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Steps required to complete the activity / Hazards Identified / Risks Identified / Risk Level before Control / Risk Control Measures
Hierarchy of Control
(Elimination/ Substitution/ Engineering/ Isolation/ Administrative/ PPE) / Risk Level after Control / Who is responsible /
Neighbouring property notification / Neighbouring landowner or persons outside the activity area
-mustering stock
-fixing fences/flood gates
-travelling back tracks / Neighbouring landowner or persons within operational area during activities – accidental shooting or near miss / H(E1) / ·  Neighbour notification by phone, email or in person, to co-ordinate the dates of the proposed activity and informing them of risks involved and no-entry requirements during the activity period (Administrative)
·  Adequate signage on roadside at property boundary access points and roads, monitored by operation participants (Administrative)
·  Erect temporary backstops (Engineering) / L(E4) / Property Owner
Induction / Not knowing task at hand, risks, activity area, contacts, target species / Induction insufficient / L(E4) / ·  Prepare a detailed Field Activity Checklist (Administrative)
·  Induction of participants to site prior to control operations (Administrative) / L(E5) / Member
Planning control activities / Poor plan / Injury, death to people involved in activity due to disorganisation and/or confusion / H(D1) / ·  Ensure plans are comprehensive and plans are reviewed with all stakeholders involved (Administrative)
·  Ensure to include Evacuation Plans as part of the overall activity plan (Administrative) / L(E4) / Member
Access firearm from car/backseat / Manual handling
- twisting
- bending / Strains/sprains / M(D3) / ·  Current Firearms licence – AB rec hunting/vermin control (Administrative)
·  Manual handling training/techniques (Administrative)
·  Vehicle selection (Administrative) / L(E4) / H&C participants
Firearm / Accidental discharge / H(D1) / ·  Training – Safe Handling & Transport (Administrative)
·  Ensure firearm is not loaded before carriage (Administrative)
·  Ammunition and firearms stored separately (Isolation)
·  Check firearm for no ammunition in chamber and cross-check each team member (Administrative) / L(E4)
Access firearm – storage / Firearm / Accidental discharge
Unauthorised access / H(E1) / ·  Training – Safe Handling, Transport & Storage (Administrative)
·  Locked securely in vehicle (Isolation)
·  Ammunition and firearms stored separately (Isolation) / L(E4) / H&C participants
Walking around site / Terrain – Unstable/ uneven ground/rocks / Slips/trips/falls / M(C3) / ·  Appropriate footwear and clothing (PPE)
·  Awareness – planning (Administrative))
·  Communication processes in place (Administrative)
·  Water in vehicle (subject to terrain/distance travelling) (Administrative)
·  First aid kit in vehicle and / or participant (PPE)
·  Spot Tracker or EPIRB – hand held devices (PPE) (depending on location/site/team) / M(D3) / H&C participants
Locating & tracking animals / Firearm / Accidental discharge / H(E1) / ·  Training – Safe Handling & Transport (Administrative)
·  Bolt not engaged - open (Administrative)
·  No ammunition in chamber – check clear & cross-check (Administrative)
·  Safety catch on – do not rely on this alone (Engineering)
·  Keep muzzle pointed in a safe direction (Administrative) / M(D3) / H&C participants
Shrubs/other vegetation / Abrasions/
penetration of the skin / M(C4) / ·  Appropriate clothing - long sleeves, trousers, hat, safety glasses, boots (PPE) / L(E4)
Snakes/Spiders / Bites / H(E1) / ·  First aid training and kit (Administrative)
·  Appropriate clothing, footwear & gaiters (PPE)
·  Communication devices and procedures (Administrative) / L(E3)
Ants/other insects / Bites/stings / M(C4) / ·  First aid training and kit (Administrative)Insect repellent /spray, appropriate medication (Administrative)
·  Appropriate clothing and footwear (PPE)
·  Communication devices and procedures (Administrative) / L(D4)
Ultra-violet light / Skin damage/
sun burn / E(A3) / ·  Sunscreen (PPE)
·  PPE – hat, long sleeves, long trousers, UV compliant safety/sun glasses (PPE) / L(E5)
Load firearm
(chambering a round) / Discharge firearm / Accidental discharge / H(E1) / ·  Bolt open unless actively engaging targets (Administrative)
·  Engage safety switch (Administrative)
·  Point in safe direction (Administrative)
·  Training – Safe Handling & Storage (Administrative)
·  Onsite training (Administrative)
·  Hunting effectiveness and efficiency (Administrative)
·  Field application/experience (Administrative) / L(E5) / H&C participants
Firing Positions;
Standing – Off hand
Sitting, Kneeling, Supported (Tree) / Terrain – rocks, vegetation prickles / Abrasions/
penetration/ thorns / M(C4) / ·  Wait to be more rested, stable and to avoid other hazards (Administrative)
·  PPE – long sleeves and trousers (PPE)
·  Groundsheet (PPE)
·  First Aid training and kit (Administrative) / L(D4) / H&C participants
Ants/other insects / Stings/bites / M(C4) / ·  PPE – appropriate clothing and footwear (PPE)
·  Awareness – check area before settling in (Administrative)
·  Insect repellent/spray (PPE)
·  First Aid training and kit (Administrative)
·  Appropriate medication for allergies (Administrative) / L(D4)
Discharging firearm / Recoil / Slips/trips
Severe abrasions / M(C4) / ·  Bolt open unless actively engaging targets (Administrative)
·  Engage safety switch (Administrative)
·  Point in safe direction (Administrative)
·  Training – Safe Handling & Storage (Administrative)
·  Onsite training (Administrative)
·  Hunting effectiveness and efficiency (Administrative)
·  Field application/experience (Administrative)
·  Padded shoulder protector (PPE)
·  Correct firearm support (Administrative) / L(D4) / H&C participants
Noise / Hearing loss – tinnitus / E(B2) / ·  PPE – earplugs/earmuffs (PPE)
·  Suppressor – if suitably qualified and permit acquired (Engineering) / L(D4)
Eye impact from debris / Dirt, grit, burnt powder, metal fragments in eye / M(D2) / ·  PPE – impact resistant glasses (PPE) / L(E5)
Ricochet continued… / Off target impact / H(E1) / ·  Training – Safe Handling & Transport / Shot Placement/ Humane Control of Animals (Administrative)
·  When shooting with others around, know where they are at all times (Administrative)
·  Participants to wear high visibility vest / headwear or similar for identification, visible through 360 degrees (PPE)
·  Appropriate communications between team members (Administrative)
·  Consider location/environment before firing - Roads, tracks, boundaries – refer to area map (Administrative)
·  Use appropriate ammunition for hunting (Administrative) / L(E5)
Assess animal (once shot) / Animal / Strike by animal / L(E4) / ·  Don’t approach close range (Administrative) / L(E5) / H&C participants
Terrain -
uneven, etc.
Working at night / Slips/trips/falls / M(D3) / ·  Appropriate footwear and clothing (PPE)
·  First aid kit in vehicle and / or participant (PPE)
·  Spot Tracker or EPIRB – hand held devices (PPE) (depending on site/team)
·  Don’t run – be wary of “Buck Fever” (Administrative)
·  Don’t watch the animal, watch where you are walking (Administrative)
·  Use of spotlights, working lights, torches and headlamps available as required. Only walking where the ground can be clearly identified. (Administrative) / L(E4)
Emotional – wounded animal / Psychological trauma / M(C4) / ·  Procedure to ensure humane destruction (Administrative)
·  Training/induction (Administrative)
·  Counselling (Administrative)
·  Marksmanship training (animal behaviour & anatomy) (Administrative) / L(E4)
Local Land Access / Wounded / Fleeing Animal / L(E4) / ·  Identify in the plan access restrictions and permissions to neighbouring and local lands to confirm the kill and humane follow-up/dispatch as necessary. (Administrative)
·  Strict adherence to Animal Welfare -COPs and SOPs and Hunting COP (Administrative)
·  Use of thermal imaging or night vision optics to assist in searching for animals and confirming dispatch/kill (Administrative) / L(E5)
Gutting or opening carcass / Knife
- use / Lacerations / M(D3) / ·  First Aid training and kit (Administrative)
·  Communications devices and procedures (Administrative)
·  Cut resistant gloves (PPE)
·  Cut away from self (Administrative)
·  Sharp knife (Administrative) / L(E3) / H&C participants
- carrying / Lacerations / M(D3) / ·  Sheathed/folding knife (Administrative) / L(E3)
Manual handling
- bending
- lifting
- rolling / Strains/sprains / M(D3) / ·  Manual handling training/techniques (Administrative)
·  Use of mechanical device (Engineering)
·  Correct lifting procedure (Administrative) / L(E4)
- diseases
- fever
- blood splash / Illness / M(D2) / ·  Cover skin wounds (Administrative)
·  Protect eyes from fluid splash – glasses (PPE)
·  Vaccinations (Q-fever) (Administrative)
·  Gloves (PPE)
·  Hand wash facilities – disinfectant or hot soapy water (PPE) / L(E5)

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