The Oaks Surgery, Swanley, Kent
Action Plan 2013/14
This Action has been drawn up following the Patient Experience Survey carried in December 2012 and January 2013. The survey was devised and carried out by Patient Voice (The Oaks Patient Participation Group) working in partnership with the surgery and with advice from The Primary Care Trust.
The results of the survey have been analysed and from this an Action Plan has been developed. The plan sets out some key issues that need to be addressed in the short term and it identifies longer term objectives that whilst in the plan, may take longer to achieve and are in the main dependent upon sufficient financial and staff resources becoming available.
The Plan will be monitored regularly by the Surgery and Patient Voice to ensure progress is made.
Out thanks to all those who took part in the survey.
Matter identified by the Survey / Resulting objective / What needs to be done / Timescale / ResponsibilityAlmost 90% of patients described their experience at the Practice as excellent or good / Continue to maintain and improve where possible the quality of Health care services provided to patients / Careful selection and recruitment of staff. Provide adequate training where required and conduct regular review and appraisal. / Ongoing / Partners and Practice Manager
Many patients expressed concern about the difficulty to make appointments by telephone due to excessive response times. / This issue has been a cause for concern for sometime. The objective is to reduce excessive telephone response times by using a range of new approaches to appointment making. / All available staff resources are devoted to peak time telephone calls for appointments. However, because of the demand for duty doctor appointments at reception at the same peak times some staff resources are distracted from the telephone. This problem will be examined again to see what can be done. A feasibility study will be undertaken to see if an “on-line” booking system can be introduced for patients who have a pc and internet connection. The telephone system will be reviewed to see if more helpful information can be provided to patients attempting to book by telephone including alternatives and approximate telephone waiting times. The automated telephone booking system which is little used and reported as unreliable will be reviewed to see if it continues to provide a useful service. / 12/24 months / Practice Manager and Partners
The survey revealed considerable concern about the decorative condition and comfort of the surgery waiting room. Comments were made about the waiting area being too small / To undertake a programme of redecoration and repair and improvements to lighting and seating / The programme of works will need to be undertaken over a period of time as the waiting u room is in constant use and financial resources are limited. Working for contractors out of hours and weekends increases costs. However disruption will be kept to a minimum. There are insurmountable problems preventing the enlargement of the waiting room area without a extensive rebuilding project for which there is currently no plans or financial provision. The matter will always be under review and if in the future opportunities arise for such a project they will be considered. / 12 mths / Practice Manager
Cleanliness of the surgery / There were no comments on the standard of clinical cleanliness in the surgery but there was a perception that cleanliness could be improved in the waiting areas. / It is felt this is associated with the worn and tired appearance of the decoration and fittings in the waiting room. The redecoration and repair plan should address this issue. The Practice will continue to liaise with the contract cleaning company to ensure standards are meet. / On going / Practice Manager
Excessive time to see own GP / To keep the time taken for a patient to see their preferred GP to the minimum that is reasonably possible. / The demand for appointments at the surgery remains at a high level. It is vital that the doctors have a manageable work load to ensure proper patient care and safety. The management of that demand is complicated by the number of patientswho attend the surgery on a daily basis to see a duty doctor. This demand reduces the number of scheduled appointments the doctor can take. There needs to be a programme of patient education and advice to ensure duty doctor demand is kept to the most urgent needs together with the alternatives for care through pharmacies, walk in care centre and Minor Injuries units. Did not attend is an issue and there is a need to urge patients to cancel unwanted appointments. / 12mths / All staff and Patient Voice
Need for weekend and evening appointments / A number of patients welcomed and found useful the introduction of the early morning appointments particularly those who needed to go before going to work.A few questioned why the surgery could not open later or at weekends. There is a need to revisit this issue to see what the real need is. / Keeping the surgery open for longer hours in the evening is a logistical problem. Doctors working later hours will need to spend less daytime hours in the surgery when daytime demand is already high. During the evenings cleaning and essential maintenance is carried out. Not least more time whether weekends or evenings is yet another financial demand which might not be cost effective when the need is properly assessed. It is intended to conduct a more detailed inquiry into the extent of the demand that has been identified. / 12mths / Practice Manager with Patient Voice
The survey indicated a very limited use of the electronic prescribing system. / The objective should be to increase usage of the electronic prescribing system. This will only happen if confidence in the system is increased by eliminating problems at both pharmacy and surgery level. / Work with the PCT to resolve problems of the electronic prescribing system. Ensure system compatibility between the surgery and local pharmacies. Advertise the facility and advise patients on how the system has to be used. / 12mths / Practice Manger and Patient Voice