Council Minutes 15th September 2008

17.1Airport Road Land Acquisitions For Realignment Of Curves

File Ref:9.24.1

Officer (full name):CPE – Greg Hill

Officers Consulted (full name):DEIS – Dennis Zanker

Budget Allocation:$1.5 mBudget Spent to Date: $300

Chart of Account:9000Job Number:900225

Risk Assessment:Safety risk lessened by realignments and road upgrades

ESD Impact/Benefit:-

* Environmental:Vegetation removal compensated for by SEB offset plantings

* Social:Benefits to road safety and transport amenity

* Economic:Benefits to heavy transport. Federal funding to offset Council costs


The reconstruction and upgrade works for Airport Road within this year’s budget, which include new funding approval for $1.0 million through the Local Government Grants Commission distribution of the Special Projects component of the Roads to Recovery Program as announced by the Hon Gail Gago, entails road realignments at three substandard bends.

Maloney Field Services have been doing the work and negotiations to progressively secure the land required for these realignments. Agreement with Nobles has been achieved and previously approved by Council. Three (3) further agreements have been offered and Council endorsement is sought for them, being:

  • Owens – acquire1.3 ha, pay $48,500 compensation
  • Scott (as representative of the estate of Nancy Scott) – acquire 0.837 ha, pay $35,500 compensation including $12,000 for the reconstruction of a dam
  • Atkinson Salisbury – acquire 0.24ha, pay $42,120 compensation.

Designs are still being developed for the Airport Road junction with the Goolwa to Strathalbyn Road which will entail a new level crossing of the Steamranger railway line. Positive discussions have been held with the Skewes family regarding land acquisitions required here but it is too soon to advise Council of any arrangements yet.


17.1Airport Road Land Acquisitions for Realignment of Curves


ACS08191Moved Cr Beckett seconded Cr Woolford:

1) That Council agree to the following land acquisition proposals;

A. R & M Owens, CT 5795/610 - acquire 1.3ha, pay $48,500.00 compensation

B. M Scott (as representative of the estate of Nancy Scott), CT 5840/243 - acquire 0.837 ha, pay $35,000.00 compensation including $12,000.00 for the reconstruction of a dam

C. M Atkinson & K Salisbury, CT 5738/398 - acquire 0.24 ha, pay $42,120.00 compensation

2) That the Mayor and Chief Executive be authorised to negotiate any deals within 20% of these offers

3) That the Mayor and Chief Executive be authorised to sign and seal documentation relating to these acquisitions

4) That the report remain Confidential for a period of twelve (12) months under Section 90 (3) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999.

5) That Dennis Zanker be the responsible officer to review this item at the end of the Confidential Period.