ANT101—Cultural AnthropologyChapter 13 quizName:

1. _____The total value of all of a nation’s production and its estimate of national prosperity is called the:

a. gross national product.b.gross national income.c.gross economic indicator.D. macroeconomics.

2. _____What do we call the model of progress that starts with the presumption that former colonies are poor because they have underdeveloped, backward economies?

a. structural progress theoryb.human needs approaches c. structural adjustmentd.modernization theory

3. _____Proponents of ______argue that development fails when it focuses on large-scale projects and technological change and pays too little attention to improving the lives of the poor.

a. structural adjustmentb.human needs approachesc.modernization theory

d.neoliberalisme.multinational corporations

4. ____What is the specialty of the Grameen Bank?

a. It is the bank for almost all of the multination corporations.

b.It is a bank that makes loans to impoverished nations.

c.It is the world’s richest bank.

d.It is a bank that makes loans to poor women.

e.It is a bank that loans money to entrepreneurs in wealthy nations.

5. _____The sex imbalance in China is evidenced in a birth rate in which the male to female ratio is:

a. 100:150b.100:120c.120:100d.175:100e.100:175

6. _____What is a “carrying capacity?”

a. the amount of pollution that the environment can bear before global warming sets in

b.the maximum population that the earth can support

c.the amount of labor that can be produced from a single adult man

d.the maximum number of children that a woman can produce

e.None of these choices is correct

7. _____Which of the following statements about pollution is not correct?

a.Poorer nations tend to lack urban services to control pollution.

b.Wealthy nations tend to use energy sources that create higher levels of pollution.

c.Poorer nations tend to use vehicles that are not equipped with pollution-control technology.

d.Urban areas in poorer nations are far more polluted than those in wealthy nations.

e.Wood-burning stoves in poorer nations put out a great deal of pollution.

8. _____Which country did not sign the Kyoto Protocol to aid with global warming?

a.Franceb.Japanc.the United Statesd.Romaniae.Mexico

9. _____Which of the following is the most growing area of tourism today?

a. visits to major religious sitesb.transatlantic to “authentic,” traditional cultures through economic zones and trades zonese.visits to historical sites

10. ____ Multinational corporations have affected gender roles in many countries.

a. True.B. False