49 letters to H = TORH = Torah at 49 equidistant letter sequencing or at 72=49
  • GenesisThe Book of BeginningsTORH forwards at ELS of 49
  • ExodusThe Birth of the NationTORH forwards at ELS of 49
  • LeviticusThe Law of the NationYHWH at ELS of 7 = The Name of GOD!
  • NumbersThe Wilderness WanderingsHROT = Torah backwards at ELS of 49
  • DeuteronomyThe Laws ReviewedHROT = Torah backwards at ELS of 49
  • GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy
  • ∴ the Torah always points to the name of God! It is an authentication code, the fingerprint of the Holy Spirit!
  • More Codes in the Bible: (Mark Biltz – Plaques Part 2
  • GenesisIn the beginning
  • Exodusthese are the names
  • Leviticusto call out
  • Numbersin the wilderness
  • Deuteronomythese are the Words (that Moses spoke)
  • ∴ In the beginning these are the names the Lord called out in the wilderness and these are His Words!
  • Genesis 5 Begats: “These are the names”:

The Hebrew Meanings of the 10 Generations Mentioned in Genesis 5:

(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded GreekHebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainain, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah


OT;120 'adam (aw-dawm'); from OT:119; ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.):


OT:7896shiyth (sheeth); a primitive root; to place KJV appoint

ENOS = F E E B L E , F R A I L , M O R T A L I T Y (#582FROM #605)OT:582 'enowsh (en-oshe'); from OT:605; properly, a mortal
OT:605 'anash (aw-nash'); a primitive root; to be frail, feeble


OT:7064qen (kane); contracted from OT:7077; a nest (as fixed)


OT:4111Mahalal' el (mah-hal-al-ale' ); from OT:4110 and OT:410; praise of God


OT:3382Yered (yeh'-red); from OT:3381; a descent;


OT:2596chanak(khaw-nak'); to initiate or discipline: KJV - dedicate, train up.

METHUSELAH = A MAN SENT FORTH(#4968FROM #4962, # 7 9 7 3 )

OT:4968Methuwshelach (meth-oo-sheh'-lakh); from OT:4962 and OT:7973; man of a dart;

OT:4962 math (math); an adult (as of full length); by implication, a man OT:7973 shelach (sheh'-lakh); from OT:7971; a missile of attack,


OT:3929Lemek (leh'-mek); from # 4 3 4 7

OT:4347makkah, a blow, by implication, a wound; carnage, also beaten, slaughter, smote, X sore, stripe, stroke, wound((-ed)).


OT:5146Noach (no' -akh); the same as OT:5118; rest

OT:5118nuwach (noo'-akh); or nowach (no'-akh); from OT:5117; quiet:


Mark Blitz 253 - 862 - 8010

  • Continuing to search out more “Hidden Messages” or Biblical Codes, or Foreshadowing of what is to be fulfilled in Jesus…can you give me some examples because:
  • John 5:46 If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me.
  • Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the Law (Torah or Teachings), or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
  • Foreshadowing:
  • Genesis 22 God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac
  • Abraham ≈ Father God
  • Isaac ≈ Jesus
  • 3 day journey to Mt. Moriah ≈ Jesus 3 days in the grave also sacrificed on Mt. Moriah
  • Verse 8 “God himself will provide the lamb” ≈ God provides Jesus for us
  • Verse 16 “and have not withheld your son, your only son” ≈ God sent Jesus
  • Genesis 24:38 “go to my father’s family and to my own clan, and get a wife for my son.”
  • Abraham ≈ Father God
  • Isaac ≈ Jesus
  • Rebekah ≈ Jews to be bride of Christ
  • Abraham’s unnamed chief servant ≈ the Holy Spirit
  • Genesis 37 story of Joseph
  • Joseph ≈ Jesus
  • His brothers ≈ Israel
  • Egypt ≈ Gentiles
  • Joseph (Jesus) rejected by his brothers (Jews/Israel) is sold off to Egypt (Gentiles),where Joseph becomes 2nd in command
  • Joseph’s brothers come out of need for Egypt’s provision to Joseph ≈ Israel comes to Jesus out of jealousy of his provision for the Gentiles
  • Joseph tests them, when they repent of what they had done to Joseph and want to spare Abraham from losing Benjamin (Joseph’s brother), Joseph finally reveals himself as their brother and brings the whole family into Egypt for provision during the famine ≈ in the End Times Israel repents and weeps for Jesus whom they rejected who then returns to bring them out of Petra (the place of refuge for the remnant of Israel) and back to Israel for the Millennial Reign! Zechariah 12:10-14
  • Each plague has an interesting connection to a particular god in Egypt ≈ Jesus proves Himself as God, stronger than any god in the Gentile world…He purchases His people out of sin (Egypt) and they leave with the riches of Egypt, full of health, He provides for their every need and nothing wears out!
  • The Book of Ruth
  • Ruth ≈ Gentile Church
  • Boaz ≈ Jesus, our kinsman redeemer
  • 2 Peter 1:20 “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation.” In Greek it means you cannot interpret Scripture based on it’s isolated passage, it must be interpreted in the whole, broad range of Scripture. Vs.21 “For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
  • ∴ All these Biblical Codes and Foreshadowing prove that the Bible is divinely dictated by God who not only has a plan from the beginning but has revealed this plan to inquiring minds!
  • Luke 24:25 He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself,…44He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” 45 Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
  • ∴ So we have the “Law of the Nation” in Leviticus, written out by Moses exactly word by word, actually, letter by letter as told by God…which Jesus claims above is written about Him! Let’s see what Leviticus 23 says about Jesus…what He has already fulfilled in His 1st Coming and what is yet to be fulfilled at His 2nd Coming.
  • Leviticus 23 “Appointed Times”

52 Sabbaths 6 days to work, 7th is a Sabbath day of rest

Passover begins at twilight on 14th day of 1st month

7Unleavened Bread begins on 15th and goes for 7 days

First Fruits on the day after the Sabbath, 2 days after Passover

1 Feast of Weeks/Pentecost/Shavout50 days after First Fruits

1Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah1st day of 7th month

1Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement10th day of 7th month

7Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot15th day of 7th month

+1 8thDay of Assembly/ShiminiAtzeret closing assembly after 7 days of Sukkot 70 Appointed Days to meet with God!

  • The Feast of Passover is fulfilled by Jesus being our Passover Lamb…He proclaims “It is finished” and dies on the cross at the same time the High Priest sacrifices the Passover Lamb and also proclaims “It is finished”!
  • Unleavened Bread is a week-long “appointed time” to be without leaven (sin) in your house (body). There was careful preparation in every Jewish household searching to get the leaven out at the same time Jesus turns over the sales tables in the Temple…He was getting the leaven out of His Father’s house!
  • First Fruits is a Feast where the first ripened of the harvest is brought to God signifying the rest of the harvest will be reaped…Jesus is the First Fruit of the harvest to be raised to eternal glory with God…we who believe Him are promised to be harvested.
  • Feast of Weeks/Pentecost/Shavout is fulfilled by Jesus sending the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost!
  • The first Pentecost happened on Mt. Sinai with the giving of the Law and 3,000 died. This is the Birth of a Nation – Israel. God sets Israel apart to spread His Word. He gives them His Law (Torah or Teachings) to preserve for all times. We owe them a great debt for preserving the Word of God so accurately over thousands of years and can learn so much by looking at the 318 Laws given in the Torah.
  • The second fulfillment of Pentecost occurred when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to those gathered and 3,000 were saved! This is the Birth of the Church. God calls the Church to spread His Word and gives them power in the Holy Spirit to do so. Acts 1:8
  • ∴Since the first 4 Feasts were fulfilled by Jesus on their actual Feast Days, the Fall Feasts are also expected to be finally fulfilled on their actual days by Jesus Christ at His 2nd Coming!
  • Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah is a day of blowing of the ram’s horn called the shofar. A horn or trumpet is blown in Israel to gather an assembly before the Lord, sound a battle alarm and to announce the coronation of a new king!
  • Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement is the most solemn day of the year…a day devoted to fasting and repenting of one’s sins. An atonement (covering) is made for the past year’s sins. However, Jesus as God’s Lamb under the New Covenant takes away sin!
  • Zechariah 12:10 Mourning for the One they pierced
  • Zechariah 13 Cleansing from sin
  • Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot/The Feast of Ingathering
  • Zechariah 14 The LORD comes and reigns = Millennial Reign!
  • Homework: Read Leviticus 23, Chapter 4 - Passover from The Feasts of the LORD book (or a chapter on Passover from a library book on the Feasts) and read the first Hallel Psalms 113

Jewish Holy Days: The Making of a Baby

By J. R. Church

Zola Levitt discovered an amazing correlation between Jewish Holy Days and the gestation of a human baby, from conception to birth. While preparing for writing a book for new parents, Zola contacted a gynecologist for some help in understanding gestation. During that session, the gynecologist showed him a series of pictures, pointed to the first one (an egg and a sperm) and said, "On the fourteenth day of the first month, the egg appears." The statement struck a chord in his Jewish mind because that was the date ofPassover.He remembered the roasted egg on his family table every Passover. Now, for the first time, he knew what it meant! Not wanting to lead the gynecologist off from the subject at hand, he didn’t say anything, but continued to listen.

The gynecologist continued: "The egg must be fertilized within 24 hours, or it will pass on." This reminded Zola ofthe Feast of Unleavened Breadand the seed or grain that"fell into the ground and died"in order to produce a harvest, the firstfruits of which was presented to God. Next, the gynecologist said, "Within two to six days, the fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the womb and begins to grow." And, sure enough, the Jewish evangelist thought, "The Feast of Firstfruitsis observed anywhere from two to six days after Passover!"

Next, he was shown a photo of an embryo showing arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, a head, eyes, etc. The caption said, "Fifty days." The gynecologist continued, "Around the fiftieth day, the embryo takes on the form of a human being. Until then, we don’t know if we have a duck or a tadpole." Zola thought, "That’sPentecost!"

The next picture showed the embryo at seven months. The gynecologist said, "On the first day of the seventh month, the baby’s hearing is developed. For the first time, it can hear and distinguish sounds outside the womb." Zola knew that was the date for the JewishFestival of Trumpets.

The gynecologist continued, "On the tenth day of the seventh month, the hemoglobin of the blood changes from that of the mother, to a self-sustaining baby." Zola thought, "That’sthe Day of Atonement,when the blood was taken into the Holy of holies!"

Next, the gynecologist said, "On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, the lungs become fully developed. If born before then, the baby would have a hard time breathing." And Zola thought, "That’sthe festival of Tabernacles, a time of celebrating the Temple, home of the Shekinah glory or Spirit of God." In the New Testament, the Greek termpneuma, normally translated as "breath," is applied to the "Holy Spirit."

Birth takes place on the tenth day of the ninth month. Eight days after birth, in Jewish families, a son is circumcised. Zola noted that the eight days ofHanukkahare celebrated right on schedule, nine months and ten days afterPassover.

No human being could have understood the gestation period 3,500 years ago. The establishment of the Jewish Holy Days was given to Moses by Jehovah, Himself. Its correlation with the human gestation period is not only remarkable; it proves "Intelligent Design." It proves the existence of an intelligence beyond this world. It proves that there is a Creator God that guides the affairs of man.