Student Name:

Literature for Children LAE 3414 UCF

Website Exploration/Author Study GLOG

ESOL 3, 11 & 18 or new ESOL 2.3, 3.3

Note: Create this Glog as if it would be a center in your future classroom. All items should have explanatory captions where the viewer knows what will be found when accessed. Providing guiding questions for students to look for when they access a certain section is recommended! A Teaching Resource section is recommended and could be part of the website requirements noted below. Author videos are also recommended. allows for direct linking to these sites. Please link directly to sites using the link tool!

Name of Author ; Picture of the author / ¼ _
Biographical information (bulleted) / ½
Book List (minimum of three books for presentation) / 1
Interesting-fun facts (bulleted) / ½ _
Websites listed explained/linked*(minimum of three; could be teacher resources) / 1 _
Email/snail mail address / ¾
Workmanship/creativity (error free) / 2
Engaging/prepared/professional in-class presentation / 2
3-R Reflection (error free) * Due the week AFTER you present! / 2
/10 pts.


Unacceptable (0 pts) / Developing (1 pt) / Proficient (2 pts)
Unacceptable (0 pts) / Developing (1 pt) / Proficient (2 pts)
Knowledge and
A2e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;
A2g. Integrates current information and communication technologies; / The web exploration project, an online multimedia poster, demonstrates a cursory summary of the resources available on the Internet related to a selected author/illustrator and a lack of understanding that technology can enhance learning opportunities. The final project is not developmentally appropriate for the age of the child most likely to read the author/illustrator’s books, lacks intellectual and visual stimulation, and contains an incomplete number of interactive links that fail to engage interest, expand student learning, and give diverse learners options for acquiring information. The project contains writing errors, and the reflection does not show an understanding of how technology, such as this, can be incorporated into the classroom. / The web exploration project, an online multimedia poster, or similar technology, demonstrates a sufficient summary of the many resources available on the Internet related to a selected author/illustrator and an understanding that technology can enhance learning opportunities. The final project is developmentally appropriate for the age of the child most likely to read the author/illustrator’s books, intellectually and visually stimulating, and contains the correct number of interactive links to engage interest, expand student learning, and give diverse learners options for acquiring information. The project is free of writing errors and includes a thorough reflection that explains how technology, such as this, can be incorporated into the classroom. / The web exploration project, an online multimedia poster, or similar technology, demonstrates a thorough summary of the many resources available on the Internet related to a selected author/illustrator and an understanding that technology can enhance learning opportunities. The final project is developmentally appropriate for the age of the child most likely to read the author/illustrator’s books, intellectually and visually stimulating, and contains the correct number of interactive links as well as additional components to engage interest, expand student learning, and give diverse learners options for acquiring information. The project is free of writing errors and includes an exemplary reflection that explains how technology, such as this, can be incorporated into the classroom in new and innovative ways.
Dispositions (if applicable)
Commitment to life-long learning (CF)
Maintains high academic standards (CF)
ESOL 2.3
Demonstrate an understanding of the components of literacy and apply theories of second language literacy development to support ELLs’ learning. / The web project does not include materials and procedures that support English learners and learners with special needs. / The web project includes but does not explicitly identify materials and teaching procedures that support English learners and learners with special needs / The web project explicitly identifies materials and teaching procedures that support English learners and learners with special needs.