Yorke House
Castle Meadow

Web /
Date / 8th April 2016
Our ref / 1535 16 / DX


Dear Mr McDonald

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Thank you for your request under the FOIA, which was received on [date], for the following information:

Under the FOI act I would like to know several things relating to your G7+ young (<30 years old) senior leaders and the successfulness of recognised talent schemes for getting them to that level of seniority.

1) What is the total percentage of senior leaders below the age of 30 across:

- G7

- G6


2) Of those below the age of 30, what percentage rose to that level via a recognised talent scheme (either cross-government or HMRC specific), again broken down by grade:

- G7

- G6


3) Amongst these young senior leaders, please supply the age of the youngest at each grade and whether or not they have individually been on a recognised talent scheme (please do not provide any more details than age and a yes/no answer):

- G7

- G6


Please include both individuals substantively graded as a senior leader and those on temporary promotion.

I can confirm that HMRC holds information that falls within scope of your request. However, we estimate that it would exceed the FOIA cost limit to deal with it. The FOIA cost limit, which is specified in regulations, equates to one person spending 3½ working days locating and extracting all of the information within scope of the request. Consequently, under section 12(1) of the FOIA, HMRC is not obliged to comply with your request and we will not be processing it further.

The reason that your request exceeds the cost limit is that the information you have requested relating to the talent programmes that individuals may have attended in order to reach their current grade is not held on HMRC systems or personnel files and there is no other economical means by which we could draw together this information for you.

You may wish to narrow the scope of your request by being more specific about the information you particularly wish to obtain, although we cannot provide information in relation to the talent programmes that individuals may have attend in order to reach their current grade. It may help you refine your request if I explain that we do record information in scope of part (1) of your request.

If you are not happy with this reply you may request a review by emailing , or by post to HMRC FOI Team, Room 1C/23, 100 Parliament Street London SW1A 2BQ. You must request a review within 2 months of the date of this letter. It would help us carry out our review if you set out the aspects of the reply that concern you and why you are dissatisfied.

If you are not content with the outcome of an internal review, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO will not usually consider a case unless you have exhausted the internal review procedure provided by HMRC. You can make a complaint through the ICO’s website at: or by post to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely

Frances Draycott