To:David K. Clinton, Vice Division Commander VCDR
James Botsolis, Division Commander DCDR
From:Craig C. Hall, VFC 12-3
Date:April 18, 2010
Subject:Division 12 Coordination of National Safe Boating Week 2010
This memorandum outlines the communication for the Division 12 coordination of National Safe Boating Week (NSBW) 2010. The plan was finalized following feedback from David K. Clinton and James Botsolis and communicated to division and flotilla leadership.
This is the first coordinated effort of organized activities for NSBW within Division 12’s area of responsibility (AOR.)A simple approach to outreach was believed to be the best way to inform, educate, and to develop stronger relationships between the USCGAUX and communities along the South Shore. This approach is seen as a stepping stone to further cooperation and relations in the future.
Outline of Plan
1. Focus on building relationships with SouthShore communities by inviting them to collaborate on NSBW activities. A letter (copy attached) to SouthShore community leaders was mailed explaining NSBW, the involvement of the USCGAUX, and opportunity for community partnership.
2. A focus on the awareness of NSBW through local proclamations and media outreach.
3. The coordination of meetings with communities to inform and educate them on NSBW and what the USCGAUX can offer during NSBW and throughout the year.
4. Conduct media outreach before, during, and after NSBW through a) request for editorial board meetings, b) press releases, and c) fact sheets on life jacket usage and statistics.
This approach taken will allow the greatest flexibility to collaborate and partner on activities. The focus of the letter to communities and accompanying fact sheet is to offer ideas for joint activities. Assumptions were made on the three areas communities may be most interested in and what activities members could easily conduct. The three areas of activities relate to division and flotilla officers involved with marine safety and environmental protection, public education, and vessel examinations. These are also activities members in general provide on a regular basis.
The coordination (or single point of contact) was believed to be the most efficient and effective manner in which to address media relations, contact and request assistance from division officers, flotilla commanders, and flotilla officers. This single point of contact will provide a stream of communication up and down the chain of leadership as well as with community leaders and the media.
An operational demonstration of life jacket use is believed to be the best idea to kick-off NSBW. Depending on water temperature this could be anything from a demonstration of inflation to buoyancy, to hyperthermia. Several of these demonstrations could be done in conjunction with harbormasters at different locations in the AOR. For example Weymouth, Quincy, and Marshfieldharbor.
The media plan will begin during the week of April 25-May 1. Because of the importance of a single point of contact for this first effort around coordination, all media relations on this subject will be coordinated through me with the assistance of the SO-PA and FSO-PAs.
The media roll-out will begin with announcement of the upcoming NSBW, boating statistics and involvement of the USCGAUX. The second wave of media outreach will focus on activities of communities and the USCGAUX. The idea for this second wave is to announce proclamations and operational demonstrations. A request for op-ed, feature, and editorial board opportunities will also be made at this time. This will provide division leaders and subject-matter experts and opportunity to discuss some of the important activities of the USCGAUX. The third wave will be activities during NSBW by flotillas and communities. The last wave will provide highlights of the week as well as season-long volunteer activities of USCGAUX members in our AOR.
The success of this coordination will depend on the communication and information sharing by division, flotilla, and members about planned activities by flotillas, communities (including proclamations,) as well as regular activities surrounding the goals and objectives of NSBW.
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