Association of Analytical Centers
/ The ACT of assessment /
Appendix "D" to the QM (edition 7) Album forms Form No. 10-1
Name of the laboratory / page 1 of 3


Executive Director (Manager of AB)
The Association Analitica


«___» ______20 г.

The ACT of



(name of laboratory)


(name of the enterprise, the structure of which includes a laboratory)


The place where the assessment is carried out / Date of signing the act

This act is made in that the group of experts consisting of:

Lead assessor

by order of the Executive directorofAB No...... reviewed______(further laboratory) on its conformity GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009. The audit was carried out in the presence of the Head of the laboratory______address: ______, after signing Statement of assessors on privacy and disinterest(Annex 1 - form 1) byassessors.
Analytical laboratory claims for accreditation for a new term*.
Assessors in accordance with the Program of evaluation (Annex 2 - form 6):
- reviewed documents of laboratory (Position, Passport, a Quality Manual, a draft Scope of accreditation, sample protocols KHA and testing) and assessed their compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025 - 2009 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, as well as the actual state of Affairs;
- familiarized with the structure of the laboratory, the organization of analytical work, the status of the records and process management of these records;
- familiarized with the Park of measuring instruments (MI), test and support equipment, assessed their suitability for solving problems in the stated scope of accreditation, reviewed the state metrological support MI and test equipment (TE);
- audited the compliance of the laboratory in accordance with “Policies of the AB AAC "Analitica" to ensure the traceability of measurement results”;

- checked the availability and appropriateness of necessary documentation governing the methods of analytical work;

-examinedthe laboratory'squality assurance systemof analytical work;

- evaluate quality of used materials in the laboratory, chemical reagents, standard samples, reference samples, utensils, etc., the order of acquisition, recording and storage;

- evaluated the stateused inthe laboratory of chemicalreagents, order of their acquisition, recording and storage;

-evaluated the stateof industrial premises;
-evaluatedqualification ofpersonnel;

- conductedan external evaluation ofthe qualityof the workof the accreditedlaboratory;

-reviewed the results oflaboratory participationin inter-laboratorycomparisons (PTprogram)forthe period from______to______20__.

By the results of checkcommissionnotes the following:

1. The positionofthe laboratory, approved ______disclosesgoals, objectives,functions, rightslaboratoryand itsinteractionwith other organizations anddivisions of the enterprise, and responsibilities inthe structureof whichit is part.

Management systemdescribed in theQuality Manual, approved______meets the requirementsof GOSTISO / IEC 17025.

The informationgiven inpassport form, approved by______, reflect the actualcondition of the equipment, methods of analytical work, staffing and production facilities, etc.

2. The internal organization of work in the laboratory meets the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025. The procedures adopted in the laboratory, allow to ensure the quality of the results of analytical work.

3. Qualifications and experience of staff of the laboratory allow to work in the declared field of accreditation. Employees have job descriptions that reflect their roles, rights, duties and responsibilities in carrying out analytical work in the field claimed (Annex 3 - Form 12).

4.Laboratory equipmentis efficientandsuitable for operationin the field ofaccreditation.Usedin the laboratoryMMchecked and/ orcalibrated inaccordance with established procedure. Test equipmentis certifiedandsuitablefor use inthe declared fieldof accreditation.

5. Laboratory provided with the regulations, in accordance with the stated scope of accreditation. Replenishment and updating fund of documents held by the established in the Quality Manual procedure.

6. Traceability of measurement results provided by the calibration procedures, internal and external calibration MM using RM and pure substances. Requirements of "Politicians AB AAC" Analitica "to ensure traceability of measurement results" are performed.

7.The laboratoryhasdocumented procedures forsampling(measurements), sample handlingandrecords management.

8.The current system ofquality control ofanalytical workallowsto confirm thequality of the resultsof analytical work.

9.Laboratoryprovided with the necessaryreagents, materials, samplesandcomparisonwithstandardsamples (RM).
10.Premiseslaboratoryallow to carry outanalyticalworkin the declaredscope of accreditation.

11. Forms of accounting documents (protocols) meet the requirements of GOSTISO/IEC 17025-2009 for formatting the results of analytical work. The results of external quality assessment of analytical work confirm the technical competence of the laboratory. (Annexes 4, 5, 6 - Forms 8, 9, 11), Passport laboratory,form ... ..

12. Notes and discrepancies identified during the examination of materials of the application for accreditation eliminated.

13. Entries of assessment recorded in the worksheets of experts (Annex 7 - Form 7).

14. Discrepancies and observations (facts requiring attention laboratories), identified by the experts, are given in Annex 8 to this Act.


1.______meets the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009, "Policy AB AAC" Analytica "to ensure traceability of measurement results" in conducting analytical work in the appended hereto Accreditation (Annex 9).


1 the Accreditation Body to accredit______for technical competence in the works in the attached scope of accreditation and to issue the corresponding certificate of accreditation for a period of after the presentation of the laboratory report on the elimination of discrepancies.
2 the Laboratory in the period up to...... to resolve identified during the work of the Commission inconsistencies contained in Annex 8 to this act.
3. Save the previously issued registration number AAC...... *

Appendix 1: Statement of confidentiality and disinterest - form 1;
Appendix 2: Programof work of the assessor group - form 6;
Annex 3: List of persons involved in the evaluation process - form 12;
Appendix 4: Externalpilot assessmentprogram- form 8;
Annex 5: Direction to theexperimental evaluation form9;
Annex 6: Results of experimental evaluation form 11;
Annex 7: Worksheets of assessors form 7;
Annex 8: Nonconformities identified during the assessment;
Annex9: The Scope of accreditation

  • политика


  1. 1



  • экспансионистскаяфискальнаяполитика – expansionary fiscal policies
  1. 2

politics, politician, policymaker


  • сонгунскаяполитика – Songun politics
  • сведущимиполитиками – with leading politicians
  • сполитиками – with policymakers
  • политик


  1. 1

politician, policy, political leader, statesman

(политикан, политика, деятель)

  • оппозиционныйполитик – oppositional politician
  • высокопоставленныеполитики – policy makers
  1. 2

policy maker

  1. 3

political figure


Lead assessor


With the act introduced**:

The Head of the laboratory

* -if accreditation is held on a new date.

** - act can be also shared with the managers of the applicant organization accreditation