Weekly Devotion- Mark Inductive Bible Study & Bible Reading Plan (June 7-13, 2010)



Devotion Time at Gracepoint will take place in the following format.

Monday to Thursday

For each weekday, from Monday to Thursday,
  • Read the assigned text several times
  • Inductive Bible Study using the questions and prompts provided in this packet
  • Personal Reflection


Every Friday,
  • Read the assigned New Testament passage
  • Optional: Write a 1-page mini-sermon on what you studied from Monday to Thursday

Saturday to Sunday

On Saturday and Sunday,
  • Read the assigned Old Testament passage

Bible Passages for June 7-13, 2010

Monday6/7Mark 15:1-15

Tuesday6/8Mark 15:16-32

Wednesday6/9Mark 15:33-47

Thursday6/10Mark 16:1-8

Friday6/11Bible Reading: Philippians 3&4, Colossians 1&2

Sat-Sun6/12-13Bible Reading: Psalm 90-106


-Read the text several times.

-Study the text using the suggested prompts/questions provided. You don’t have to answer every one of them. You can also come up with additional prompts/questions on your own.

-Answer the personal reflection question.

June 7, 2010 (Mon) Text:Mark 15:1-15

Title and Key verse:
Observation / Observation/Analysis or Discussion/Application Questions
List key words from the text, or clusters of related words, or words that contrast.
What perspective differences appear in the text?
What are some unusual or interesting things to notice in the text?
What are one or two big ideas or themes in this text?

Write a personal reflection based on the following questions or other points that you were blessed by in your study of the text.

The reason that Pilate crucified an innocent man was to “satisfy the crowd.” What decisions have I made to “satisfy the crowd” and what did I forfeit when I made those decisions? Who or what dictates my actions today?


-Read the text several times.

-Study the text using the suggested prompts/questions provided. You don’t have to answer every one of them. You can also come up with additional prompts/questions on your own.

-Answer the personal reflection question.

June 8, 2010 (Tue) Text: Mark 15:16-32

Title and Key verse:
Observation / Observation/Analysis or Discussion/Application Questions
List key words from the text, or clusters of related words, or words that contrast.
What perspective differences appear in the text?
What are some unusual or interesting things to notice in the text?
What are one or two big ideas or themes in this text?

Write a personal reflection based on the following questions or other points that you were blessed by in your study of the text.

Think about the view represented by the call to “save yourself” and all the ways this view manifests itself throughout our world. In what ways have I rejected this philosophy for my life and why?


-Read the text several times.

-Study the text using the suggested prompts/questions provided. You don’t have to answer every one of them. You can also come up with additional prompts/questions on your own.

-Answer the personal reflection question.

June 9, 2010 (Wed) Text: Mark 15:33-47

Title and Key verse:
Observation / Observation/Analysis or Discussion/Application Questions
List key words from the text, or clusters of related words, or words that contrast.
What perspective differences appear in the text?
What are some unusual or interesting things to notice in the text?
What are one or two big ideas or themes in this text?

Write a personal reflection based on the following questions or other points that you were blessed by in your study of the text.

Writer Henri Nouwen says of Jesus cry, “Where God’s absence was most loudly expressed, God’s presence was most profoundly revealed.” How does the fact that Jesus himself experienced being utterly forsaken provide hope to all who suffer alone?


-Read the text several times.

-Study the text using the suggested prompts/questions provided. You don’t have to answer every one of them. You can also come up with additional prompts/questions on your own.

-Answer the personal reflection question.

June 10, 2010 (Thu) Text: Mark 16:1-8

Title and Key verse:
Observation / Observation/Analysis or Discussion/Application Questions
List key words from the text, or clusters of related words, or words that contrast.
What perspective differences appear in the text?
What are some unusual or interesting things to notice in the text?
What are one or two big ideas or themes in this text?

Write a personal reflection based on the following questions or other points that you were blessed by in your study of the text.

Reflect on the words “there you will see him, just as he told you.” What is the message of Easter regarding all the darkness and sins that led up to it—the wickedness of the high priests, the cowardice of Pilate, the unreasonable anger of the crowds, the cruelty of the soldiers, the failures of Peter, the disciples?