Year One Long Term Plan

Subjects / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Science / Animals, including humans
Identify and name common animals incl. fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Identify animals that are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Basic parts of human body. / Seasonal changes Autumn and Winter
Observe changes across the seasons, observe and describe weather associated with the season and how day length varies. Recording day length, rain etc. / Materials
Distinguish between the object and the material it is made from, identify and name materials, describe physical properties, compare and group based on simple properties. / Seasonal changes Spring and Summer
Observe changes across the seasons, observe and describe weather associated with the season and how day length varies. Recording day length, rain etc. / Plants
Identify and name common wild and garden plants including deciduous and evergreen tress.
Identify and describe the basic structure of common flowering plants including trees. / Great Scientists and Inventors
A series of experiments consolidating scientific knowledge and enquiry skills.
Computing / Programmable Toys–beebots, beebot app / Algorithms and debugging–Daisy the Dinosaur and Kodable / Word processing skills – Documents
Create, organised, store and retrieve / Painting/drawing with technology–Doodle buddy/Doodle art / Photography – editing using pixlr.
Create, store, retrieve and edit / Common uses of IT and safety.
Create information poster about keeping safe with IT.
Music / Exploration of sound with untuned instruments– long and short sounds, tempo, volume / Using voices–sing songs, chants and rhymes / Un-tuned instruments – rhythm and pulse. Creating own music using untuned instruments. / Music around the world – listen with concentration and understanding. / Tuned instruments- Ocarina / Composition and performance – creating, selecting and combining sounds using different dimensions of music.
PE / Tag Rugby / Hockey / Basketball / Dance / Tennis / Athletics
Humanities / Toys
Changes within living memory, toys from grandparents and parents, how have they changed? / Wild weather (Geography)
Weather patterns, seasonal and daily. Location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to equator and north and south poles. / Travel and Transport
Events beyond living memory, significant events e.g. first aeroplane flight / Our local area(Geography)
Similiarities and differences of human and physical geography of local area and contrasting non-european country. / Great Explorers
Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong / Our country(Geography)
Name and locating geographical features.
Art/DT / Art
Drawing – sketching skills, shading.
Still life observational drawings – Artist – Paul Cezanne / DT
Foodtechnology–where food comes from. Healthy food and food groups.Designing and making a healthy breakfast smoothie. / Art
Colour Chaos – mixing colours, tints and tones.
Artist – Mark Rothko / DT
Structures – designing and making model homes.
Structure and interior design. / Art
Collage – cutting using scissors.
Artist - Henri Matisse.
Use - Henri's Scissors By Jeanette Winter. / DT –movable toys – explore split pins and paper levers.
Design and create own vehicle using axles and wheels.
PSHE / New Beginnings / Getting on and Falling out / Going for goals! / Good to be me / Relationships / Changes
RE / Caring for others –RakshaBandhan, The Good Samaritan, Langar meals,
(learning about and from religions) / Gifts and giving (Ramadan, Zakat and Christmas)
(learning about and from religions) / Friendship (learning from religions)
Who are my friends?
How Can I Be a Good Friend?The Wind and the Moon (Buddhism)
The Deer and the Crow (Hinduism)
David and Jonathan (Christianity)
12 Special Friends (Christianity - discples) / Easter Story – retelling events that happened, symbol of the cross, understanding how the disciples felt. / Religion and Rituals – I know some of the things that people of a religion do. / Places of Worship-
Church. I can recognise religious objects. I recognise religious people. I know what some religious words mean.