
Honest, easy-going, responsible, teamworking, hardworking, impressive leadership and computer skills, strong research background of materials science & engineering.


2005.7―, Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 64287, Germany.


1.  1999.8―2005.6, Ph.D. in materials science (Supervised by Prof. K. Lu and Prof. J. Xu), Shenyang Laboratory for Materials Science (SYNL), Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shenyang, 110016, China.

2.  1995.9―1999.7, Bachelor D. in materials science & engineering, Shenang Institute of Technology. Shenyang, 110168, China.

Research Experiences

1.  Formation and properties of Ti-based alloy for biomedical materials

2.  Formation and properties of Ti-based amorphous alloys and Boride reinforced Ti-based amorphous matrix composites synthesized via mechanically alloying.

3.  Formation and glass-forming ability of multicomponent alloys with equiatomic substitution.

4.  Consolidation and properties of amorphous/nanostructured powders by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE/ECAP).

5.  Structure and properties of chill-cast dendrite/glassy or nanostructured TiCuNi-based alloy matrix composites.

Social Activities

1.  2004―, International Reviewer of Journal of Materials Research.

2.  Main participator of the project “consolidation of amorphous powders: synthesizing bulk amorphous alloy matrix composites” sponsored by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under contract № 59971054.

3.  One of the main participator of the project “synthesizing light-weight alloy based bulk amorphous alloys by consolidation in supercooled liquid region” in MANS team leaded by Prof. E. Ma (USA) sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

4.  2002―2005, designing & administrating the following three homepages: Non-equilibrium Alloy Division in SYNL; Prof. K. Lu group; Prof J. Xu group. Also as a volunteer of administrating and maintenance of the computers and network of Prof. J. Xu group.

5.  One of the main participators for some equipments' setting-up, repairing, reconstructing and maintenance, such as reconstructing a Bühler™ melt-spinning apparatus to enable it be used as copper mold casting as well as melt-spinning apparatus.

6.  1995―1999, Member of class committee in Shenyang Institute of Technology.

7.  July 1998, Practicing in the First Automobile Work of China (FAW).

Languages Skills

1.  Language Level (English & German)

a)  Fluent oral English, can communicate efficiently with people; be able to give talks and write reports and papers professionally and fluently in English.

b)  A little German, four months special German training in Germany (Speak+Write, Gesellschaft für Sprachunterricht mbH, 35037, Marburg).

2.  Computer Level

Windows 2000/XP, Word, PowerPoint, Origin, Photoshop, and software of web-making, etc.

3.  Professional Skills

a)  Equipment and apparatus: Skillfully operating the usual equipments needed in the area of glassy or nanostructured metallic materials; participated some equipments’ setting-up, repairing, reconstructing and maintenance.

b)  Sample Preparation: Operating arc melting, ball-milling, melt-spinning, copper mold casting independently.

c)  Sample Characterization: Manipulating X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Also, capable to analyze nanoindentation and mechanical testing curves.

Awards and Scholarships

1.  2005’ Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (Germany)

2.  2005’ Shi Changxu Scholarship (Institute of Metal Research, CAS)

3.  2004’ President Excellent Student Award (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

4.  2002’ Liu Yongling Scholarship (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

5.  2002’ Shi Changxu Scholarship (Institute of Metal Research, CAS)

6.  1999’ Excellent Graduate (Shenyang Institute of Technology)

5 Selected Publication List (total 13 papers)

1.  L.C. Zhang, Z.Q. Shen, and J. Xu: Thermal Stability of Mechanically Alloyed Boride/ Ti50Cu18Ni22Al4Sn6 Glassy Alloy Composites. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 351 (27-29), 2277-2286 (2005).

2.  L.C. Zhang, Z.Q. Shen, and J. Xu: Mechanically Milling-Induced Amorphization in Sn-containing Ti-based Multicomponent Alloy Systems, Materials Science and Engineering A, 394 (1-2), 204-209 (2005).

3.  L.C. Zhang, and J. Xu: Glass-forming Ability of Rapidly Solidified Multicomponent (Ti,Zr,Hf)-(Cu,Ni,Co)-Al Alloys. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 347 (1-3), 166-172 (2004).

4.  L.C. Zhang, Z.Q. Shen, and J. Xu: Glass Formation in a (Ti,Zr,Hf)-(Cu,Ni,Ag)-Al High-order Alloy System by Mechanical Alloying. Journal of Materials Research, 18 (9), 2141-2149 (2003).

5.  L.C. Zhang, J. Xu and E. Ma: Mechanically Alloyed Amorphous Ti50(Cu0.45Ni0.55)44-xAlxSi4B2 Alloys with Supercooled Liquid Region. Journal of Materials Research, 17 (7), 1743-1749 (2002).

Patents List

  1. L.C. Zhang, and J. Xu: A Class of Multicomponent Amorphous Ti-based Alloys, China Patent, № ZL01128161.8 (in Chinese)

2.  L.C. Zhang, X.Q. Zhang, and J. Xu: A Class of Boride Particulate Reinforced Amorphous Alloys Matrix Composites, China Patent (Pending), № 03111569.1 (in Chinese)

3.  L.C. Zhang, and J. Xu: A Class of Multicomponent Amorphous Alloys with Equiatomic Substitution, China Patent (Pending), № 03133804.6 (in Chinese)


1.  Professor Jürgen Eckert, E-mail:

Physikalische Metallkunde Material und Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Petersenstrasse 23, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.

2.  Professor Ke LU, E-mail:

Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, CAS

72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang, 110016, China.

3.  Professor Jian XU, E-mail:

Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, CAS

72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang, 110016, China.

4.  Professor Evan MA, E-mail:

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, 21218, USA.


CV of Lai-Chang Zhang