Name: SW 151 STUDY GUIDE Exam Date: 12/3/08 (Stewart)

___ 1. / The definition of health that states "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity" was written in 1947 by:
A) / Payne and Hahn.
B) / The World Health Organization.
C) / The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
D) / The Department of Health and Human Services.
E) / none of the above
Ans: / B
___ 2. / With regard to the impact they have on the health of the community, what kind of factors do geography, the environment, community size, and industrial development represent?
A) physical B) social C) cultural D) mental E) vocational
Ans: / A
___ 3. / The economically disadvantaged generally uses what point of entry into the health care system?
A) / the family doctor / D) / none of the above are correct
B) / the emergency department / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / the local health department
Ans: / B
___ 4. / Which of the periods in the history of community and public health is known as the "Spiritual Era of public health"?
A) / Ancient Societies
B) / Classical Cultures
C) / Middle Ages
D) / Renaissance and Exploration
E) / eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries
Ans: / C
___ 5. / The man credited with successfully demonstrating the process of vaccination as a protection against smallpox was:
A) / Dr. Edward Jenner. / D) / Dr. Thomas Wood.
B) / Louis Pasteur. / E) / Dr. John Snow.
C) / Robert Koch.
Ans: / A
___ 6. / The first national-level volunteer health agency in the United States was the:
A) / National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.
B) / American Cancer Society.
C) / Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis.
D) / American Heart Association.
E) / American Red Cross.
Ans: / A
___ 7. / The CDC conducted a study in the late 1970s that examined premature death, which was then defined as any death prior to______, but now as deaths prior to______.
A) / age 60; age 70
B) / age 65; age 75
C) / retirement; the person's estimated life expectancy at birth
D) / age 70; the person's estimated life expectancy at birth
E) / none of the above are correct
Ans: / B
___ 8. / The American people continue to face serious health problems due to scientists' inability to eradicate diseases. The only disease to be eradicated worldwide was:
A) mumps. B) tuberculosis. C) malaria. D) smallpox. E) typhoid.
Ans: / D
___ 9. / Which of the following was (were) unknown only 30 years ago?
A) / Legionnaire's disease / D) / SARS
B) / Lyme disease / E) / all were unknown
Ans: / E
___ 10. / Which of the following is not one of the overarching goals of Healthy People 2010?
A) / increase quality and years of healthy life
B) / deaths from chronic diseases
C) / eliminate health disparities
D) / all are overarching goals
Ans: / B
___ 11. / Governmental health agencies are financed primarily by:
A) / donations. / D) / member dues.
B) / tax dollars. / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / voluntary giving.
Ans: / B
___ 12. / The last known case of smallpox was diagnosed on October 26, 1977, in what country?
A) / Somalia / D) / Malawi
B) / Kenya / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / Zaire
Ans: / A
___ 13. / Which division of the Public Health Service was created by Superfund legislation?
A) / Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
B) / Environmental Protection Agency
C) / Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
D) / Indian Health Service
E) / None of the above are correct
Ans: / A
___ 14. / The Food and Drug Administration sets health and safety standards for all:
A) food. B) cosmetics. C) drugs. D) all of the above E) just A and C
Ans: / D
___ 15. / Inspection of restaurants is the task of the:
A) / Food and Drug Administration.
B) / Department of Health and Human Services.
C) / state health department.
D) / local health department.
E) / none of the above are correct
Ans: / D
___ 16. / The local health officer has far-reaching powers such as:
A) / arresting someone who refuses to undergo treatment for a communicable disease.
B) / closing a restaurant on the spot if it has serious health law violations.
C) / impounding a shipment of food if it is contaminated.
D) / all of the above are correct
E) / just A and B
Ans: / D
___ 17. / Which of the following are quasi-official health organizations?
A) / WHO, FDA, and CDC
B) / American Cancer Society and American Heart Association
C) / American Red Cross and National Academy of Sciences
D) / American Lung Association and local health departments
E) / All of the above are quasi-official health organizations
Ans: / C
___ 18. / Which service organization has contributed to pilot dog programs and services for those who are visually impaired?
A) / Elks / D) / Jaycees
B) / Lions / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / Moose
Ans: / B
___ 19. / Which groups have been especially useful in delivering health messages to the black American community?
A) / service / D) / religious
B) / voluntary health agencies / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / philanthropic foundations
Ans: / D
___ 20. / All of the following are nongovernmental health agencies except:
A) / voluntary and professional agencies. / D) / religious agencies and corporations.
B) / local health departments. / E) / both A and C
C) / philanthropic and service agencies.
Ans: / B
___ 21. / Epidemiology has sometimes been referred to as:
A) / community medicine.
B) / health promotion and disease prevention.
C) / population medicine.
D) / community health.
E) / all of the above are correct
Ans: / C
___ 22. / What are diseases called that occur regularly in a population?
A) / epidemic diseases / D) / regular diseases
B) / pandemic diseases / E) / epizootic diseases
C) / endemic diseases
Ans: / C
___ 23. / The term used to describe a widespread epidemic is:
A) / epizoodemic.
B) / endemic.
C) / pandemic.
D) / epizootic.
E) / none of these describe a widespread epidemic
Ans: / C
___ 24. / In 1918-1919 a disease spread throughout the world killing an estimated 25 million people. The disease was:
A) the plague. B) the flu. C) smallpox. D) polio. E) yellow fever.
Ans: / B
___ 25. / Which of the following are examples of acute diseases?
A) / common cold, influenza / D) / all of the above
B) / heart disease and cancer / E) / just A and C
C) / measles and mumps
Ans: / E
___ 26. / Which of the following is a measure of the severity of a disease and is directly related to the virulence of the disease agent?
A) / crude death rate / D) / proportionate mortality ratio
B) / cause-specific mortality rate / E) / age-adjusted rate
C) / case fatality rate
Ans: / C
___ 27. / Which of the following is (are) a reason(s) local health departments receive notification of only 35% of the cases of some communicable diseases?
A) / many physicians are not familiar with the requirement of reporting
B) / clinics may not report each and every case of a disease
C) / patients recover with or without treatment before a diagnosis is confirmed
D) / all of the above
E) / none of the above
Ans: / D
___ 28. / The first U.S. Census was ordered in _____ for the purpose of apportioning representation to the House of Representatives.
A) 1776 B) 1790 C) 1825 D) 1875 E) 1890
Ans: / B
___ 29. / The incubation period of a disease is the time between exposure to an infectious agent and the:
A) / onset of recovery of the patient
B) / reporting of the disease to the local health department
C) / the first death caused by the disease
D) / onset of treatment
E) / onset of symptoms
Ans: / E
___ 30. / What type of epidemiological study would be used to test hypotheses about relationships between health problems and possible risk factors?
A) descriptive B) analytic C) neither type D) both A and B are correct
Ans: / B
___ 31. / The process of entrance and growth of a microorganism or virus in the host is called:
A) / infectious disease. / D) / noncommunicable disease.
B) / communicable disease. / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / infection.
Ans: / C
___ 32. / Diseases or conditions in which symptoms continue longer than three months are referred to as:
A) / acute. / D) / noncommunicable.
B) / communicable. / E) / none of the above are correct.
C) / chronic.
Ans: / C
___ 33. / In the communicable disease model, the agent is:
A) / time. / D) / none of the above
B) / the host. / E) / all of the above
C) / the environment.
Ans: / D
___ 34. / A hypodermic needle contaminated with blood containing HIV is an example of a(n):
A) case. B) carrier. C) vector. D) vehicle. E) agent.
Ans: / D
___ 35. / Tuberculosis, influenza, histoplasmosis, and legionellosis are examples of diseases for which transmission is normally:
A) / airborne. / D) / direct.
B) / vehicleborne. / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / vectorborne.
Ans: / A
___ 36. / The planning for and taking of action to forestall the onset of a disease or other health problem defines:
A) / prevention. / D) / epidemiology.
B) / intervention. / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / eradication.
Ans: / A
___ 37. / The early diagnosis and prompt treatment of a disease before it becomes advanced and disability becomes severe is considered:
A) / primary prevention. / D) / all of the above are correct
B) / secondary prevention. / E) / A and B
C) / tertiary prevention.
Ans: / B
___ 38. / Breast and testicular self-examinations, the hemocult test, and the Pap test are primarily considered examples of what kind of prevention activity?
A) / primary prevention / D) / both A and B
B) / secondary prevention / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / tertiary prevention
Ans: / B
___ 39. / Which is not an example of primary prevention of communicable disease transmission?
A) / taking an antibiotic for a physician-diagnosed illness
B) / chlorination of the water supply
C) / immunization programs
D) / restaurant inspections
E) / all are examples of primary prevention
Ans: / A
___ 40. / The limitation of freedom of movement of well persons or animals that have been exposed to a communicable disease until the incubation period has passed is called:
A) / isolation. / D) / all of the above are correct
B) / quarantine. / E) / A and B
C) / disinfection.
Ans: / B
___ 41. / ______is a "process through which communities are helped to identify common problems or goals, mobilize resources, and in other ways develop and implement strategies for reaching their goals they have collectively set."
A) / Community development / D) / Community planning
B) / Community organizing / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / Community effectiveness
Ans: / B
___ 42. / ______is (are) heavily task oriented and involves various levels of participation from many people and outside planners.
A) / Locality development / D) / Revolutionary techniques
B) / Social planning / E) / Community organizing
C) / Social action
Ans: / B
___ 43. / The civil rights and gay rights movements are examples of what method of community organization?
A) / social planning / D) / social action
B) / revolutionary techniques / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / locality development
Ans: / D
___ 44. / If those who initiate community organization are members of the community, then the movement is referred to as being:
A) / grass-roots. / D) / bottom-down initiated.
B) / top-down initiated. / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / outside-in initiated.
Ans: / A
___ 45. / Community gatekeepers could include which of the following?
A) / politicians / D) / all of the above are correct
B) / clergy / E) / none of the above are correct
C) / business and education leaders
Ans: / D
___ 46. / When organizing people to solve a community problem, it is best to begin with:
A) / those causing the problem.
B) / a good group of volunteers.
C) / the victims of similar problems.
D) / those who are already interested in seeing that the problem be solved.
E) / all of the above are correct
Ans: / D
___ 47. / Identifying community assets, not concerns or problems, is a process referred to as:
A) / needs assessment. / D) / mapping community capacity.
B) / community analysis. / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / community diagnosis.
Ans: / D
___ 48. / The best known and maybe the most often used health promotion planning model is the:
B) / Model for Health Education Planning.
C) / Model for the Analysis of Health Education Planning and Resource Development.
D) / Comprehensive Health Education Model.
E) / Generic Health/Fitness Delivery System.
Ans: / A
___ 49. / Those whom the health promotion program is intended to serve are known as the:
A) / coalition. / D) / stakeholders.
B) / priority population. / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / executive participants.
Ans: / B
___ 50. / The importance of an unmet need, how changeable the need is, and whether adequate resources are available to deal with the problem are all helpful in ______the need.
A) explaining B) prioritizing C) validating D) determining E) examining
Ans: / B
___ 51. / A coordinated school health program should include all except:
A) / comprehensive school health education and health services.
B) / healthy school environment and school counseling.
C) / psychological and social services, and employee health promotion.
D) / physical education and school nutrition services.
E) / a comprehensive marketing plan.
Ans: / E
___ 52. / Which of the following is not a key responsibility of the school nurse as a member of the school health council?
A) / to provide leadership for the school health services
B) / to promote a healthy school environment
C) / to provide first aid for students
D) / to provide screening and referral for health conditions
E) / all of the above are key responsibilities of the school health nurse
Ans: / C
___ 53. / Which of the following would not normally be expected of a health educator?
A) / plan effective health education programs
B) / act as a resource person in health education
C) / maintain student health records
D) / implement and evaluate school health education programs
E) / communicate health and health education needs, concerns, and resources
Ans: / C
___ 54. / The need for school health is justified by all of the following except?
A) / the right to health for all referred to in the U.S. Constitution
B) / the observation that unhealthy children have difficulty in learning
C) / the health of children and their learning are reciprocally related
D) / undetected health impairments hinder the educational process
E) / shaping healthy habits early in life can lead to a more productive adult life
Ans: / A
___ 55. / The “foundations of any school health program” include:
A) / a school administration that supports such an effort.
B) / a well-organized and genuinely interested school health council.
C) / written school health policies.
D) / all of the above
E) / only A and B
Ans: / D
___ 56. / Which of the following people should approve school health policies?
A) / the school district's medical advisor
B) / the school administration
C) / the board of education
D) / all the above should approve the policies
E) / only A and B should approve the policies
Ans: / D
___ 57. / ______is (are) that part of the school health program provided by physicians, nurses, dentists, health educators, other allied health personnel, social workers, teachers, and others to appraise, protect, and promote the health of students and school personnel.
A) / Administration and organization / D) / Health instruction
B) / School health services / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / Healthful school environment
Ans: / B
___ 58. / Which model(s) of school health services is the most comprehensive means of offering school health services?
A) / core health services
B) / core plus expanded school health services
C) / services through school-based or school-linked health centers
D) / both A and C
E) / all of the above are correct
Ans: / C
___ 59. / A good health education curriculum provides:
A) / learning objectives and learning activities.
B) / possible instructional resources.
C) / methods for assessment.
D) / standards.
E) / all of the above
Ans: / E
___ 60. / Which of the following is not true regarding violence in schools?
A) / males are involved in more violence than females
B) / violence in schools is a new development
C) / schools have traditionally been viewed as a safe environment
D) / weapons carrying by students has made the violence more deadly
E) / certain racial and ethnic groups are victims of violence more often than others
Ans: / B
___ 61. / Maternal health is regarded as the health of a woman of childbearing age during which of the following times?
A) / pre-pregnancy and pregnancy / D) / all the above
B) / labor and delivery / E) / only A and B
C) / postpartum period
Ans: / D
___ 62. / The ______defines a family as “a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together; all such people (including related to subfamily members) are considered as members of one family.”
A) / U.S. Census Bureau
B) / Maternal and Child Health Bureau
C) / U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
D) / Planned Parenthood
Ans: / A
___ 63. / Teenage mothers are much less likely than women over the age of 20 to:
A) / not receive first trimester prenatal care.
B) / smoke during pregnancy.
C) / have a preterm birth.
D) / have a low birth weight.
E) / all of the above are correct
Ans: / E
___ 64. / Abortion has been legal throughout the United States since ______when the Supreme Court ruled in the Roe v. Wade case that women, in consultation with their physician, have a constitutionally protected right to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy from government interference.
A) 1963 B) 1973 C) 1983 D) 1993
Ans: / B
___ 65. / High-quality prenatal care is one of the fundamentals of a safe motherhood program and includes:
A) / risk assessment. / D) / education.
B) / treatment for medical conditions. / E) / all of the above are included
C) / risk reduction.
Ans: / E
___ 66. / Premature (or preterm) babies are born prior to ____ weeks' gestation.
A) 37 B) 40 C) 42 D) 44
Ans: / A
___ 67. / The death of a child during the first 28 days after birth is called:
A) / infant death. / D) / fetal death.
B) / neonatal mortality. / E) / all of the above are correct
C) / postneonatal death.
Ans: / B
___ 68. / To prevent low birth weight (LBW) babies, pregnant women should do all of the following except:
A) / receive early, regular prenatal care.
B) / eat a balanced diet, including folic acid.
C) / gain enough weight.
D) / avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
E) / take iron and calcium supplements.
Ans: / E
___ 69. / Which of the following is (are) advantages to breastfeeding?
A) / helps babies resist infections and other diseases
B) / helps babies vomit less often
C) / improves maternal health
D) / all of the above are correct
E) / just A and B
Ans: / D
___ 70. / The Family and Medical Leave Act covers employees:
A) / after the birth of a child.
B) / after an adoption.
C) / in the event of illness in the immediate family.
D) / all the above
E) / just A and B
Ans: / D
___ 71. / Adolescents and young adults include those who are:
A) / 5-14 years of age. / D) / 18-30 years of age.
B) / 11-20 years of age. / E) / none of the above
C) / 15-24 years of age.
Ans: / C
___ 72. / The percentage of children living in single-parent homes in 2005 was approximately:
A) 10%. B) 15%. C) 20%. D) 25%. E) more than 30%.
Ans: / E
___ 73. / For young people overall, approximately three-fourths of all mortality can be attributed to which three causes?