Address: Rechov Dan 19/26 Jerusalem 93509

Tel: 02-6733255/ 067-971848

I.D.: 013596143

Place of birth:London, England

Date of birth: December 23rd 1944

Marital status: Married + 4 children


1967B.Sc (Hons)LondonSchool of Economics and Political Science

1973 Ph.DUniversity of Nottingham. Thesis: A Comparison of Jewish and Non-Jewish Family Life with Special Reference to Intergenerational Relations. Supervisor: Professor Julius Gould


1972-1974 Instructor Department of Criminology

1974-1978 Lecturer Department of Criminology

1978-1995 Senior Lecturer Department of Criminology

1995-to date Associate Professor Department of Criminology


1967-1968 Tutor Department of Sociology University of Nottingham

1972-86, 2002-4 Part-time position Institute of Criminology and Institute of Communications Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1979-1980Research Associate and Fulbright Scholar, Department of Sociology, QueensCollege, CityUniversity of New York

Pew Visting Associate Professor, GraetzCollege

Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania


1980-1982 Ministry of Interior Advisory Committee on Police and Prison Services

1981-1982 Film and Drama Censorship Board

1983-1984 Ministry of Education Committee on Adolescent Gambling

1989-1990 Ministry of Education Committee on Mass Media

1989-1991 Ministry of Police Committee on the Image of the Police

1994 to date Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Police Advisory Committee on Criminology

2001-2002Council of Higher Education Committee on the Academic Track in Criminology and Law Enforcement, College of Management

2001-2003 Ministry of Education Advisory Committee on the Study of School Violence


1975-1977Editor Crime and Social Deviance

1977-1990Editorial board Crime and Social Deviance

1991-1996Editorial board Communications, Politics and Society

1994 to dateEditorial board Megamot

2001Joint editor special issue of Qualitative Sociology on narratives of violence


1964-1967 London Borough of Barnet

1967-1970 Social Science Research Council

1971-1972 Jewish Memorial Council

1979-1980 Fulbright-Hays

1979-1980 American Philosophical Society


1978-1979 Sports Authority, Ministry of Education

1983-1985 American Joint Distribution Committee

1991-1992 Yad Tabenkin

1994-1995 Lucius N. Littauer Foundation

1995-2000 Bar-Ilan University Research Authority

1996-1997 Partners in Peace/Harry Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace

1998-1999 Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research

2000-2001 Israeli Criminological Association

2002-2003 Israeli Criminological Association

2002-2003 Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research



"The Writing Was On the Wall": Constructing Political Deviance in Israel. Bar IlanUniversity Press: Ramat Gan, 1998, 168pp.

Narratives of Violence Ashgate: Aldershot 2001 116pp.The first chapter, Terrorist Tales, will be reprinted in David Rapoport (ed) Terrorism: Critical Concepts in Political Science Routledge: London.

A War of Words: Political Violence and Public Debate in Israel Frank Cass: London (in press). Manuscript 190pp.


The Debate about Kahanism in Israeli Society 1984-1988. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, New York, 1988, 45 pp.

Chapters in Books

Community Theater as a Means of Preventing Crime in Yossi Alfi (ed) Community Theater and the Educational System Ministry of Education and Culture, Jerusalem 1976 pp. 20-25 (Hebrew).

Character Assassination in the Press, in Charles Winick (ed.), Deviance and Mass Media. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, 1978, pp. 225-241.

The Transmission of Religious Observance in the Contemporary Jewish Family: The Methodology and Findings of A London Suburban Study. In U.O. Schmelz, P. Glikson and S. Della Pergola (eds.), Papers in Jewish Demography, HebrewUniversity, Jerusalem, 1980, pp. 225-233.

The Yadlin Affair: The Anatomy of A Scoop, in Hans Joachim Schneider (ed.) The Victim in International Perspective, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1982, pp. 319-326.

The Prevention of Racial Incitement in Israel, in Louis Greenspan and Cyril Levitt (eds.), Under the Shadow of Weimar: Democracy, Law and Racial Incitement in Six Countries, Praeger, Westport1993, pp 131-147.

Withdrawal and Conquest: Two Aspects of the Haredi Response to Modernity, in Laurence J. Silberstein (ed.), Jewish Fundamentalism: Religion, Ideology and the Crisis of Modernity, New YorkUniversity Press, New York. 1993, pp. 164-180.

The Creation of Others: A Case Study of Meir Kahane and His Opponents, in Laurence Silberstein and Robert Cohn (eds.), TheOther in Jewish Thought and History: Constructions of Jewish Culture and Identity. New YorkUniversity Press, New York 1994 pp. 281-304.

Images of the Other in Haredi Interpretations of the Weekly Portion of the Law in Rela Mintz Geffen and Marsha Bryan Edelman (eds.) Freedom and Responsibility: Exploring the Challenges of Jewish Continuity. Ktav Publishing House HobokenN.J. 1999 pp. 149-159.

The Societal Response to Political Assassination in Italy and Israel in Fernando Reinares (ed) State and Societal Responses toTerrorism. Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law: Onati 1997 pp. 83-94.

Tales from the Underground in Yael Danieli, Danny Brom and Joe Sills (eds) The Trauma of Terrorism. Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care Haworth Press: San Diego (in press) 17pp.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Home and School: The Interaction Between Education and Family Background. Jewish Education, Vol. 43, No. 1, Fall 1973, pp.29-35.

Intermarriage and Communal Survival in a London Suburb. Jewish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 16, No. 2, Dec. 1974, pp. 155-169.

An Intergenerational Comparison of Educational and Occupational Aspirations in the Jewish and Non-Jewish Family. Research in Education, No. 15, May 1976, pp. 55-67.

The Israeli Black Panthers: Fighting for Credibility and A Cause. Victimology, Vol. 1, No. 3, Fall 1976, pp. 403-413.

Doing Hours Instead of Time: Community Service as an Alternative to Imprisonment. Offender Rehabilitation, Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter 1976-77, pp. 143-146.

The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum: A Fictional Portrayal of Character Assassination. Crime and Social Deviance, Vol. 5, No. 3, Autumn 1977, pp. 135-142 (Hebrew).

A Comparison of Intergenerational Relations in the Jewish and Non-Jewish Family. Adolescence, Vol. 12, No. 50, Summer 1978, pp. 278-309.

Gamblers Anonymous in Israel: A Participant Observation Study of A Self-Help Group. International Journal of the Addictions, Vol. 13, No. 6, Dec. 1978, pp. 1069-1077.

Linguistic Aspects of Transformative Labelling: The Case of Repentant Delinquents. Mental Health and Society, Vol. 5, Nos. 3 and 4, 1978, pp. 186-193.

The Israeli Black Panthers: A Case Study of the Politicization of Juvenile Delinquents. Howard Journal of Penology and CrimePrevention, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1978, pp. 41-47.

Drama as Catharsis and Catalyst: Two Ways of Preventing Delinquency. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1978, pp. 91-96.

Digging up the Past: Alternative Methods of Status Degradation. Crime and Social Deviance, Vol. 7, No. 1, Autumn 1979, pp. 33-38 (Hebrew).

Football Hooliganism in England: Diagnoses and Prognoses, Israel Studies in Criminology, No. 5, 1979, pp. 152-176.

Repentant Delinquents: A Religious Approach to Rehabilitation. Jewish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 23, No. 2, Dec. 1981, pp. 113-122.

The Malhi Affair: A Case Study of Character Assassination in Reverse. Crime and Social Deviance, Vol. 10, Nos. 3 and 4, 1982, pp. 135-140 (Hebrew).

The Beer Affair: Israeli Social Reaction to a Soviet Agent. Crossroads, No. 15, 1985, pp. 55-75.

(With Amiram Klaus). For the Sake of the Party: Politics and Corruption in Israeli Football, Israel Studies in Criminology, No. 7, 1986, pp.148-156.

"The Polluted Image": The Response of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism to Israeli Television. Sociology and Social Research, Vol. 71, No. 3, April 1987, pp. 198-199.

Negotiating the Meaning of the Holocaust: An Observation on the Debate About Kahanism in Israeli Society. Holocaust and GenocideStudies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987, pp. 289-297.

Time Perspectives and Time Usage on a Basic Training Course in the Israeli Defense Forces. Small Group Behavior, Vol. 19, No. 1, Feb. 1988, pp. 67-78.

"The Roots of Lawlessness": The Coverage of the Jewish Underground in the Israeli Press. Terrorism, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1988, pp. 43-52.

Sad Tales and Happy Tales: The Politicization of Delinquents' Life-Histories. Political Communication and Persuasion, Vol. 5, No. 3, Fall 1988, pp. 179-190.

"The Tip of the Iceberg": An Observation on the Reaction to Kahanism in Israeli Society. Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 23, No. 2, 1989, pp. 29-34.

The Response of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism to the Problem of Drug Abuse: A Case Study and its Implications. Violence, Aggressionand Terrorism Vol. 3, No. 3, 1989, pp. 191-202. Reprinted in Hebrew in Mordechai Barlev (ed.), Religious and Secular Jews in Israeli Society. Institute for the Study of Ethnic Groups, Ramat Gan 1990, pp. 26-34.

"In the Mirror of the Past": The Use of History in the Justification of Terrorism. Terrorism and PoliticalViolence. Vol. 3 No. 4 Winter 1991, pp. 164-178.

"Praying with a Rifle": A Note on Religious Motifs in the Propaganda of Lehi, Jewish Journal of Sociology.Vol.34 No. 2 Dec. 1992, pp. 121-127. Reprinted in Hebrew in Haim Genizi (ed) Religion and Resistance in Mandatory Palestine Moreshet: Tel Aviv 1995 pp. 57-68.

Arabs and "Arabs Within": The External and Internal Enemy in the Ideology of Meir Kahane. International Journal of Group Tensions. Vol 23, No 2 Summer 1993, pp. 169-182.

"How Could Such A Thing Happen?" A Case Study of the Israeli Reaction to Middle-Class Delinquency. Contemporary Jewry Vol. 16, 1995 pp. 14-26.

"Secularism Is the Root of All Evil": The Haredi Response to Crime and Delinquency International Journal of Group Tensions. Vol. 26 No 2. Summer 1996 pp. 109-121. Reprinted in: Hanna Herzog and Eliezer Ben-Rafael (eds). Language and Communication in Israel Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick 2001 pp. 259-271.

Amalek as Other, Other as Amalek: Interpretations of A Violent Biblical Narrative Qualitative Sociology Vol. 24 No. 2 Summer 2001 pp. 191-202.

“The War of the Torah: The Israeli Religious Peace Movement’s Struggle for Legitimation Jewish Political Studies Review Vol 13 Nos.3-4 Fall 2001 pp.159-187

“The Voice of Jacob and the Hands of Esau”: Verbal and Physical Violence in Israeli Politics 1977-1984 Studies in Contemporary Jewry Vol. 18 2002 pp149-167.

The Theater of Terror: The Coverage of Terror Victims in the Israeli Press Political Crossroads (in press) 12pp.

“Children from Good Homes”: Moral Panics about Middle-Class Delinquency British Journal of Criminology (in press) 19pp

The Rhetoric of Victimization: The Coverage of the Victims of Intifada El-Aqsa in the Israeli Press International Review of Victimology (in press) 16pp.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

"Secularization Is the Root of all Evil": The Response of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism to Social Deviance. Proceedings of theNinth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division B, Vol. 3, World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1986, pp. 397-404.

The Haredi Response to Religious Zealotry Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies. Division B, Vol 3 World Union of Jewish Studies Jerusalem 1994 pp. 289-295.

Research Reports

Military Prisons in Israel: Proposals for Research and Action. Israeli Military Police, Tel Aviv, 1977 (Hebrew), 10 pp.

(With Menachem Amir, Shlomo Arad and Amiram Klaus). Violence in Israeli Football. Ministry of Education, Jerusalem, 1980, 92 pp. (Hebrew).

The Social Reaction to Juvenile Delinquency in Israel. American Joint Distributon Committee, Jerusalem, 1987, 59 pp.

“The War of the Torah”: The Israeli Religious Peace Movement’s Struggle for LegitimationTamiSteinmetzCenter for Peace Research Tel Aviv 2001, 16pp.

"The Quintessential Dilemma”: American Jewish Responses to IntermarriageRapapportCenter for Assimilation Research: Ramat Gan (in press) 41pp.

Book Reviews

Akiva Deutsch, The Eichmann Trial in the Eyes of Israeli Youngsters. Crime and Social Deviance, Vol. 3, No. 2, Summer 1975, pp. 71-72 (Hebrew).

Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape; Jean Mackellers, The Bait and the Trap; Diane E.H. Russell, The Politics of Rape: The Victim's Perspective. South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1978, pp. 223-225.

James Walvin, The People's Game. Society and Leisure, 1979, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 273-274.

David Schnall, Radical Dissent in Contemporary Israeli Politics. Commentary, Vol. 68, No. 6, Dec. 1979, pp. 89-91.

Shlomo Shoham (ed.). Youth Unrest. Crime and Social Deviance, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1979, pp. 107-108 (Hebrew).

Michael Fischer and Brenda Geiger. Reform Through Community: Resocializing Offenders in the Kibbutz Jewish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 35, No. 1, June 1993 pp. 73-75.

Raphael Cohen-Almagor The Boundaries of Liberty and Tolerance: The Struggle Against Kahanism in IsraelJewish Quarterly Review Vol. 87 Nos. 3-4 April 1997 pp. 77-78.