HHUA AGM 2006/07

Tuesday 5th June 2007

Romsey Working Men’s Conservative Club

Present: Andrew Arnell, Richard Barter, Chris Bond, Marilyn Crocker, Mark Everard, Phil Gain, John Gawley, Jo Gordon, Ady Green, Phil Griffiths, Jason Holcombe, Jason Horne, Chris Horton, Rob Jenkins, David Lane, Rod Lunn, Jen Mayes, John Nickerson, Allan Notman, Nigel Oates, Nigel R Payne, Mike Robson, Derek Rutherford, Rowena Shepherd, Rob Stamp, Frank Stokes, Ginette Tessier, Alan Thorpe, Les Tullett, Paul Turnbull, Lia Waine, Alex Walsh, Mike Ward, Richard Wood

Apologies: Gill Clarke, Steven Cox, Peter Dodd, Stephen Downham, Andy Dunning, Karen Essery, Julie Eyles, Andrew Ferrand, Bob Fidler, David Fish, Peter Foster, Sarah Frye, Phil Gibbs, Paul Gilling , David Hansford, Roy Holcombe, Paul Howarth, Sarah Hope, Andy Keys, Matthew Knight, Guy Lawson, Tam McHale, David Mearns Peter Mitchell, Adam Payne, David Peebles, Nicky Roch, Mike Saunders, Sandy Smith, Frankie Tierney, Eddie Waller, Christopher Ward, David Weir, Alan Wilson, Martin Wren

Item / Subject / Action
1.1 / Welcome to the meeting from the President and election of the Chairman
Meeting opened 7.30pm.
John Gawley (JMG) welcomed all and invited nominations for Chairman. Rowena Shepherd (RS) nominated Richard Wood (RW), seconded by Alan Thorpe (AT); all agreed and JMG handed meeting over.
2 / Apologies
Read by Ginette Tessier (GT) and minuted.
3 / Minutes of the last AGM
No corrections advised, minutes accepted and signed by RW.
4.4 / Committee Report
See attached written report.
RW highlighted some of the points, particularly the work of the Coaching and Selection committee over the season, with outstanding work taking place in umpire grading, coaching and watching. RW expressed specific thanks to Rob Stamp (RSt) and Frank Stokes (FS) for the work they have carried out.
RW explained that the year has been a difficult one for the HHUA committee and requested a round of appreciation from members.
RW explained that a number of Committee members have unfortunately had to step down:
Julie Eyles has qualified as a solicitor and found a new job away from Hampshire, which came about very quickly; she has had to step down as Hon. Secretary and we wish her the best of luck in her continuing career.
Phil Starr has retired from the Police Force and is stepping down as Development Manager; we thank him for his hard work.
Phil Gain has had to step down as Hon. Treasurer due to increased work commitments and we thank him for his time and wish him well.
Rob Jenkins has elected to stand down as SCHUA rep to the Committee owing to the difficulty he faces in attending meetings on Tuesday evenings. We thank him for the time given.
RW asked if members are happy with the running of the HHUA; all agreed no complaints.
5.5 / Hon. Treasurer’s Report
See attached written report.
Phil Gain presented his final report and highlighted a number of areas; in particular income from clubs has gone up by 19%, mainly due to the increase in men’s subscriptions (agreed at the last AGM) and more men’s appointments being fulfilled. Expenditure has also gone up, mainly through increasing appointment costs (men’s and women’s). As a result of the excess of appointment expenditure over income, a proposal for an increase of appointment income has been made.
Proposal for members’ subscriptions 2007/08: proposed that no change is made. CARRIED.
Proposal for mileage rates 2007/08: proposed that no change is made to current rates (19p/mile single match; 24p/mile double header/car share), with the provision that this be reviewed in Council in the event of a significant rise in fuel prices. CARRIED.
Proposals for fees 2007/08: proposed that the following increases be made –
Women’s appointment fees increase from £11 to £13.
Men’s appointment fees increase from £13 to £14.
School’s appointment fees increase from £6 to £6.50.
Discussion initiated by RSt with regard to current policy on charging for Junior County matches. Current policy is not to charge, partially based on historical precedent, but it should be noted that the number of appointments has increased over time. Phil Gain explained that the cost of the increased appointments can be absorbed by HHUA. Generally felt that these matches should be reviewed and considered for charging, although a number of arguments against were heard, notably that managers/coaches may resort to finding their own umpires leading to potential problem with HHUA umpires being approached independently (David Boyle); if charges are made, Clubs are likely to end up footing the bill (Mike Ward and RS).
As suggested by JMG, agreed that to introduce charges with no warning is not acceptable and that HHUA will make an approach next season with a view to potentially charging from Season 2008/09 onwards.
Mark Everard asked for an explanation about why there were differences in the appointment fees for men’s and women’s matches. Phil Gain explained that it was a combination of the appointing policy (ensuring the right umpire is assigned to the right game) and generally umpires in the women’s games are closer to the match they are umpiring.
Vote to increase women’s appointment fees to £13. CARRIED.
Vote to increase men’s appointment fees to £14. CARRIED.
Vote to increase School’s appointment fees to £6.50. CARRIED.
RW requested the meeting to adopt the Hon. Treasurer’s report and statement of accounts. Agreed. / RW
6.7 / Changes to the Constitution
RW asked RS to explain the proposed changes to the Constitution.
RS explained that the changes were suggested in order to make membership options of the HHUA as clear as possible.
Proposed change (shown in italics):
Item 3. Membership. The Association shall comprise Full Members, Associate Members, Honorary Members, Club Members and Junior Members.
Item 3.4 Junior Members. Junior Members who have completed the FUA course but are not a current Level 1, 2 or 3 Umpire.
Discussion centred on ensuring there was an adequate definition of Junior Membership, including an age limit, included in the wording.
Amended wording:
3.4 Junior Members.
Junior members who are under the age of 21 on the 1st January in the current year. CARRIED WITH ONE OBJECTION.
Who have completed the FUA course or higher who choose not to become Full Members of the Association. CARRIED.
Proposed change (shown in italics):
Item 10.8 Members of the Management Committee who wish to claim expenses must provide evidence of the expenses incurred as reasonably requested by the Hon. Treasurer.
Discussion centred on why this should be limited to members of the Management Committee.
Amended wording:
10.8 All memberswho wish to claim expenses must provide evidence of the expenses incurred as reasonably requested by the Hon. Treasurer. CARRIED.
Proposed change (shown in italics):
11.3 Voting Rights. Only members who have paid their membership fee for the current season and Honorary Members may vote at General Meetings. Junior Members have the right to attend General Meetings but not the right to vote.
Proposed change (shown in italics):
Appendix 1 – Disciplinary Code – Code of Practice
(to be added after section entitled ‘As spectators Hampshire Umpires shall’ and before section entitled ‘Complaints’)
As (outgoing) Members of the Management Committee shall:
  • Promote and protect the interests of umpires in general and the Association’s umpires in particular.
  • Behave in a professional manner and not bring the Association’s name into disrepute.
Agreement that this too should not be restricted to the Management Committee.
Amended wording:
All members of the Association shall:
  • Promote and protect the interests of umpires in general and the Association’s umpires in particular.
  • Behave in a professional manner and not bring the Association’s name into disrepute.
RW thanked RS for leading the discussion and the attendees for their input. RW requested GT to make the agreed changes to the Constitution.
As a result of the new membership category being introduced, RW asked that a proposal for a Junior Membership subscription rate be considered. Agreed that £5 was an acceptable rate. Formally proposed, seconded and CARRIED. / GT
7.2 / Election of Officers
RW thanked JMG for his commitment as President and assured attendees he felt there was no reason to change. RW proposed JMG as President for a further year, seconded by RS. CARRIED.
JMG thanked RW and the meeting and expressed his honour at the election.
RW ran through each post and asked if there were any additional nominations – none received. All positions filled and CARRIED as follows (previous post holders in italics):
Vice Chairman: Rowena Shepherd
Honorary Secretary: Ginette Tessier (Julie Eyles)
Honorary Treasurer: Alan Thorpe (Phil Gain)
Saturday/Mid-week Appointments: David Boyle
Sunday Appointments: Allan Notman
Chairman of Selectors: Frank Stokes
Chief Coach: Rob Stamp
Development Manager: Chris Horton (Phil Starr)
HHA Representative: Chris Bond
SCHUA Representative: Mark Everard (Rob Jenkins)
Membership/Level One Register: Roy Holcombe
Indoor Representative: Jason Horne
Youth Development: Jason Horne
Non-portfolio Members: Phil Griffiths, Paul Howarth, Sarah Frye, Rob Jenkins, Jason Holcombe (Ginette Tessier)
Fund Examiner: Phil Gain (Alan Thorpe)
8.3 / HHUA Awards
JMG advised that he had presented the Courtesy and Hospitality Awards at the HHA AGM on 04.06.07. Winners:
Women’s: Southampton HC 2nd XI
Men’s: Haslemere HC
JMG advised that both teams had received a very high average mark (out of 5) and requested umpires continue to award points through fair judgement of their experience.
John Deri Bowen Award – presented to the umpire who has achieved the most for HHUA over the season.
RW presented this award to: David Boyle
Gill Linnell Award – presented to the umpire who has shown the most improvement and promise over the season.
RW presented this award to: Ginette Tessier
9.4 / Any Other Business
Hampshire Day Shirts. RW advised that the new style shirts used for Hampshire Day were well liked at the day and requested that they were adopted as the Association’s shirt of first choice. Request received to ensure a women’s version is also available. Agreed.
Website. Request that downloading/printing of contacts list from the website be made easier. Agreed.
Additional award. Jon Nickerson proposed that an award be given to the Selector/Assessor/Coach who, in the opinion of the membership, deserved such an award. Jon would provide the trophy, in consultation with the Chairman.
Handbook. As reported by Chris Bond from the HHA AGM, the Handbook will not be produced in hard copy form next season. Request received to allow members to see each other’s addresses in order to enable lifts to be offered by umpires starting their journeys in the same area. RW agreed to take this back to the Committee for discussion and investigation – it may be possible to show addresses within the members’ area only (with a provision for members to elect not to have their address shown if wanted).
Meeting closed at 8.45pm. / RW


Ginette TessierRichard Wood

HHUA Honorary SecretaryHHUA Chairman