
Mrs. Zupo Parts of Speech Project Rubric

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

Accuracy and Completeness

/ All 8 Parts of Speech are represented thoroughly and accurately.
Explanation of how each of the 8 Parts of Speech connects to a specific part of the object is thoroughly and accurately explained.
Each of the 8 Parts of Speech are accurately labeled in the example sentence. / 6-7 of the 8 Parts of Speech are represented accurately.
6-7 of the 8 Parts of Speech are accurately connected to the object and explained.
6-7 of the Parts of Speech are accurately labeled in the example sentence. / 4-5 of the 8 Parts of Speech are represented accurately.
4-5 of the 8 Parts of Speech are accurately connected to the object and explained.
4-5 of the Parts of Speech are accurately labeled in the example sentence. / 2-3 of the 8 Parts of Speech are represented accurately.
2-3 of the 8 Parts of Speech are accurately connected to the object and explained.
2-3 of the Parts of Speech are accurately labeled in the example sentence. / Less than 2 of the 8 Parts of Speech are represented accurately.
Less than 2 of the 8 Parts of Speech are accurately connected to the object and explained.
Less than 2 of the Parts of Speech are accurately labeled in the example sentence.
Appearance: Scale, Use of Color, and Neatness / Full use of space
A variety of color is used to enhance the project.
Explanations and sentences are neatly written or typed without grammatical errors. No cross outs. / Good use of space
Color somewhat enhances appearance
Explanations and sentences are neatly written or typed but may have some grammatical errors. Essentially no cross outs. / Use of space does not enhance project
Use of color does not enhance project.
Explanations and sentences are legible and/or may have some grammatical errors and/or cross outs. / Use of space detracts from project.
Little to no attempt to use color.
Writing is difficult to read. / No attention to space.
No color
Writing is illegible.


/ Design/object is original and unique. Creative thought and processing is apparent.
Does not copy model for explanations and sentences. / Design/object is somewhat original and shows creative thought.
May use some of the teacher model for explanations and sentences. / Design/object is dependent on teacher model.
Teacher model is used for explanations and sentences. / Design/object is basic and heavily scripted from model.
Copied explanations and sentences. / No originality.

Total Points______