Horse Plowing Events

1.  Wanham Trucking Ltd. Event - Men’s Walking Plow Event - using horses and a walking plow

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Ron Kimble
2nd $40 / Lanze Oatway
3rd $30 / Ken Edey
4th $20 / Cameron Richardson

2. Grumpy’s Liquor Hut - open to ladies, using a walking plow

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Stevie Lee Temple
2nd $40 / Gail Roessler
3rd $30 / Laura Oatway
4th $20 / Kathy Miles

3. Oatway Homestead Farm Event – Jr. Walking Plow Event - open to students using a walking plow

1st $50.00 / Rebecca Richardson
2nd $40 / Cody Nehring
3rd $30 / Orrin Roessler
4th $40

4. Macklin Holdings/ Chrenek Denture –Adult Novice Walking Plow-open to first time plowers using a horse and walking plow

1st / Dale Befus
2nd / Robin Rowe
3rd / Dwayne Pardy
4th / Dee Jay Pardy

5. Shirley Barrett – Junior Novice Walking Plow Event, open to first time plowers using a horse and a walking plow Call up Brenda Ricard

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Nicholas Richardson
2nd $40
3rd $30
4th $20

6. Advanced Walking Plow Event. DBY Contractors & Westvale Construction Event – Advanced Walking Plow Event - open to plowers using their own horses. Plowers must drive horses while guiding the plow. Participants in this event may not plow in any other walking plow events.

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Riley Buker
2nd $40 / Jack Oatway
3rd $30 / Wayne Roessler
4th $20 / Barry Miles

7. YL Country KIX 106, Peace River Sulky Plow Event --Men’s Sulky Plow -open to men using horses and a sulky plow

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Ron Kimble
2nd $40 / Ken Edey
3rd $30 / Lanze Oatway
4th $20 / Cameron Richardson

8. Rocky Mountain Equipment, Ladies Sulky Plow Event - open to ladies, using horses and a sulky plow

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Kathy Miles
2nd $40 / Sharmain Lockard
3rd $30 / Gail Roessler
4th / Stevie Lee Temple

9. Peace Draft Horse Club – International walking plow challenge-open to first time plowers using horses and a walking plow 2 rounds.


10. Fountain Tire Spirit River, Adult Novice Sulky Plow open to first time plowers using horses and a sulky plow.

1st / Dale Befus
2nd / Sheila Roessler
3rd / Josh Grinn

11. Otto and Pat Roessler, Junior Sulky Plow Event open to ladies, using horses and sulky plow.

1st / Cody Nehring
2nd / Rebecca Richardson
3rd / Orrin Roessler

12. Advanced Sulky Plow Event, Dave Ross Equipment, & Whaley Mar-open to plowers using horses and a sulky plow, and entering the Alberta Championship

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Don Gannon
2nd $40 / Riley Buker
3rd $30 / Wayne Roessler
4th $20 / Barry Miles

13. Gang Plow Event, Dika Industries-open to plowers using horses and a gang plow

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Kathy Miles
2nd $40 / Dale Befus
3rd $30 / Ron Kimble
4th $20

14. Advanced Gang Plow Event, ATB Financial & Corrine /Neil Fowler-open to plowers using horses and a gang plow one team must be owned by teamster.

1st Plaque and $50.00 / Riley Buker
2nd $40 / Barry Miles
3rd $30 / Don Gannon
4th $20 / Jack Oatway

Special Horse Awards

1.  Best Handled Team-Sponsored by the Bookkeeping Network Sexsmith. Awarded to the plower with the best handled team while plowing. Winner:– Don Gannon Team of Mules

2.  Best Groomed Team-Sponsored by K-Bar Belgians. Awarded to the plower with the best groomed team. - Winner: Dale Befus

3.  Best Crown - Sponsored by Baja Small Engines, Spirit River. Awarded to the plower who receives the highest points for a crown while plowing. Winner Riley Buker (advanced Walking plow Plot)

4. Best Finish-The Edwin Sather Memorial Award. Sponsored by Dennis & Allison Sather. Awarded to the plower who receives the highest points for any one finish while plowing. Winner: Riley Buker Advanced Sulky Plow plot

5. Top Junior Plower-Sponsored by Whaley Mar. Awarded to the junior plower that receives the highest points in all three events.

1st / Cody Nehring
2nd / Rebecca Richardon
3rd / Orrin Roessler
4th / Lacee Temple

6. Top Novice Plower-Sponsored by Flaman Rentals. Awarded to any first time plower that receives the highest points in all three events.

Winner: Dale Befus

7. Overall Horse Pull Winner: ______

8. Sportsmanship Award - The Norman Badger Memorial Award. Awarded to the plowman who helps out the most. Call Up someone from the Badger family

Winner: Jack Oatway

9. Hollingshead Memorial Award -Junior most involved Award – Winner –

_____Rebeccas Richardon___

10. Alberta Horse Plowing Champion

1st Riley Buker

2nd Barry Miles

3rd Don Gannon

4th Wayne Roessler

Tractor Plowing Events

Tractor Plowing: Please start by thanking all the participants, and a very special thanks to the Judges: Roger Sather, Lynn McDonald and Benny Everton

Best Restored Tractor. Sponsored by Langnes Farm

Four prizes to

1.Gateway Farm Equipment, Clunker B Event- open to tractors on steel wheels, 1960 or older, any type of plow, 2 or more furrows.

1st Trophy / 5rd

2. Viterra Event, Clunker A Event-open to tractors on rubber 1960 or older, any type of plow, 2 or more furrows

1st Trophy $30 / 4th
2nd $25 / 5th
3rd $ 15 / 6th
4th $10

3. Ken Sargent Pontiac Buick, GMC Event-(open) Open to all plowers, using a conventional plow, 2 or more furrows, opening split required. Plowed in stubble.

1st Trophy $40 / 5th
2nd $35 / 6th
3rd $30 / 7th
4th $15 / 8th

4. R & M Desaulniers Farms Event (open)- Open to all plowers, using a reversible plow, 2 or more furrows, opening split required. Plowed in stubble.

1st Trophy $40 – Doug Mar / 5th
2nd $35 – Fancis Sache / 6th
3rd $30 / 7th
4th $15 / 8th

5. Royal Bank GP Event (Jr)-open to residents of Alberta 21 years of age or younger, open to conventional plow, 2 or more furrows, 12” bottoms or larger, opening split required. Plowed in sod.

1st - trophy and $40.00 – Riley Emerson

2nd- $35.00 - Wolf Morgan

3rd $30.00 - - Sammy Meyer

6. DBY Contractors Event (Jr)-open to residents of Alberta, 21 years or younger, open to conventional plow, 2 or more furrows, 12” bottoms or larger, opening split required. Plowed in stubble.

1st-trophy and $40.00 – Riley Emerson

2nd-$35.00 – Sammy Meyer

3rd-$30.00 - Rebecca

7. MD # 136 Fairview -open to residents of Alberta, 20 years or older, open to conventional plow, 2 or more furrows, 12” bottoms or larger, opening split required. Plowed in sod.

1st-trophy and $40.00- Whaley Mar

2nd-$35.00 – Jack Gulick

3rd-$30.00- Jesse Meyer

4th-$15.00-Mike Stotmann

8. Houlder Automotive Event (Sr)- open to residents of Alberta, 20 years or older, open to conventional plow, 2 or more furrows, opening split required. Plowed in stubble.

1st-trophy and $40.00 – Whaley Mar

2nd-$35.00 – Jack Gulick

3rd-$30.00 – Jesse Meyer

4th-$15.00 - Mike Stotman

9. Richardson Pioneer (Open) - Open to residents of Alberta, 21 years or older, using a reversible plow, 2 or more furrows, opening split required. Plowed in sod

1st-trophy and $40.00 – Francis Sache

2nd-$35.00 – Doug

3rd-$30.00 -

4th-$15.00 -

10. Richardson Pioneer (Sr)- Open to residents of Alberta, 21 years or older, using a reversible plow, 2 or more furrows, opening split required. Plowed in stubble

1st-trophy and $40.00 - Doug

2nd-$35.00 - Francis

3rd-$30.00 -

4th-$15.00 -

Special Plowing Awards

1. Best Crown-Sponsored by Sexsmith Used Parts. A trophy awarded to the plower receiving the highest points for any crown.

Winner: Riley Emerson

2. Best Finish-Sponsored by Royal Bank, GP and Spirit River Branches. A trophy awarded to the plower receiving top points for any finish.

Winner: Wolfe Morgan

Alberta Junior Championship

Runner-up sponsored by Grande Equipment. A trophy and $40.00 awarded to the plower. Runner-Up: Sammy Meyer

Champion sponsored by Grande Equipment, GP. A trophy and $60.00 awarded to the plower.

Winner: Riley Emerson

Alberta Senior Conventional Plowing Championship

Runner-up and winner sponsored by GPRC Fairview Campus

Runner-Up: Jack Gulick

Winner: Whaley Mar

Alberta Senior Reversible Plowing Championship

Runner-up and winner sponsored by GPRC Fairview Campus

Runner-Up: Francis Sache

Winner: Doug Mar

Alberta Provincial Horse Plowing Championship

Determined by the highest points accumulated in Gang Plow, Advanced Sulky Plow, and Advanced Walking Plow using their own horses. Sponsored by Spirit River Drug Store.

1st-$175.00 Barry Miles

2nd-$125.00 Riley Buker

3rd -$75.00 Jack Oatway

4th-$50.00 Wayne Roessler

Best All-Round Horse Plowing Winner: Sponsored by Pioneer Equipment and Alberta Carriage supply. Call up Dale Befus and Terry Bailey

Winner: Kath Miles
