EDT 321 Web Design Evaluation


In-class Activity

Evaluate two websites of your choice. Put the URLs of the two websites in the first row of the following table. Rate the site according to the web design criteria of navigation, ease of use, the CRAP principles, audience appeal and suitability, and general overall impression in the columns for each website. Use a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 meaning the criteria was NOT met and 10 meaning the criteria was met completely. Please enter evaluation comments to explain your Rating decisions for each criteria. Post your completed project to your AFS space and link it to your website.

Web Design Criteria / URL: / URL: /
1. Navigation / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Navigation options are clearly marked and self-explanatory
§  Links to other pages and back to home page are functional
§  All links work
§  Links to other sites are relevant / Comment: / Comment:
2. Ease of Use / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Users can navigate without difficulty
§  Users can locate needed information easily
§  Help features are available and easy to access
§  Download speed is acceptable / Comment: / Comment:
3. CRAP Principles / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Contrast –colors support readability and understanding, headings and subheadings help with navigation
§  Repetition – page design is consistent for all pages
§  Alignment – page design helps users read the content
§  Proximity – related items are close to each other, information is easy to find / Comment: / Comment: .
4. Audience Appeal and Suitability / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Text is readable and in an appropriate font for the intended audience
§  Media elements enhance the content
§  Advertising does not interfere with content
§  The site invites the user to explore / Comment: / Comment:

Web design evaluation activity.doc Fall 04 Page 1

EDT 321 Web Design Evaluation

Web Design Criteria / URL: / URL: /
1. Navigation / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Navigation options are clearly marked and self-explanatory
§  Links to other pages and back to home page are functional
§  All links work
§  Links to other sites are relevant / Comment: / Comment:
2. Ease of Use / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Users can navigate without difficulty
§  Users can locate needed information easily
§  Help features are available and easy to access
§  Download speed is acceptable / Comment: / Comment:
3. CRAP Principles / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Contrast –colors support readability and understanding, headings and subheadings help with navigation
§  Repetition – page design is consistent for all pages
§  Alignment – page design helps users read the content
§  Proximity – related items are close to each other, information is easy to find / Comment: / Comment: .
4. Audience Appeal and Suitability / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally) / Rating: (1=NOT met.. 10=Met totally)
§  Text is readable and in an appropriate font for the intended audience
§  Media elements enhance the content
§  Advertising does not interfere with content
§  The site invites the user to explore / Comment: / Comment:

Web design evaluation activity.doc Fall 04 Page 1