State Guardian ad Litem Board


Rice County Courthouse #4

218 3rd St. NW

Faribault, MN

September 12, 2017

Board Members present: Senior Judge Leslie MetzenChair,Korina Barry, John Day, J. Lindsey Flint, CrystaParkin

Board Members absent: W. Blair Anderson

Board Members remote: Sherry Haley612

GAL Board Staff Members Present:Kristen Trebil, Program Administrator, Linda Potter, HR Manager, Sabrina Nissen, 3rdDistrict Manager, Kaleena Burke, Training Analyst, Fran Hesch, Program Staff

Welcome – Senior Judge Metzen welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

Public Comment – No public comments.

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

August 10, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes –Approval of the August 10 Board meeting minutes: moved (Parkin), seconded (Barry),approved unanimously.

Update May 11, 2017 Complaint Investigation and Appeals Policy

The board reviewed theComplaint Investigation and Appeals Policy. The board amended the policy to change the complaint submission to the GALP from 30 days to 60 days and removed “business days” under the Policy section. The term “business days” was left in the remaining policy procedure.

Moved (Flint), seconded (Day), approved unanimously.

Budget Summary –Met with Director of Finance,Dan Ostdiek who will attend the next board meeting (possibly by phone). It has been reported that the program is carrying approximately $1 million deficit each year for past 5 years. It has been reported that there is under $500,000 in the state-wide reimbursement fund. Issue: How to ask districts to work within budget considering deficit? Mr. Ostdiekwill make recommendations which will be brought to next managers’ meeting. Not much flexibility considering bulk of expenditures are personnel related. We have increased by 33.6 FTEs since 2012 roughly 20% increase. SCAO contract and Workman’s Comp have increased significantly from past years. More detail needs to be obtained regarding these increases. Upcoming retirements, which may provide opportunities, will be discussed at upcoming managers’ meeting.

MGA(Minnesota Government Agency access) –MGA has been developed by Court to provide limited access to non-Family Court cases to non-Court agencies. Court needs to establish new event codes and document security level for documents to be able to provide our program access to Family Court cases. Has not yet been developed in Family Court. GAL in 2nd/10thdistricts will continue to have access in MGA and MNICS via a parallel test pilot, October through March. All results will be provided to State Court Administration. Courts are open to our justification of need for access per pilot but have final decision. All other districts will have full access to MNCIS until end of pilot.

All users will need to sign a subscriber agreement. Parkin moved to approve the Master-Subscriber-Agreement for MN Court Data Services for Governmental agencies, Barry seconded, approved unanimously.

Collections Issue: Background: State Finance and Legal cut off access to Revenue Recapture as well as significantly limiting MNCIS financial rights. SCAO Financial and Legal said from April on, Courts will take over screener/collector duties in 2 impacted districts – 10th and 2ndand 5th. Practices are not uniform across the state. Courts already collect for public offenders, municipalities, probation, DOC, etc. SCAO brought proposal to JAD for statewide consistency at which time there was disagreement from district administrators that it is their responsibility. There is no interim plan for court-ordered collections at this time in the impacted counties/districts. Statute governing this is subject to interpretation. AG’s office may be enlisted to aid in interpretation. Trebil and Judge Metzen agree that Judicial Council and GAL Board should make decision, not JAD. What will GALP need to completely internalize role? Potter listed some potential considerations. Worst case scenario: GALP may need to create collections unit – 4/5 staff, create Revenue Recapture account, bank account, policies. Support was expressed for meeting with SCAO leadership to discuss further. Depending on outcome of discussions, Board direction by phone may be needed.

National Center for State Courts Report–Trebil discussed three NCSC’s recommendations chosen to pursue:

Recommendation 3 - Regionalization of Program – Facilitated meeting (Barb Tuckner) with a managers’ work group will take place prior to next board meeting at which time update will be provided.

Recommendation 2 - Cost Analysis of Volunteer Model– Trebil, (2) SCAO Finance will assist, Laurie Kusak, Laura Miles. One meeting has taken place with second meeting on September 13.

Recommendation 1 – Family Court Resources and Model

. Develop work group to investigate GALP getting out of Family Court:

  • In order to defend results of task force, care must be taken in setting it up. Board/Managers/Court need to be on same page on Vision/Scope. Managers believe that we should be driven by best services for children.
  • Is this the right time to do this publicly? Haley suggests we tackle this internally while we deal with other pressing issues facing the board (financial deficits, MGA, etc.). Flint suggests that subcommittee of board meet to make recommendations on board priorities as well as vision/scope of our work within Family Court. Composition: Couple of board members, managers, Trebil, GAL or two from Family Court? Two to three meetings within the next six weeks. Barry, Flint, Parkin volunteered to participate.

Public Access Request Process –Handout reflects change to first page, last paragraph, clarifying that GAL case files are not public data. The change is accepted.

Strategic Planning Goals – Chair Metzen:

Handouts - Mission and Values – new document will be compiled containing changes and will be reviewed at last meeting. Strategic issues discussion should be done annually and completed each year by November 30.

Administrator Goals Handout - reviewed and accepted, subject to change.

HR Contract Update– Potter


GAL Brochure – make two-sided, one page to which GAL can attach business card in order to customize. Per managers, complaint language should be softened to ensure transparency, but not overemphasis. Potter will reformat and rework complaint language to bring for vote at next board meeting, in order to provide at GAL Institute training.

Criminal Background Check Procedure – Potter explained how we will continue to meet statute if we discontinue fingerprinting and rely on DHS to do fingerprinting, since by statute, results of fingerprints cannot impact our actions regarding personnel.

Complaint Policy and Procedure (handout) – discussion took place regarding definition of formal versus informal complaints. Language related to informal complaints was struck and “formal” was removed. Potter will bring updated version to October meeting.

Haley left meeting.


Proposed Exemplary Service Award Policy (handout) was addressed by Potter.Barry Moved, Parkin seconded. Approved unanimously.

Training Institute – Discussion -Burkes asked board to review procedures during previous institutes.

Program Administrator’s Update – Trebil

Judge Metzenterm is up in January, appointed by the governor. New board orientation needs to be done. Input is welcome from Barry, as newest board member. Please submit names for new chair next month with vote for new chair scheduled in November. Co-chair or Vice-chair role is being considered.

E-mail retention policy goes into effect October 1 – mandatory on-line training for staff and volunteers is available.

Concerns are being expressed by Courts about unassigned (403) CHIPS cases.

Juvenile Rules committee has representation from 8th and 4th District.

Staff Comment –None

Barry moved; Parkin seconded close to executive session.

Meeting Adjourned - The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:45 am.

Board Meeting Schedule – FALL MEETING CHANGES:

Thursday, October 12, 9 a.m.– noon

Itasca County Courthouse, Boardroom #121, 123 NE 4th Street, Grand Rapids

Thursday, November 2, 8 -noon at Mystic Lake Conference Center.

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