Hutton CE VC Primary School
Religious Education
ANNEX C: 2015-2016
GOAL:3:Toimprove the standard of teaching and learning in RE across the school
To evaluate the impact of using Discovery RE to supplement AMV, ensuring coverage of all beliefs through both Key Stages.
To develop the role of the subject leader in RE
To develop the assessment of RE
To develop the use of different media when teaching RE
To organise an RE theme week across the school, looking at and sharing Christian culture from around the world.
To ensure RE resources are current and applicable to RE long term plan /
  • Plot Discovery RE against AMV modules to ensure coverage.
  • Planning scrutiny to ensure AT1 and AT2 coverage.
  • Book scrutiny
  • Pupil interviews
  • Staff interviews to gather views on new scheme of work
  • Look for /attend subject related training
  • Visit other schools using Discovery RE and meet with subject leader (Christchurch)
  • Analyse assessment grids for each class to ensure equal progress over AT1 and AT2 and identify areas for development/ improvement.
  • Look for trends against literacy levels
  • Staff meeting with suggestions for using Art, data handling, drama etc to support teaching of RE
  • Look for/share ideas for lessons
  • Share ideas with all teachers at staff meeting
  • Organise date, research countries and allocate to each class.
  • Organise date for whole school worship.
  • Carry out an audit of RE resources across the school and replace/resource as necessary
  • Speak to teaching staff regarding resourcing needs
  • To build up a supply of resources to be used for Godly play.
/ S Richardson
S Richardson
S Richardson
S Richardson
S Richardson
S Richardson
Class teachers / Term 1
Term 2
Term 2
Term 2
Term 2
Term 2/3
Term 4
Term 3/ 4
Term 5
Term 1 / WELD course on subject leadership
Supply cover
Budget £300
Dependent on findings of audit.
  • 90% of children in every year group will have made good, or better, progress in RE.
  • Children make equal progress across AT 1 and AT 2
  • The standard of RE teaching improves so that all RE lessons are graded good or outstanding.
  • RE subject leadership is strong and teachers are being held to account for the progress their children make.