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You have proclaimed the Sacred Heart of Jesus as the King of ______. Here are some ways that can help you keep the Enthronement alive.

Say this renewal prayer daily:

Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, we renew our pledge of love and loyalty to you. Keep us always close to your loving Heart, and to the most Immaculate Heart of your Mother. May we love one another more each day, forgiving each other’s faults as you forgive us our sins. Teach us to see you in the members of our family and those we meet outside the home, loving them as you love them, especially the poor and oppressed, that we may be instrumental in bringing about justice and peace.

Please help us carry our cross daily out of love for you and help us strengthen this love by frequent participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist. Thank you, dear Jesus, for all the blessings of this day. Protect us and all families during this night. Help us to live that we might get to heaven.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for our family!

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us!

Our patron saints and guardian angels, pray for us! Amen.

On certain occasions gather around your Sacred Heart shrine for a more formal renewal of the consecration. For this purpose you may use the act of Consecration used on the day of your Enthronement.

Suggested occasions for this more solemn renewal are:

First FridaysBirthdaysWeddings

BaptismsAnniversariesFirst Communions

AnniversariesFamily ReunionsDeparture from Home

ThanksgivingChristmasNew Year’s Eve

On the anniversary of your Enthronement, or if you move, it is suggested that you repeat the entire ceremony. It is also suggested that you complete the Preparation Novena prior to your renewal ceremony. In this way you give a new token of your love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and ask for His continued blessings.

Since one of the purposes of the Enthronement is to bring you closer to Jesus in the Eucharist, the following practices are recommended:

Celebration of the Eucharist, as often as possible and especially on Sundays

Faithful use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Scripture Reading

Spiritual Reading

Holy Hours in the Home and Eucharistic Adoration in Church.

Monthly First Friday and First Saturday celebrations

Celebration of Solemnities or Feasts of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Sacred

Heart, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Christ the King

Make a difference for Christ in society



Facing the image, the business now makes its covenant with the Heart of Jesus, our Lord and Friend:


Jesus, our business proclaims you and enthrones you as Lord and Friend. Yes, Lord, we do want you to rule over our hearts and wills through your loving heart. Share our everyday life; our joys and sorrows. Be our well-beloved Brother, our intimate Friend!

Come, Lord Jesus, come! Our hearts are open to you. Stay with us, we need you. Release within us the power of your Spirit, the Healer, the Consoler. Save us from the evil forces seeking to destroy us.

Our Father in Heaven, take away our stony hearts and give us new hearts, unselfish, generous and pure hearts filled with love for you! Heal our hearts, bind up our wounds, unite us in love. May our love go beyond our gatherings and inspire us to love those in need as Jesus loves us.

Lord Jesus, to your loving, glorified Heart, your wounded Heart, we dedicate, we consecrate our weak our selfish hearts. We humbly acknowledge that without you, we can do nothing; but with your help and your grace, we can do all things; even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for you are with us, your rod and your staff, they comfort us.

Mary, Mother of the Church and our Mother, help us to be a true reflection of your Church, that is a community of love, a worshiping, praying family.

Good St. Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, watch over us as you watched over Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. Obtain for each of us that same loving trust in Divine Providence that sustained you in all your trials.

May the Lord bless us and keep us! May His face shine upon us and be gracious to us! May He look upon us with kindness and give us peace. And may Almighty God bless us – Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise the Lord, now and forever. Amen.





Kneeling or standing facing the image of the Sacred Heart, the FAMILY now makes their covenant with the Heart of Jesus, Our Lord and Friend:


Jesus, we proclaim You and Enthrone You as King and Friend of our family. Yes Lord, we do want You to rule over our hearts and wills through Your loving Heart. Share our everyday life; our joys and sorrows. Be our well beloved Brother, our intimate Friend!

Come, Lord Jesus, come! Our hearts and home are open to You. Stay with us, we need You. Release in our home the power of Your Spirit, the Healer, the Consoler. Save our family from the evil forces seeking to destroy us.

Our Father in heaven take away our stony hearts and give us new hearts; unselfish, generous and pure hearts filled with love for You! Heal our hurts, bind up our wounds, unite us in love. May our love go beyond our family and inspire us to love those in need as Jesus loves us.

Lord Jesus, to Your loving, glorified Heart, Your wounded Heart, we dedicate, we consecrate our weak, our selfish hearts. We humbly acknowledge that without You we can do nothing, but with Your help and Your grace we can do all things: even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for You are with us, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort us.

Mary, Mother of the Church and our Mother, help us to make our family a true reflection of Your Church, that is, a community of love, a worshiping, praying family.

Good St. Joseph, head of the Holy Family, watch over us as you watched over Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. Obtain for each of us that same loving trust in Divine Providence that sustained you in all your trials.

May the Lord bless us and keep us! May His face shine upon us and be gracious to us! May He look upon this family with kindness and give us peace! And may Almighty God bless us, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise the Lord, now and forever. Amen.



Facing the image, the hospital now makes its covenant with the Heart of Jesus, our Lord and Friend:


Jesus, our hospital proclaims you and enthrones you as Lord and Friend. Yes, Lord, we do want you to rule over our hearts and wills through your loving heart. Share our everyday life; our joys and sorrows. Be our well-beloved Brother, our intimate Friend!

Come, Lord Jesus, come! Our hearts are open to you. Stay with us, we need you. Release within us the power of your Spirit, the Healer, the Consoler. Save us from the evil forces seeking to destroy us.

Our Father in Heaven, take away our stony hearts and give us new hearts, unselfish, generous and pure hearts filled with love for you! Heal our hearts, bind up our wounds, unite us in love. May our love go beyond our gatherings and inspire us to love those in need as Jesus loves us.

Lord Jesus, to your loving, glorified Heart, your wounded Heart, we dedicate, we consecrate our weak our selfish hearts. We humbly acknowledge that without you, we can do nothing; but with your help and your grace, we can do all things; even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for you are with us, your rod and your staff, they comfort us.

Mary, Mother of the Church and our Mother, help us to be a true reflection of your Church, that is a community of love, a worshiping, praying family.

Good St. Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, watch over us as you watched over Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. Obtain for each of us that same loving trust in Divine Providence that sustained you in all your trials.

May the Lord bless us and keep us! May His face shine upon us and be gracious to us! May He look upon us with kindness and give us peace. And may Almighty God bless us – Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise the Lord, now and forever. Amen.



Facing the image, the organization now makes its covenant with the Heart of Jesus, our Lord and Friend:


O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, You revealed to St. Margaret Mary your desire to rule over nations and families. Behold, to please You, we are gathered here today as a special family to proclaim Your absolute dominion over all directors, administrators, professional and support staff and benefactors of ______(name of organization) and those they serve.

It is our desire to make a covenant of love with You. From now on we are determined to live Your life. In this special family we want to see flourish the virtues to which You promised peace on earth. We desire to keep far from us the spirit of the world which You have condemned. You will rule over our minds by the sincerity of our faith. You will rule over our hearts by our ardent love for You alone, and we will keep this fire of love ever burning in our hearts by frequent Mass and Communion and intimate prayer.

Deign O Divine Heart, to preside over our gatherings, to bless our undertakings both spiritual and temporal, to ward off all dangers, to sanctify our joys and to lighten our sufferings. If one of us should have the misfortune of displeasing You, remind him or her, O Sacred Heart, that You are full of goodness and mercy towards the repentant sinner.

And when this organization, its directors, administrators, professional and support staff and benefactors, and those they serve, are faced with tragedy of any kind, even death, we shall all bow humbly before your eternal decrees. This shall be our consolation: to remember that the day will come when our entire special family, once more united in heaven, shall be able to sing of Your glory and Your goodness forever. May the Immaculate Heart of Mary and glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph vouchsafe to offer You this, our act of consecration, and to keep the memory thereof alive in us all the days of our lives.

Glory to the Heart of Jesus, our King and our Friend!



Facing the image, the orphanage now makes it covenant with the Heart of Jesus, our Lord and Friend:


Jesus, our orphanage proclaims you and enthrones you as Lord and Friend. Yes, Lord, we do want you to rule over our hearts and wills through your loving heart. Share our everyday life; our joys and sorrows. Be our well-beloved Brother, our intimate Friend!

Come, Lord Jesus, come! Our hearts are open to you. Stay with us, we need you. Release within us the power of your Spirit, the Healer, the Consoler. Save us from the evil forces seeking to destroy us.

Our Father in Heaven, take away our stony hearts and give us new hearts, unselfish, generous and pure hearts filled with love for you! Heal our hearts, bind up our wounds, unite us in love. May our love go beyond our gatherings and inspire us to love those in need as Jesus loves us.

Lord Jesus, to your loving, glorified Heart, your wounded Heart, we dedicate, we consecrate our weak our selfish hearts. We humbly acknowledge that without you, we can do nothing; but with your help and your grace, we can do all things; even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for you are with us, your rod and your staff, they comfort us.

Mary, Mother of the Church and our Mother, help us to be a true reflection of your Church, that is a community of love, a worshiping, praying family.

Good St. Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, watch over us as you watched over Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. Obtain for each of us that same loving trust in Divine Providence that sustained you in all your trials.

May the Lord bless us and keep us! May His face shine upon us and be gracious to us! May He look upon us with kindness and give us peace. And may Almighty God bless us – Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise the Lord, now and forever. Amen.



Facing the image, the covenant is now made with the Heart of Jesus, our Lord and Friend.

PRIEST: Please kneel.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, King of Love and King of Truth, today it is my privilege, as shepherd of the flock You have entrusted to my care, to consecrate to Your loving Heart this parish – its clergy, its religious, its lay ministers, its musicians, its teachers, its families and its youth.

Look after all your loved ones in ______(name of parish), especially in all they do – in this parish, in their homes, in their workplaces, and in their community. Help all of us be good Samaritans in time of need. Bless all our undertakings and guide us in all our gatherings.

In a special way, I consecrate to Your merciful Heart, Good Shepherd, all sinners who have wandered from their Father’s house. May all of them, through the motherly intercession of Mary, Refuge of Sinners, return to You, so that there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.

ALL:Today, we freely and gratefully make a covenant of love with You, our King, our Brother, our Friend, our Redeemer. You are our Sovereign Lord and Master. You have chosen us as Your people of the New Covenant. Today we renew the covenant we made with You on the day of our Baptism, and together we promise Your faithfulness to all Your commands. Help us to see You in all we meet outside the blessed surroundings of our parish grounds and our homes. Whenever we assemble for worship or meetings at this parish, let us be ever mindful that we do so for Your honor and glory. Amen.



Facing the image, the prayer community now makes its covenant with the Heart of Jesus, our Lord and Friend:


Jesus, our prayer community proclaims you and enthrones you as Lord and Friend. Yes, Lord, we do want you to rule over our hearts and wills through your loving heart. Share our everyday life; our joys and sorrows. Be our well-beloved Brother, our intimate Friend!

Come, Lord Jesus, come! Our hearts are open to you. Stay with us, we need you. Release within us the power of your Spirit, the Healer, the Consoler. Save us from the evil forces seeking to destroy us.

Our Father in Heaven, take away our stony hearts and give us new hearts, unselfish, generous and pure hearts filled with love for you! Heal our hearts, bind up our wounds, unite us in love. May our love go beyond our gatherings and inspire us to love those in need as Jesus loves us.

Lord Jesus, to your loving, glorified Heart, your wounded Heart, we dedicate, we consecrate our weak our selfish hearts. We humbly acknowledge that without you, we can do nothing; but with your help and your grace, we can do all things; even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for you are with us, your rod and your staff, they comfort us.

Mary, Mother of the Church and our Mother, help us to be a true reflection of your Church, that is a community of love, a worshiping, praying family.

Good St. Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, watch over us as you watched over Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. Obtain for each of us that same loving trust in Divine Providence that sustained you in all your trials.

May the Lord bless us and keep us! May His face shine upon us and be gracious to us! May He look upon us with kindness and give us peace. And may Almighty God bless us – Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.