Glendale Community College

Introduction to Computer Networks

CS/IS 190 - Ticket #3214

In SR 314 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:55 PM to 10:05 PM

INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Don Hodges

Email: / Web Site:
Office phone: 818-240-1000 x 3037 / Office Hours: Before Class, 6:15pm to 6:55pm in SR321

CS/IS 190 is an 8 week (1/2 semester), 3 unit course designed to train the student in the design, construction and maintenance of Local Area Networks (LANs). The course focuses on the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) so that the student will be able to integrate a local area network into the Internet. The course is designed to give the student complete knowledge of small business networks.



1.  Select the appropriate network and equipment for their installation.

2.  Install the hardware and software for a simple local area network.

3.  Select appropriate hardware and software to integrate different networks.

4.  Explain the Open System Interconnection (OSI) networking model.


Week / Date / Agenda
1 Mon 2/20 / Holiday – NO CLASS
1 Wed 2/22 / Course Introduction and Overview of Syllabus
Chapter 1: CompTIA Network+ in a Nutshell
2 Mon 2/27 / Chapter 2: Network Models
Chapter 3: Cabling and Topology
2 Wed 3/1 / Chapter 4: Ethernet Basics
Chapter 5: Modern Ethernet
3 Mon 3/6 / Chapter 6: Installing a Physical Network
Chapter 7: TCP/IP Basics
3 Wed 3/8 / Chapter 8: Routing
Chapter 9: TCP/IP Applications
4 Mon 3/13 / Chapter 10: Network Naming
Chapter 11: Securing TCP/IP
4 Wed 3/15 / Chapter 12: Advanced Networking Devices
Midterm Review
5 Mon 3/20 / Midterm Exam – Covers Chapters 2 through 11
5 Wed 3/22 / Chapter 13: IPv6
Chapter 14: Remote Connectivity
6 Mon 3/27 / Chapter 15: Wireless Networking
Chapter 16: Virtualization and Cloud Computing
6 Wed 3/29 / Chapter 17: Building A Real-World Network
Chapter 18: Managing Risk
7 Mon 4/3 / Chapter 19: Protecting Your Network
Chapter 20: Network Monitoring
7 Wed 4/5 / Chapter 21: Network Troubleshooting
8 Mon 4/10 / Class presentations / Review for Final Exam
8 Wed 4/12 / Final Exam – Covers chapters 12 through 21
GRADES / Percent
Homework Assignments / 25%
Midterm Examination / 25%
Final Examination / 25%
Class Attendance / 10%
Presentation / 15%
Total / 100%
Total Score % /


90-100 / A
80-89 / B
70-79 / C
60-69 / D
Below 60 / F

Network+ Exam Bonus:

Any student who successfully completes the CompTIA Network+ exam and shows proof of passing will receive an automatic “A” grade in the class. Please note that this is entirely optional and is not required for this class.

First Day Drop Policy:

This instructor reserves the right to drop students who do not attend the first class meeting if no prior arrangements were made for the absence.

Assignment due dates:

Assignments will each have a due date. As a rule, the due date will correspond with a class meeting. Each must be turned in by the due date & time, or before. A penalty of 10% per week (or fraction of a week) will be levied on all late work. Also, any homework assignment turned in after the answers for that assignment have been given out, will be given a score of zero.

Reading Assignments:

Students should have the reading assignment done prior to the start of class. The purpose of the lecture is to go over the reading material, clarifying difficult points.

Text Book:

There is 1 required textbook. It should be available at the GCC bookstore for around $60. It may be available for less if bought elsewhere.

Title: Network+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Sixth Edition
Author: Mike Meyers
ISBN: 978-0-07-184822-0
Publisher: McGraw-Hill


There will be a midterm and a final examination for this class.

Make-up Policy

There are no make-up examinations in this course.


Choose a networking topic that is of interest to you. Study web sites as well as periodicals and write a critical analysis of the topic. Prepare a 2 to 5 minute brief that you will present to the class. You may use PowerPoint and a web browser as part of your presentation. The presentations will be conducted at the beginning of each class. It is recommended that you get your presentation done early and get it out of the way. Since no one will be presenting on the same topic you will want to reserve your topic early. Send an email to me with the topic you want to present (earliest email date and time gets it). Look for topics which are not found in the textbook.

Academic Honesty Policy:

This instructor follows the Glendale Community College Honesty Policy as listed in the Glendale Community College Catalog and the Student Handbook (free at Information Desk near Admissions). Students are, at all times, required to do their own work. No copying of other students’ work, whether on a test or on routine class work, is allowed at any time. Activities that are considered to be cheating include, but are not limited to, the following: communication with another person during an exam, accessing materials electronic or otherwise without the instructor’s express permission. Violation of any of these rules (i.e. cheating) could result in a lowering of the exam grade or the course grade (e.g. a “Fail”), and the violator’s name and student I.D. number will be sent, with a description of the violation, to the Division Chair and to the Vice President of Instruction to be kept on record for future reference. The Dean of Student Activities may also be contacted for disciplinary action, if necessary.

Special Needs:

If you have special needs as a student, it is your responsibility to make these needs known to the instructor.

Disabled Students:

All students with disabilities requiring accommodations are responsible for making arrangements in a timely manner through the Center for Students with Disabilities.

Email response by Instructor:

I try to answer email in a timely manner. If you send me an email any time Monday thru Friday afternoon, I will usually respond within a day at the most, however, if you email me late on Friday, you might not get a response until sometime on Monday.


Students are required to attend all class sessions. Any student missing more than one consecutive class meeting must call or email to inform the instructor. Missing more than 2 class meetings could seriously jeopardize a student’s grade and could, without arrangements made with the instructor, make him/her subject to being dropped from the course.

Class Rules

1.  Be on time.

2.  Keep all food and drink out of the classroom. Water is OK as long as you are very careful with it.

3.  Be gentle with the classroom computers.

4.  The viewing of offensive or inappropriate material in the lab or class is not allowed.

5.  Cell phones and other electronic devices which emit a noise must be silenced prior to the start of class.

6.  When you leave the classroom, start the shutdown procedure for your computer and push in your chair.

7.  If you need to leave the classroom during a lecture, you may do so without asking. Please exit as quietly as possible, and, if you return, do so quietly as well.

8.  The class will have a 20 minute break, usually starting at around 8:20 PM.

Student Email Accounts

Please activate your GCC student email account; you can do this by going to MyGCC ( This is one way the school communicates important information, and if you don’t activate your account, you won’t receive the information. This is also one way I will communicate with you. You can also set up the account to forward to a different email that you check regularly to make it more convenient.


Please address any issues you may have that are relative to this course with me either in person during my office hours (see above), by e-mail, or by telephone as early in the semester as possible (818-240-1000 X3037). If you and I cannot resolve the issue, I will refer you to the division chair, Rory Schlueter, , 818 240-1000 X5886, or see Seda Melikyan in the Division Office, SR 311, X5484, for an appointment.