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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-002(REV.01/2011) / memo-dsib-amard-oct15item01
Date: / October 21, 2015
TO: / MEMBERS, State Board of Education
FROM: / TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
SUBJECT: / School Accountability Report Card, Single Plan for Student Achievement and Local Control Funding Formula/Local Control and Accountability Plan Crosswalk

Summary of the Key Issues

California’s newaccountability system will build on the foundations of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) consisting of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Annual Update, and evaluation rubrics.On June 24, 2015, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill (AB) 104 (Chapter 13, Statutes of 2015), extending the deadline for adoption of the evaluation rubrics to October 1, 2016.

Education Code (EC) Section 52060 requires the State Board of Education (SBE) to adopt templates for the development of the LCAPs. LCAPs must include, for every school district and each of their schools, adescription of the annual goalsto be achieved for each of the state priorities for all students and each subgroup of students. Each LCAP must also describe specific actions to achieve those goals, and list and describe annual expenditures necessary to implement the specific actions. EC 52066 specifies that LCAP data must, to the extent practicable, be reported in a manner that is consistent with the way information is reported in the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) or other state accountability reports.

School Accountability Report Card

The SARC is an accountability tool that reports data on various indicators in order to keep parents and the public apprised of school conditions and performance. The SARC was included in Proposition 98 which passed over 26 years ago in 1988. While the SARC has been amended legislatively over time (e.g., EC sections 33126, 33126.1, 35256, and 35258), its content does not reflect all of the current state priorities. As a result, the reporting requirements in the SARC only partially overlap with the LCAP and state priorities. In addition, there are several important state priorities that are not currently required in the SARC. The California Department of Education (CDE) acknowledges the complexity of aligning the SARC to LCFF and notes that legislation is required to complete this alignment.

Single Plan for Student Achievement

EC Section 64001 and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires schools that receive state and federal funds through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) and ESEA Program Improvement (PI) funds to consolidate all school plans into the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

To assist local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools in meeting the content requirements for consolidating all school plans for programs into the SPSA, the CDE, in collaboration with school, district, and county office of education practitioners, developed a planning guide, plan template, and resource index. Together, these provide a structured means to enhance the planning and implementation process for improving student academic performance. The SPSA serves as the organizer for an individual school’s improvement process.

The current intent of the SPSA isto align with school goals for improving student achievement based on an analysis of verifiable state data. The SPSA may also include any data voluntarily developed by districts to measure student achievement. At a minimum, the SPSA shall address how funds provided to the school will be used to improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the school’s performance goals, as established by verifiable state data. The plan shall also identify the school’s means of evaluating progress toward accomplishing those goals and how state and federal law governing these programs will be implemented. Similar to the SARC, the CDE notes that further coordination and alignment between the SPSA and LCFF requires legislative changes.


Existing law requires the SBE, to the greatest extent possible, to take steps to minimize duplication of effort in meeting state and federal accountability requirements at the local level. In line with this effort, the SBE is authorized to allow a school district, county superintendent of schools, or charter school to complete a single LCAP to meet the requirements of current state and federal law.

Attachment 1 presents three tables detailing a crosswalk between the data elements in the current SARC and the data elements required under the LCFF/LCAP statute. Similarly, Attachment 2 presents a table illustrating a crosswalk between the data elements in the current SPSA and the data elements required under LCFF/LCAP statute.

The alignment between the SARC and SPSA data elements and LCAP will enhance the focus on the state priorities at the school level and minimize local efforts in meeting state and federal accountability requirements, while continuing to provide parents and the public with a powerful tool to facilitate the understanding of school conditions and performance.


Attachment 1: School Accountability Report Card and Local Control Funding Formula/

Local Control and Accountability Plan Crosswalk (11 Pages)

Attachment 2: Single Plan for Student Achievement and Local Control and Accountability Plan Crosswalk (6 Pages)

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Attachment 1

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School Accountability Report Card and Local Control Funding Formula/

Local Control and Accountability Plan Crosswalk


The following three tables provide a crosswalk between the data elements in the current School Accountability Report Card (SARC) and the data elements required under Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)/Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) statute:

Table 1: SARC and LCFF/LCAP Aligned Data Elements includes dataelements contained in the 2014–15 SARC template that are either partially or fully aligned to LCFF/LCAP statute.

Table 2: LCFF/LCAP Only Data Elements includes only the data elements required under LCFF/LCAP statute.

Table 3: SARC Only Data Elements includes only the data elements that appear in the 2014–15 SARC template.

All three tables identify: (1) the data element; (2) SARC authorizing statute; (3) LCFF/LCAP authorizing statute; and (4) whether or not the data element was initially required in Proposition 98. Table 3 also includes California Department of Education (CDE) recommendations to either retain or relocate each data element in the SARC. Although the specific SARC content requirements are mandated by statutes, the use of the online data submission template provided by the CDE is entirely voluntary.

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Attachment 1

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Table 1: SARC and LCFF/LCAP Aligned Data Elements
Data Element / SARC
Authorizing Statute / LCFF/LCAP
Authorizing Statute / Proposition 98 Requirement
District Contact Information – Most Recent Year
School Contact Information – Most Recent Year / None / Title 5, California Code of Regulations (5 CCR), Section 15497.5 / No
School Description and Mission Statement / None / Education Code (EC)Section 52060 (c)(1)
EC Section 52060 (c)(2)
EC Section 52061 (a)(1)
EC Section 52061 (a)(2)
EC Section 52066 (c)(1)
EC Section 52066 (c)(2)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Teacher Credentials / EC Section 33126 (b)(5)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)(viii) / EC Section 52060 (d)(1)
EC Section 44258.9
EC Section 52066 (d)(1)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Any assignment of teachers outside their subject areas of competence.
Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions / EC Section 33126 (b)(5) / EC Section 52060 (d)(1)
EC Section 44258.9
EC Section 52066 (d)(1)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Any assignment of teachers outside their subject areas of competence.
Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials – Most Recent Year / EC Section 33126 (b)(6)(A)
EC Section 33126 (b)(6)(B)
EC Section 60119 (c) / EC Section 52060 (d)(1)
EC Section 52066 (d)(1)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Quality and currency of textbooks and other instructional materials.
School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements – Most Recent Year
School Facility Good Repair Status – Most Recent Year
Overall Facility Rate – Most Recent Year / EC Section 33126 (b)(8)
EC Section 17002 (d)
EC Section 17014
EC Section 17032.5
EC Section 17070.75 (a)
EC Section 17089 (b) / EC Section52060 (d)(1)
EC Section 52066 (d)(1)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Safety, cleanliness and adequacy of school facilities.
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Results for All Students (School Year 2014–15) / EC Section 33126 (b)(1)(A)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B) / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(A)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(A)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Student achievement in and progress toward meeting reading, writing, arithmetic and other academic goals.
CAASPP Assessment Results – English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, Disaggregated by Student Groups, Grades Three through Eight and Eleven (School Year 2014–15)
California Standards Tests for All Students in Science – Three Year Comparison
California Standards Tests Results by Student Group in Science (School Year 2014–15) / EC Section 33126 (b)(1)(A)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B) / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(A)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(A)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Student achievement in and progress toward meeting reading, writing, arithmetic and other academic goals.
Academic Performance Index Ranks – Three Year Comparison* / EC Section 33126 (b)(13)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)(v)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B)(i)(II) / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(B)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(B)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – Three Year Comparison* / EC Section 33126 (b)(13)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)(v)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B)(i) / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(B)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(B)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2014–15)
Career Technical Education Participation (School Year
2014–15) / EC Section 33126 (b)(16)(A)
EC Section 33126 (b)(16) (B)
EC Section 33126 (b)(16) (C)
EC Section 33126 (b)(16) (D)
EC Section 33126 (b)(16) (E) / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(C)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(C)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Courses for University of California and/or California State University Admission / EC Section 33126 (b)(11) / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(C)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(C)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2014–15) / EC Section 33126 (b)(1)(B)
EC Section 60800 / EC Section 52060 (d)(8)
EC Section 52066 (d)(8)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Opportunities for Parental Involvement – Most Recent Year / EC Section 33126 (b)(15) / EC Section 52060 (d)(3)
EC Section 52066 (d)(3)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate) / EC Section 33126 (b)(2)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)(vi)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B) / EC Section 52060 (d)(5)(D)
EC Section 52060 (d)(5)(E)
EC Section 52066 (d)(5)(D)
EC Section 52066 (d)(5)(E)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Progress toward reducing drop-out rates.
Suspensions and Expulsions / EC Section 33126 (b)(10) / EC Section 52060 (d)(6)(A)
EC Section 52060 (d)(6)(B)
EC Section 52066 (d)(6)(A)
EC Section 52066 (d)(6)(B)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Classroom discipline and climate for learning.
School Safety Plan – Most Recent Year / EC Section 32286 / EC Section 52060 (d)(6)(C)
EC Section 52066 (d)(6)(C)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / Yes - Classroom discipline and climate for learning.

*The 2014–15 SARC does not include tables with API data because API data are not available for the 2014–15 academic year. Pursuant to California EC Section 52052 (as amended by Assembly Bill 484, Chapter 489, Statutes of 2013), the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI), with the approval of the State Board of Education (SBE), is authorized to suspend the API for the 2013–14 and 2014–15 school years. At the March 2015 SBE meeting, the SBE approved the recommendation by the SSPI, with the input of the Public Schools Accountability Act Advisory Committee, to suspend the API for the 2014–15 school year.

Table 2: LCFF/LCAP Only Data Elements
Data Element / SARC
Authorizing Statute / LCFF/LCAP
Authorizing Statute / Proposition 98 Requirement
Advanced Placement (AP) Examination Results* / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(F)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(F)
5 CCR, Section15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Implementation of State Standards / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(2)
EC Section 52066 (d)(2)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Course Access / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(7)
EC Section 52066 (d)(7)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Percent of English Learners (ELs) Making Progress toward English Proficiency / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(D)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(D)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
EL Reclassification Rate / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(E)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(E)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Early Assessment Program Participation and College Preparedness Determinations / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(4)(G)
EC Section 52066 (d)(4)(G)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
School Attendance Rates / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(5)(A)
EC Section 52066 (d)(5)(A)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Chronic Absenteeism Rates / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(5)(B)
EC Section 52066 (d)(5)(B)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Middle School Dropout Rates / None / EC Section 52060 (d)(5)(C)
EC Section 52066 (d)(5)(C)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No
Coordination of Instruction for Expelled Pupils / None / EC Section 52066 (d)(9)
EC Section 48926 / No
Coordination of Services for Foster Youth / None / EC Section 52066 (d) (10) / No

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Attachment 1

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Table 3: SARC Only Data Elements
Data Element / SARC
Authorizing Statute / LCFF/LCAP
Authorizing Statute / Proposition 98 Requirement / CDE
Student Enrollment by Grade Level
(School Year 2014–15)
Student Enrollment by Student Group
(School Year 2014–15) / None / None / No / Retain*
Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers
(School Year 2014–15) / Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)(viii)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B) / None / No / Retain**
California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Grade Ten Results Students
CAHSEE Grade Ten Results by Student Group (School Year 2014–15) / Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B) / EC Section 52060 (d)(8)
EC Section 52066 (d)(8)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.52 / Yes / Relocate
Completion of High School Graduation Requirements – Graduating Class of 2014 / EC Section 33126 (b)(14) / EC Section 52060 (d)(5)(E)
EC Section 52066 (d)(5)(E)
5 CCR, Section 15495
5 CCR, Section 15497.5 / No / Relocate
Adequate Yearly Progress Overall and by Criteria / Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(1)(C)(vii)
Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B)(i)(I) / None / No / Retain**
Federal Intervention Program / Public Law 107-110 Section 1111 (h)(2)(B)(i)(I) / None / No / Retain**
Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary and Secondary) / EC Section 33126 (b)(4) / None / Yes - Progress toward reducing class sizes and teaching loads. / Relocate
Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff
(School Year 2014–15) / EC Section 33126 (b)(7) / None / Yes - The availability of qualified personnel to provide counseling and other student support services. / Relocate
Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries
(Fiscal Year 2013–14) / EC Section 33126 (b)(3) / No / Yes - Estimated expenditures per student, and types of services funded. / Relocate
Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2014–15) / EC Section 33126 (b)(3) / No / Yes - Estimated expenditures per student, and types of programs and services funded. / Relocate
Teacher and Administrative Salaries
(Fiscal Year 2013–14) / EC Section 41409
EC Section 41409.3 (a)
EC Section 41409.3 (b)
EC Section 41409.3 (c)
EC Section 41409.3 (d)(1)
EC Section 41409.3 (d)(2)
EC Section 41409.3 (d)(3)
EC Section 41409.3 (e)
EC Section 41409.3 (f)
EC Section 41409.3 (g)
EC Section 41409.3 (h) / None / No / Relocate
AP Courses
(School Year 2014–15)*** / EC Section 33126 (b)(12) / None / No / Retain***
Professional Development – Most Recent Three Years / EC Section 33126 (b)(9) / None / Yes - Adequacy of teacher evaluations and opportunities for professional improvement. / Relocate

* The CDE recommends retaining the Student Enrollment by Student Group data element. It is a basic data element which provides context for other data elements included in the SARC.

** Removal of this data element will result in non-compliance with federal statute.

***The SARC currently provides AP participation and access data. The CDE recommends maintaining these data in addition to adding the AP examination results required under LCFF/LCAP. In order to provide additional contextual information, the CDE also recommends reporting the number of students who took an AP examination.

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Attachment 2

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Single Plan for Student Achievement and Local Control and Accountability Plan Crosswalk


The following table provides a crosswalk between the data elements in the current Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requirements and the data elements required for Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) statute.

Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), schools that receive state and federal funds through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) and ESEA Program Improvement funds are required to consolidate all school plans into the SPSA.

To assist local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools in meeting the content requirements for consolidating all school plans for these programs into the SPSA, the CDE, in collaboration with school, district, and county office of education practitioners, developed a planning guide, plan template, and resource index. Together the guide, plan template, and resource index provide a structured means to enhance the planning and implementation process for improving student academic performance. The SPSA serves as the organizer for an individual school’s improvement process. The plan should be developed with a deep understanding of student academic challenges and identify and implement research-based instructional strategies to raise the achievement of students who are not yet proficient by state standards.

The content of the SPSA shall be aligned with school goals for improving pupil achievement based on an analysis of verifiable state dataand may include any data voluntarily developed by districts to measure pupil achievement. The SPSA shall, at a minimum, address how funds provided to the school will be used to improve the academic performance of all pupils to the level of the performance goals. The plan shall also identify the schools' means of evaluating progress toward accomplishing those goals and how state and federal law governing these programs will be implemented.

Although the specific SPSA content requirements are mandated by statutes, the use of the template provided by the CDE is entirely voluntary.

Table 1
Element / Local Control and Accountability Plan / Single Plan for Student Achievement / Recommendation
Timeframe / EC § 52060(a)-(b)
EC § 52066(a)-(b)
EC §52061(a)
EC §52067(a)
EC §47606.5(a)
EC §47604.33(a)(2) / 20 U.S.C. [No Child Left Behind/ESEA]
20 U.S.C. §6312(a)(2)
20 U.S.C. §6312(d)(2)
20 U.S.C. §6312(d)(3)
20 U.S.C. §6312(e)(1)
20 U.S.C. §6312(e)(3)
20 U.S.C. §6314(b)(2)(A)
20 U.S.C. §6314(b)(2)(B)
20 U.S.C. §6315(c)(1)(B)
20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(A)
20 U.S.C. §6316 (b)(3)(C)
20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(A)
20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(C)
20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(D)
20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(A)
EC §41507
EC §64001(a)
EC §64001(c)
EC §64001(e)
EC §64001(g)
Template / EC §47606.5
EC §52060(a)
EC §52066(a)
EC §52064(a)(1)
EC §52064(a)(2)
EC §52064(a)(3)
EC §52064(b)
Element / Local Control and Accountability Plan / Single Plan for Student Achievement / Recommendation
Submit / EC §52070
EC §52070.5
EC §47604.33(a)
Review / EC §64001(b)
EC §64001(c)
Approve / EC §52062(b)(2)
EC §52068(b)(2) / EC §64001(h)
Monitoring Progress / EC §52061
EC §52067
Needs Assessment: Data Informs Plan / EC §52060(e)
EC §52060(f)
EC §52066(f)
EC §47606.5(d)
EC §52060(h) / EC §64001(f) / Revise to include: The school goals articulated in the Single Plan for Student Achievement shall align with the state priorities identified in sections 52060 and 52066 and shall align with the goals identified in the local educational agency’s Local Control and Accountability Plan.
Student Groups Targeted / EC §52052(a)(2)(A)
EC §52060(c)(1)
EC §52066(c)(1)
EC §52052(a)(2)(B)
EC §52061(a)(4)
EC §52067(a)(4)
EC §52052(a)(2)(C)
EC §52052(a)(2)(D)
EC §52052(a)(2)(E) / 20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(A)(ii)
Expelled Students / EC §52066(d)(9)
Foster Youth / EC §52066(d)(10)
Teacher Assignment / EC §52060(d)(1)
EC §52066(d)(1)
Element / Local Control and Accountability Plan / Single Plan for Student Achievement / Recommendation
Instructional Materials / EC §52060(d)(1)
EC §52066(d)(1)
School Facilities / EC §52060(d)(1)
EC §52066(d)(1)
Accountability / EC §52060(d)(2)
EC §52066(d)(2)
State Standards for English Learners / EC §52060(d)(2)
EC §52066(d)(2)
Course of Study / EC §52060(d)(7)
EC §52066(d)(7)
Professional Development / 20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(A)(iii)
Parent Involvement / EC §52060(d)(3)
EC §52066(d)(3)
EC §52063(b)(1) / 20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(A)(viii)
Stakeholder Engagement Process / EC §52060(g)
EC §52066(g) / 20 U.S.C. §6314(b)(2)(B)(ii)
Parental Notification / 20 U.S.C. §6314(b)(2)(A)(iv)
Pupil Engagement / EC §52060(d)(5)(A)
EC §52060(d)(5)(B)
EC §52060(d)(5)(C)
EC §52066(d)(5)(A)
EC §52066(d)(5)(B)
EC §52066(d)(5)(C)
Graduation and Dropout Rates / EC §52060(d)(5)(D)
EC §52060(d)(5)(E)
EC §52066(d)(5)(D)
EC §52066(d)(5)(E)
School Climate / EC §52060(d)(6)
EC §52066(d)(6)
Student Achievement / EC §52060(d)(4)
EC §52066(d)(4)
Element / Local Control and Accountability Plan / Single Plan for Student Achievement / Recommendation
College and Career Ready / EC §52060(d)(4)(C)
EC §52066(d)(4)(C)
AP and EAP / EC §52060(d)(4)(F)
EC §52060(d)(4)(G)
EC §52066(d)(4)(F)
EC §52066(d)(4)(G)
Pupil Outcomes in All Subject Areas / EC §52060(d)(8)
EC §52066(d)(8)
English Learner Identification and Exit / EC §52060(d)(4)(D)
EC §52060(d)(4)(E)
EC §52066(d)(4)(D)
EC §52066(d)(4)(E)
Goals / EC §52060(c)(1)
EC §52066(c)(1) / EC §64001(f) / Revise to include: The school goals articulated in the Single Plan for Student Achievement shall align with the state priorities identified in sections 52060 and 52066 and shall align with the goals identified in the local educational agency’s Local Control and Accountability Plan.
Strategies, Actions, Services / EC §52060(c)(2)
EC §52064(b)
EC §52066(c)(2) / 20 U.S.C. §6316(b)(3)(A)(v)
EC§ 64001(f)
EC §64001(g) / Revise to include: The school goals articulated in the Single Plan for Student Achievement shall align with the state priorities identified in sections 52060 and 52066 and shall align with the goals identified in the local educational agency’s Local Control and Accountability Plan.
Element / Local Control and Accountability Plan / Single Plan for Student Achievement / Recommendation
Fiscal / EC §52061(a)(3)
EC §52061(a)(4)
EC §52064(b)
EC §52064
EC §52067(a)(3)
EC §52067(a)(4)
Additional Mandatory Title I Descriptions / LEA Plan Template (12-07) (page 56)
LEA Plan Template for LEAs in Corrective Action (Rev. 3-13)
School Level Advisory Committee / EC §41507
EC §41572
Role of School site Council / EC §64001
School Plan Development / EC §52062(a)(4) / EC §64001(a)-(i)
Consolidating School Plans / EC §64001(c)

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