Broad Run High School



Teacher: Mr. Taylor –

Term: 2012-2013

SOL Exam Date: NONE ()

Course Description:

This course is designed to fulfill one science requirement toward graduation at Broad Run High School. Physics is an intensive science course that will include many laboratory sessions based on the content being studies. Physics is a foundational study with emphasis on exploration and developing critical thinking skills.


  1. Physics - Wiley; Conceptual Physics - Hewitt


  • Cooperative group/ independent exploration
  • Class discussion/ lecture
  • Laboratory investigation/ peer review analysis
  • Guided practice session
  • Evaluation

Grading Procedure:

The quarter marking period grade consists of an accumulation of points. A student will be assigned a grade according to the corresponding percentage of the overall points possible for the quarter. The rules for scoring on assigned homework is shown below.

To receive full credit for homework/lab/etc. a student must do the following:

  1. Complete the assignment EVERY problem.
  2. Perform all word problems in accordance with classroom rules.
  3. Show ALL necessary work.
  4. Have homework on your desk when the bell rings.
  5. Write two (2) full and complete sentences explaining an incomplete problem.

A student will be awarded half credit if any/all of the following is performed:

  1. They fail to complete ANY part of the homework.
  2. Have completed = half of the assignment.
  3. Show late work at the beginning of the next class.
  4. Less than half work is awarded a grade of zero (0).

Tests are based upon lectures, homework, exercises, demos, labs, etc. Daily warm up problems are OFTEN for extra credit on the upcoming tests! SO BE PREPARED FOR CLASS!!!

The following is the grading scale set for by LCPS:

Based on the following scale:

A90 - 100
B80 -89
C70 - 79
D60 - 69

Course Outline (timeline changes might be necessary as students progress - dates are approximated):

Quarter 1 Topics: (27 Aug – Nov2) Quarter 2 Topics: (4 Nov–29 Jan)

MeasurementsWaves, Vibrations, Sound

Electric Forces & FieldsLight



Electric Circuits

Quarter 3 Topics: (2 Feb – 15 Apr)Quarter 4 Topics: (19 Apr- 18 Jun)

1o KinematicsUniform Circular Motion

2o Kinematics: Vectors Newton’s Laws & Universal Gravitation

2o Kinematics: ProjectilesSimple Harmonic Motion

MomentumWork, Energy and Power

Classroom Policies and Procedures:

Materials required:

  1. lab notebook: composition book preferred
  2. topic notebook: Cornell notes style recommended if available
  3. ring binder for class work divided into the following sections: administrative, notes, homework and class assignments, graded and returned assessments (quizzes and tests), laboratory, and miscellaneous.
  4. scientific calculator, graphing function optional
  5. black or blue ink pens

Social Protocols:

  1. Learning communities and scientific teams work best in an environment of respect and tolerance. It is important that communication channels between teacher and student and those between classmates are always open. Any issues due to misunderstanding or intolerance, which cannot be settled, should be brought to the teacher’s attention immediately.
  2. Cheating:Don’t like it. Don’t do it. All assignments will clearly distinguish between individual products and group products. When in doubt, do your own work.
  3. Late work: while classroom policy will follow school policy for absences for general assignments. Students are encouraged to communicate with me if they are to be out for illness.
  4. Lateness: class begins when the bell rings so please be seated at that time.
  5. Lab preps: no prep, no lab. It’s a safety issue. Makeup labs in these cases are not generally an option.
  6. Presentation: is everything. Quality work and communication is a resume issue and therefore a classroom issue. Word processing is encouraged when appropriate.


  1. Homework: GET IT DONE!
  2. Missed Activities (Labs, exams, class work, lecture): In all cases (except extended medical absences), missed activities should be made up within 2 class meetings. Note that it may be necessary to assign alternate writing assignments when a student has missed a lab period that cannot be easily made up.
  3. Extra Credit Work: Performed often as warm up problems for class so be prepared for class and you will have a good chance of doing well on the problems!
  4. Honor: It will be clearly communicated verbally and in writing when students are encouraged to share information and ideas about investigating solutions to homework, labs and worksheets. This does not mean verbatim copying of information. Exams, quizzes, and lab reports are to be your own independent work. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a zero for the associated work.