Ms. Wilson’s
Biology Survival Guide
2009 - 2010
Welcome to Biology! This year we will be revisiting many topics that were discussed in your 7th grade life science class but we will be studying them in much more detail. We will also be learning about many new things. Biology is the study of life; from a look at a whole group of organisms down to the cells that make up the individual organisms. We will be doing a number of hands on activities including developing your own experiments. In order to ensure your success in here, class participation is essential. This includes ACTIVE participation in class discussions and lab activities. I am looking forward to an exciting year of working and learning with you.
Required supplies
****Positive Attitude****
3 ring binder
8 dividers
Pens / Pencil (blue or black and a colored pen for grading)
How will my grade be determined?
Your grade is made up of the following: weekly homework, online activities, lab activities, projects, and quizzes and tests. In this class 50% of your grade will come from homework, online activities and labs. The other 50% of your grade will come from tests, quizzes, binder checks and projects.
Grade Updates
Please do not ask for your current grade. I will update you at midterm and the end of the quarter. However, you can view and look at grades on the Parent Assistance Module (PAM) at any time.
Biology Binder Checks
The 3 ring binder that you bring to class each day should be dedicated to biology class only! This binder is for you to keep all handouts, labs and homework given out in class. They should be kept in the order that they are received in class with the date in the upper right hand corner. After each chapter test you will take a binder check quiz. More details will be given in class as the first quiz gets closer.
1. All homework should be done and kept in your biology binder unless otherwise stated by the teacher.
2. Assignments should be corrected in a different colored pen.
3. All assignments need to be headed: name and date.
4. Homework will be placed in the IN Bin at the beginning of the class period.
5. Late homework will be accepted the next day for ½ credit. Passes will NOT be issued to get homework from your locker.
Laboratory Safety
· It is my responsibility to have a safe working environment for you to complete lab activities.
· It is your responsibility to adhere to all rules given for a lab activity.
· Failure on your part to follow rules will result in being asked to leave the lab area and receive a zero for the lab.
**** In the event that you are removed from a lab / activity a meeting will be scheduled with you, your parents, the teacher, and an administrator. ****
· See Lab Safety Agreement
Laboratory Work
All labs will be completed during class time. Students upon return from an excused absence need to set-up a time to make the lab up and/or any missing work. NO labs will be made up at the end of the grading period.
Online Activities
The biology textbook we will be using has a wonderful on-line component. You will be asked to complete activities on-line over the course of the year. These activities reinforce the content covered in class and the textbook. In most cases you will be given a couple days to complete the activities. This gives you plenty of time to complete an activity at school if you do not have access to a computer at home. Please ask for passes to the library when needed
One project will be completed each quarter. The project will either be in class and/or need to be completed at home. Specific details of the project will be given with sufficient time to complete. Each project will include detailed directions and a grading rubric.
1. Tests will be a combination of multiple choice, fill-in, short answer and essay. There may be occasions when tests will be part lab practical or take home.
2. If you are absent on the test day you must take the test within 2 days of your return to school. You will need to set up a time with me to make-up the test upon your return with an excused absence slip
3. All tests will be taken with Ms. Wilson either during class or a time agreed upon by teacher and student. If you forget to show up for your make-up test you will take it the next day at the same time and I will take 25% off the final grade. If you miss a retake test you will not be allowed to set up a different retake date and the grade stays.
Help! I was absent
1. You must ask about what you missed while absent.
2. Check the absent student file for activities, notes, and handouts that were missed.
3. It is YOUR responsibility to pick up these worksheets and/or go to the website to get the notes
Help! I have a question outside class
Before school: I arrive at school by 7:15 am every morning. PLEASE come see me if you need help in E5!
During school: Please make an appointment to see me and I will write you a pass.
After school: By appointment only.
** Please see handbook for school policy. This policy will be strictly enforced in this class! **
Website Info
The textbook also has a website that you will be required to use on a weekly basis:
This website also has your textbook online along with the online activities. If you forget your user name and password it is:
User Name - your first initial and last name
Password – school ID number
Also if you forget when homework is due and if we have homework that night, you can visit my website at:
Classroom Rules
E-26: Miss Wilson
Ø Use all class time effectively.
Ø No food or drinks.
Ø Follow all instructions.
Ø It is your responsibility to have: paper, writing utensil, notebook and any text material ready for class daily.
Ø Do not open or go through any of the cabinets in the room without instructions to do so.
Ø Do not use any equipment unless you have passed the safety test for that piece of equipment and have been instructed to use it.
Ø Do not leave the class area without permission.
Ø All purses must be placed on the floor, not desk-tops.
Ø Clean up after yourself.
Ø No Cell phones!! They will be taken and turned into the office.
Computer Rules
Ø No games anytime.
Ø Make sure that you log-on under your student ID and password.
Ø You must remember your password. Failure to remember your password, being unable to log-on can result in a penalty.
Ø Make sure that you log-off at the end of the work time. Failure to log off can result in a penalty.
Ø No food or drinks in the computer room.
Ø Only science work may be done on the computer during class time, no work from other teachers.
Ø Use the Internet only when instructed to do so.
Ø You may only be at websites that are part of the current assignments.
Ø Do not print unless an assignment is given to print.
Ø Report any problems immediately, so you will not be held responsible.
Ø Push in your chairs.
Ø NO music may be played or listen to with headphones on the computers.
Even if you are “finished” you may not “break” any of the rules.