Confidentiality of Student Education Records
[(1) Each school district shall keep confidential any record maintained on a child with a disability in conformance with OAR 581-021-0220 through 581-021-0440.
(2) Each school district shall protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information at collection, storage, discloser, and destruction stages.
(3) One official at each school district shall assume responsibility for ensuring the confidentiality of any personally identifiable information.
(4) All persons collecting or using personally identifiable information must receive training or instruction regarding the State's policies and procedures under OAR 581-015-0055 through 581-015-0606 and 581-021-0220 through 581-021-0440. ]
Stat. Auth.: ORS 343.041, 343.045 & 343.055
Stats. Implemented: ORS 343.045 & 343.155
Hist.: 1EB 261, f. 6-2-77, ef. 6-3-77; 1EB 10-1978, f. & ef. 3-3-78; EB 11-1995, f. & cert. ef. 5-25-95; ODE 4-2000, f. & cert. ef. 2-1-2000
IEP Meetings and Timelines
[(1) A school district shall conduct a meeting to develop an initial IEP within 30 calendar days of a determination that the child needs special education.
(2) A school district shall initiate and conduct meetings to review and revise as appropriate each child's IEP periodically but at least once every 365 days:
(a) To determine whether the annual goals for the child are being achieved; and
(b) To revise the IEP as appropriate to address:
(A) Any lack of expected progress toward the annual goals described in OAR 581-015-0068, and in the general curriculum, if appropriate;
(B) The results of any reevaluation conducted under OAR 581-015-0074;
(C) Existing information about the child provided to, or by, the parents;
(D) The child's anticipated needs; or
(E) Other matters.
(3) A school district shall conduct an IEP meeting more frequently than annually if it believes that a change in the IEP may be necessary to ensure the provision of a free appropriate public education to the child.
(4) A parent may request a meeting at any time to review or revise the IEP if the parent believes that:
(a) The school district has not made a good faith effort to implement the IEP;
(b) The IEP is not effective for the child; or
(c) There is another reason for review.
(5) In response to a parent request for an IEP meeting, the school district shall:
(a) Hold an IEP meeting within a reasonable time; or
(b) Provide the parent with prior written notice of the district's refusal to hold an IEP meeting under OAR 581-015-0075. ]
Stat. Auth.: ORS 343.041, 343.045 & 343.055
Stats. Implemented: ORS 343.045 & 343.155
Hist.: 1EB 269, f. & ef. 12-22-77; EB 11-1995, f. & cert. ef. 5-25-95; ODE 32-1999, f. 12-13-99, cert. ef. 12-14-99