© 2001 by Alonzo J Sherman, 308 W Dwight, Oscoda MI 48750, 989-739-3650, <>


1876. Anna born in MI, father born in WI and mother born in Germany (1880 Census).

1880. Census of 1st Ward Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Anna age 4, boarder; enumerated with Andrew Boehulein age 31 born 1849 and Anna Boehulein age 31, born 1849 in Germany (e192/s13/p179/d126/f135). [Anna Boehulein could be aka Anna Sherman and mother of Anna Sherman born 1876]


1882. Charles born in MI (1900 Soundex).

1900. Census of Montaque MI Muskegon Co indicated: Charles age 17; hired man; enumerated with John Dumproe (Soundex s2).


1895. Charles born in MI, parents born in MI.

1920. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Charles age 25, boarder, machine hands in a curtain roll company; Willard Sherman age 23 born 1897 in MI, parents born in MI, boarder, machine hands in a curtain roll company; both enumerated with Theodore Gunn born 1865 (e135/s15/d332/f383).


190x. Charles born.

1928. Charles of Muskegon MI married Beulah Lyon of Muskegon MI, she was born 1909 in Sugar Grove Mason Co. After their marriage they moved to Detroit MI Wayne Co (Beulah's obit, Ludington Daily News Jul 1930).

1930. Buelah (sic) Lyon Sherman, 1906-1930, died at her mothers home in Pentwater MI Oceana Co, husband and son survives (obit). Beulah Lyon Sherman, 1906-1930, buried in Pentwater Cemetery Pentwater Twp Oceana Co (cemetery records). 1 Child:

1. Charles Duane or Charles Wayne Sherman born 1929 (MUS/BR 11-570).


18xx. D E born in IL (1910 Census). (Gen Refs: Not in LDS/IGI).

1910. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Thomas Filer age 51 born 1859 and Minnie Filer [aka Minnie Sherman] age 51 born 1859, 2nd marriage, married 5 years, 9 children 7 alive; child Harry (e87p118/d160/f183).

192x. D E Sherman and Minnie Filer of Muskegon MI parents of Harry M Sherman (SA/WW1x). 9Children:

1. Harry M Sherman born 1898 in MI, father born in IL and mother in NY. 192x Harry M of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co a WW-1 veteran, son of D E Sherman and Minnie Filer of Muskegon MI (SA/WW1x).

2-9. Unknown.


1833. Daniel P born in NY (1860 Census).

1860. Census Abstract of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Daniel age 27, mill hand, resided in a boarding house (p70/d569/f534).

1864. Daniel P age 32 enlisted at Grand Rapids MI Kent Co in Co F 27th Inf; died 1864 at Washington DC; buried in the National Cemetery at Arlington VA (MSS v27p119). Gen Refs: Not in LDS/IGI)


1836. Elizabeth F born PA (1910 Soundex).

1910. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Elizabeth age 74, boarder; Sarah K Sherman age 30, born 1880 in IA, boarder; both enumerated with Samuel Badgley (Soundex e88/f421).


1842. Ellen born in Holland.

1860. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Ellen age 18, born 1842 in Holland, servant; lived with Robert Morris family (p57p865/d479/f447).


1888. Emry born in IL.

1920. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Emry age 32, lodger; enumerated with George Hobby (Soundex e134/p4).


1889. Harry born in MI, parents born in MI.

1920. Census of Muskegon City Muskegon Co indicated: Harry age 31, single, machinist in motor factory, brother-in-law; enumerated with Edward Thomas born 1864 in MI; Nellie Thomas nee Nellie Sherman born 1879 in MI, parents born in MI, wife (e141/s5/d99/f114).


1822. Jacob born in NY (1900 Soundex).

1870. Census Index of Muskegon Twp Muskegon Co indicated: Jacob (p249).

1877. Possible: J Sherman owned the North 143.82 of the NW/1/4 of Sec 4 Muskegon Twp Muskegon Co (1877 Atlas).

1900. Census of Muskegon Twp Muskegon Co indicated: Jacob age 78, lived alone (Soundex s8).

1905. Jacob died, 1822-1905 (obit, Muskegon Daily Chronicle Apr 14 1905 p1; no MI/DRx).Gen Refs: Not in LDS/IGI)


1835. James born in NY (obit; Censuses). Parents Joseph Sherman and Rhoda Woodman (LGSR). James' occupation was a drayman (LGSR). (Gen Refs: not in SD, LDS/IGI).

1856. James married Hannah E Sweet born 1840 at Portland MI Ionia Co (Muskegon Co LGSR). [middle initial "E" was probably for Elizabeth]

1860. Census of Lyons Twp Ionia Co indicated: James; Hannah E age 20; child Adelaide (p128/d972/f930).

1861/65. James served in the Civil War, company C 33 IL inf (1890 census).

188x. No record he was a GAR member (SA/GARx).

1882. James received a pension (FtWayne Federal Pension Index). <check unit>

1888. James lived in Muskegon MI Muskegon Co (LGSR).

1890. Possible: Veteran Census etc, Muskegon Co MI, Pvt James Sherman company C 33 IL Inf (records at Burton Hist Coll, Detroit Pub Lib).

1890. Possible: James Sherman a Civil War veteran lived in Muskegon MI Muskegon Co (1890/CSSx sd4ed190).

1894. Census of 2nd Ward Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: James age 55 (p2). 1896/1913. James member of Phil Kearney GAR Post #7 in Muskegon MI, established 1879, disbanded 1936 (LGSR); not listed by the State Archives (SA/GARx). <check post records>.

1900. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: James age 63; Elizabeth Sherman age 59, born 1841 in NY (Soundex s9).

1910. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: James age 74; Anna Sherman age 69, born 1841 in NY, wife (Soundex e82/f154).

1911. Mr and Mrs James Sherman celebrates 55th wedding anniversary, pictures (Muskegon Times Jun 16 1911 p4)

1919. Oct 6th, James Sherman died, buried Oakwood Cemetery Muskegon MI Muskegon Co (MUS/DRx 4-110; tombstone; burial record; not in SA/GRCx). James, 1835-1919, obit etc (LGSR, Peoples Note Book n1p26 (uc) and n2p91). <check mil unit>

1919. Elizabeth received a widows pension (FtWayne Federal Pension Index).

1920. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Hannah E [Elizabeth] Sherman age 79; daughter Rose Oakley born 1873 in MI (Soundex e128/p19).

1929. Elizabeth Sherman died, buried Oakwood Cemetery (MUS/DRx 5-282; tombstone; burial record). 1 Child:

1. Adelaide Sherman born 1858.

[Note. Dell B Sherman in Clinton Co may be child of James].


1840. James born, location unknown (MSS v25p63).

1862/65. James age 22 born 1840 of Holland MI Allegan Co enlisted in the Civil War at Holland in company I 25th Inf as a wagoner (MSS v25p63).

188x. No record he was a GAR member (SA/GARx).

1890. James resided 90 Myrtle in Muskegon MI Muskegon Co, veteran, Pvt in company I 25th MI Inf, enlisted Aug 12 1862, discharged Jan 24 1865 (1890/VET, enumeration district 1-4-190).

1890. Possible: James Sherman a Civil War veteran lived in Muskegon MI Muskegon Co (1890/CSSx sd4ed190).

1894. James of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co, was a Civil War veteran (1894/VET).

1894. James Sherman, Pvt Co I 25th MI Inf, lived at 90 Myrtle, City of Muskegon, he enlisted Aug 12 1862, was discharged Jun 24 1865, served 2y10m12d (1890 Civil War Veteran Census of Muskegon Co MI, p28).

xxxx. No record of his burial (SA/GRCx).


189x. James born.

1918. Possible: James W Sherman probate (MUS/PR 6349).

1919. Possible: James died Oct 6 1919, buried in Oakwood Cemetery Muskegon MI lot 4-19-11 (Cem Records).

192x. Possible: James of Moorland Twp Muskegon Co died in service during WW-1, son of J L Sherman of Moorland Twp (SA/WW1x).


1822. John born at unknown.

1905. Apr 15th, John died at Muskegon Twp, occupation shown as a "county charge", martial status unknown, parents not given (MUS/DR 3-31; no MI/DRx).


1851. John born in MI (1880 Soundex).

1879/80. Possible: John Sherman, teamster, res e s Water 3 n Sumner (Muskegon Directory).

1880. Census of 1st Ward Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: John age 29; Barbara (uc) age 29, born 1851 in Germany; children Anna, Mary (Soundex s19).

1891. John F Sherman died 1891 age 40, buried in Evergreen Cemetery Muskegon MI Muskegon Co lot 7-8-4 (MUS/DRx 2-82; MUS/PR 1396; tombstone; no MI/DRx)

1894. Census of 1st Ward Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Barbara Sherman age 42 born 1846 (p63).

1900. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Barbera (sic) age 48; children Mary, John, Lena (Soundex s10).

1910. Census of Muskegon Co indicated: Barbara Sherman age 58, born 1852 in Germany; child Lena (Soundex 68-80-111).

1920. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Barbara age 68, lived alone (Soundex e125/10).

1924. Barbara Sherman died age 73, buried StPatrick's Cemetery <where ?, there are nine StPatrick's Cemeteries in MI, none in Muskegon Co> (MUS/DRx 5-86; tombstone). Barbara Sherman died Aug 10 1924, age 73y, buried in lot 3-2-2 StMarys Catholic Cemetery Muskegon MI (cemetery records). 4Children:

1. Anna Sherman born 1876 in MI. [See Anna born 1876 shown above in this county, could be this person].

2. Mary Sherman (Moe) born 1878 in MI.

3. John Sherman born 1885 in MI. John Sherman disappeared June 1904 according to his sisters Mary and Lena; these sisters petitioned the court to presumed he died May 1905 in order to settled his real estate value of $666.66 (1905 MUS/DRx 3-31; 1925 MUS/PR 9288; no MI/DRx).

4. Lena Sherman (Lehman) born 1888 in MI.


1871. John born in Denmark (1910 Soundex).

1910. Census of Whitehall MI Muskegon Co indicated: John age 39; Eva Sirmon age 34, born 1876 in MI, wife (Soundex e99/f344).

1925. <check 1925 probate for John Sherman MUS/PR 9288)


1878. Louise B born in England (1910 Soundex).

1910. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Louise B age 32, head-of-household; 5 non-relatives (Soundex e85/f158).


1838. Mary J born in NY (1900 Soundex).

1900. Census of Muskegon MI Muskegon Co indicated: Mary J age 62; child Edith (Soundex s3). 1Child:

1. Edith M Sherman born 1875 in OH.


1824. Micajah was born in NY, father in MA and mother in NY (1880 Census). (Gen Refs: not in SD, NES, DPS).

1849. Micajah married at Ionia MI to Sarah Maria Hunt born (LDS/IGI; ION/MR). Another reading indicated Maria S Hart (ION/MR B1-40).

1860. Census of Lyons Twn/Twp Ionia Co indicated: Micajah age 24, blacksmith; Sarah age 29, born 1831 in MI; children Henry, Dennis, William; all enumerated with Mary Hunt age 60, born 1800 in MA, blind [Sarah's mother] (p132p650/d1005/f959). [census unclear]

1870. Census of Lyons Vil Ionia Co indicated: Micajah age 48, blacksmith; Sarah age 39; children Henry, Dennis, Willie, Chas; Nelson Longwell born 1848 in MI (p534/d131/f136).

1872. Micaijah (sic) a blacksmith, Lyons Village Ionia Co (History & Directory of Ionia Co MI).

1880. Census of Lyons Vil Lyons Twp Ionia Co indicated: Micajah age 56, wagon maker; Sarah M Sherman age 49 born 1831; children Charles, Henry; Jennie Sherman age 18, born 1862 in MI, daughter-in-law, (p192/d312/f322; nb/9.27). <get marital status> <Possible: Jennie H Sherman died 1938 MUS/DRx 6-33>

1883. Micajah Sherman of Lyons MI Ionia Co, blacksmith (MI Gaz p1040).

1885. Micajah Sherman of Lyons MI Ionia Co, blacksmith (MI Gaz p1102).

1894. Census Index of Holton Twn/Twp Muskegon Co indicated: Micajah age 72 (p2).

1910. Micajah Sherman died in Hayes Twp Charlevoix Co MI (MI/DRx Charlevoix/Hayes-6).

1910/20. Sarah Sherman remarried a Mr Misager: Probably shown in 1900 and 1910 Censuses as a Misager.

1916. Sarah Hunt (Sherman) (Misager) died, 1832-1916 (Muskegon Co LGSR, Peoples Scrap Book n1p66). Shara (sic) Sherman died 1916, buried Holton Lutheran Cemetery Holton MI Muskegon Co (tombstone). 1916 Sarah M Sherman died (MUS/DRx 3-308). <check DWS p72,124,129,157,158,235,266). Cemetery records in the Burton Hist Coll Detroit Public Lib indicates burials of this family were in block 93 Oakwood Cemetery sec 27 Holton Twp Muskegon Co, rather than the Holton Lutheran Cemetery sec 36 Holton Twp. 5 Children:

1. Cynthia B Sherman (Rogers) born 1836 in OH. 1880 Census of Lyons Twp Ionia Co indicated: William Rogers age 27, born 1873 in MI; Cynthia Rogers age 44, born 1836 in OH; 2 children; all lived with her brother Dennis (Soundex s37).

2. Henry M Sherman born 1849 in MI.

1870. Henry was a laborer and lived at home (Census).

1879. Henry W age 29 born in Lyon MI a farmer married at North Star Gratiot Co to Jennie Herrington age 17 born 1862 of Gratiot Co (GTT/MR B-125).

1880. Henry was a laborer (Census).

1882. Jennie M Herrington age 20 married Emery J Strouse born 185x (GTT/MR B-151).

1883. Sherman Bros (Wm & Henry M) of Lyons MI Ionia Co, cider mnfr (MI Gaz p1040).

1885. Sherman Bros (Wm & Henry M) of Lyons MI Ionia Co, cider mnfr (MI Gaz p1102).

1930. Henry M Sherman died, 1849-1930, buried in Holton Lutheran Cemetery Holton MI Muskegon Co (MUS/DRx 5-322; tombstone).

3. Dennis E Sherman born 1853 in MI.

1870. Dennis was a painter and lived at home (census).

1872. Dennis a painter lived in Lyons Village Ionia Co (History & Directory of Ionia Co).

1879. Dennis Sherman of Lyons MI Ionia Co was a house, sign, carriage & ornamental painter (MI Gaz v1879p765).

1880. Census of Lyons MI Lyons Twp Ionia Co indicated: Dennis age 27, painter; Minnie age 33, born 1857 in NY; child Maud; William Roger's family of four (p192p193/d312/f323; Soundex s37; nb/9.27). <check relationship>