Exam 1 Study Guide: Social Psychology



The list below accounts for at least 95% of the content on the exam.

I. Overview and Methodology

A.  Social Psychologist versus Microsociologist versus Macrosociologist

B.  Evolutionary Psychology and Social Neuroscience

C.  Everything about correlation.

D.  The three varieties of samples we discussed.

E.  Independent Variables versus Dependent Variables

F.  Experimental Group versus Control Group

G.  Operational Definition versus Hypothesis versus Method

H.  The post-experiment interview between experimenters and participants.

I.  Falsifiability and Hindsight Bias

J.  When participants are misled regarding a study’s methods and purposes.

II. The Self

A.  Spotlight Effect versus Illusion of Transparency

B.  Social Comparison Theory in connection to self-efficacy: upward and downward social comparisons.

C.  Independent Self versus Interdependent Self

D.  The study about American children and Asian children that watched a short animated video of a school of fish swimming.

E.  The planning fallacy and impact bias.

F.  Self-Knowledge: Studies when emotions were absent when making predictions about decisions.

G.  One of the best ways to cultivate and maintain VALID high self-esteem.

H.  The relationship between high self-esteem and high levels of narcissism.

I.  Academic Entitlement

J.  External Locus of Control versus Internal Locus of Control

K.  Collectivism versus Individualism

L.  Self-Determination versus Learned Helplessness

M.  Self-Serving Biases, the False Uniqueness Effect, The False Consensus Effect

N.  Self-handicapping strategy

O.  Self-presentation and Self-monitoring

P.  Self-Esteem, Self-Concept, Self-Schema, Self-Efficacy, Looking Glass Self, Possible Selves

III. Social Cognition and Perception

A.  First Impressions

B.  Priming

C.  The Overconfidence Phenomenon and the Confirmation Bias

D.  The Halo Effect versus The Horn Effect

E.  Nonverbal Communication: brief involuntary facial twitches

F.  The Actor-Observer Effect, The Fundamental Attribution Error, Objective Self-Awareness

G.  The Asparagus Effect!

H.  The Castro speech study

I.  The theory that might explain why a typical “C” student might prefer to continue to get “C”s in school.

J.  President George Bush, Sr. once used the “V for victory” sign backwards in Australia. He incorrectly used… what???

K.  Counterfactual Thinking

L.  The Availability Heuristic versus The Representativeness Heuristic

M.  If a teacher thinks that a child is a good student, then that alone can actually

increase that student’s performance in school.

N.  Internal Attributions versus External Attributions

O.  Attribution Information: Consistency, Distinctiveness, Consensus