Email Address Change Form

This form is to be used to change the email address on file for the Account Holder (Registrant) of an account with You may use this form in the event that the email address presently associated with the account is not functioning and have no other valid means of confirmation. This form is not to be used to assign other users to your account.

Note: For your convenience, this form is to be used as a last resort only. also employs other means of confirmation when asked to update account information. Please contact Customer Service to learn whether or not filing this form is your only option.

To authorize the change of email address, please complete this form and fax it to:

Toll free in the U.S. and Canada: 1-866-285-5268
Outside the U.S. and Canada: 1-902-749-5429

You may also scan all necessary information and send it by email to:. requires authorization from the Account Holder (Registrant) of the account to change the email address currently on file. If the Account Holder is not able to authorize an Account Holder email update, please include a letter of explanation and we will review your issue.

  1. Current Account Holder (Registrant) Contact Information

Please include in this section the complete contact information of the Account Holder (Registrant) of the account for which you wish to change the email address.

  • If the current Registrant is a business, please attach a separate notarized letter of authorization on your company’s letterhead, signed by an authorized individual, and designating the party as an authorized signatory. Please include in the notarized letter, the domain name, username, the new email address and any other contact changes.
  • If the current Registrant is an individual please include a photocopy of a valid photo ID to be used to validate the signature on the form. Accepted forms of identification include: a non-expired National, State or Local government-issued driver’s license, passport or military photo ID card. Please insure the signature of the card holder is visible.

Note: Please clearly print all information.All fields on this form must be completed as incomplete forms will not be processed. Please enter the Registrant information including the incorrect or invalid email address currently associated with the account.

First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
Email Currently on file:
  1. New Email Address

Please provide the new email address that you would like associated with the account. Be sure that this new email address is properly functioning, accessible and is spelled correctly and clearly printed, as all future confirmation messages from will be sent to this address:

New Email Address:
  1. Account Identification

In this section please provide the user name (or domain name) for which you wish the update to apply.

Username/Domain Name:
  1. Authorization Signature and Photo ID

In this section please provide a signed and dated letter authorizing the email change. Theletter is attached below. Additionally, please attach a signed photocopy of a valid government-issued photo ID of the signer.

Note: Accepted forms of identification are national, state or local government-issued forms of identification, such as a valid driver’s license, passport or military ID. If an officer of the Account Holder (Registrant) is requesting the change of email address, you must also fax proof of that person’s position with the Account Holder (Registrant), such as the Account Holder (Registrant)’s corporate filing certificate listing that person as an officer.

Place Government Photo ID:

Letter of Authorization

I, (Print Name) ______, authorize to change the email address for the contacts associated with the domain name(s) listed in Section III of this document to the email address listed in Section II of this document.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Print Name: ______