Services Action Team Minutes

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

10 am to 11:30 am

Ladner Pioneer Library

Chair: Kay DennisonScribe: Lyn Walker

Attending: Kay Dennison, Angelica Wrobbel,Sheila Zerr, Jill Klaponski, Lyn Walker

Regrets: Lindsay Eldridge, Sepia Sharma, Jenn Fancy de Mena,Christiann Munro

  1. Review Agenda – approved as written.
  1. Review Minutes of May 12, 2015 – approved as written
  2. Update on status of Emergency Medical card – Kay

1000 emergency cards have been printed. Kay was contacted by REACH Society asking for 50 emergency cards. Kay organized for them to get the cards and may consider asking for help in the future with funding.

  1. Announcements –

a) There will be discussion at the Seniors Planning Team meeting on Sept. 15 on the future direction of the Planning Team now that there is no funding. Kay and ML have drafted a letter to be given to Council asking for a small amount of money ($1500.00) for operating costs and $1000.00 in kind (room space, etc.).

b)Consideration to having meetings every other month (continue to rotate around the community). Sub-committees would determine their own timelines for meetings.

c)Hosting mini forums (similar to Philosopher’s Café at McKee) around bigger issues in the community where feedback is needed.

d)Val Windsor has been appointed to the Seniors Advocate Advisory Committee when another Fraser Health representative had to step down.

e)The Seniors Sub-Committee to Parks and Recreation will meet on Thursday, Sept. 10 at 6:00 pm at Kennedy Seniors Centre in North Delta.

  1. New Business:
  • Kay is meeting with the Collaborate Delta coordinator, Donna Burke, to discuss all candidates meetings for the upcoming federal election around seniors’ issues in Delta.
  • Delta Libraries are hosting Seniors’ Open House and Tea from 2 – 3:30pm at the George Mackie Library in ND on Thursday, September 24, at the Tsawwassen Library on Thursday, Oct. 1 and at the Ladner Pioneer Library on Thursday, Oct. 8.Digital services, outreach services and local community service providers will be on hand to provide community information.
  • The Services Action Team will continue to strategize around hosting workshops to distribute the Emergency Cards and help seniors to fill them out.
  • A member has been having some issues with Blue Cross overcharging for pharmacy fees. Kay suggested that when she has all the facts that she send her concerns to the Seniors Advocate as she is probably not the only seniors that it has been happening to so could be a systemic issue that the Seniors Advocates Office can look into.
  1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 10 am at Ladner Pioneer Library.