Intervention Summary
Task Analysis, Activity Analysis, & Modification (TAAAM) – Short Form
Name of activity: Dancing Chain
Type of modality: Dance Activity
Type of play / Shared cooperativeInteraction pattern / Intra-group
# of participants required / 10-20
Equipment/supplies /
- Radio
- Cd
- Electric wall outlet
Facilities required/environment / Activity should be done in a facility where there is a smooth flat surface and is open/spacious for movement.
Precautions /
- Liquid spills on the radio can causea failure and/or afire hazard
- Movements associated with task must not breaks any precautions the client may have (e.g., AROM)
- Music volume associated with task must be adjusted based on the sensitivity of the client’s hearing
- Have participants spread apart to reduce risk of accidental injuries between participants
- Proper footwear, prevent fall
Activity Instructions
(what the therapist needs to do to facilitate the activity)
1. Therapist to initiate the activity with the client.
2. Introduce client to the other players.
3. Explain the rules of the dancing game to client.
4. Instruct client to locate the radio on table.
5. Instruct client find an electrical outlet to plug in the radio to play music.
6. Instruct client to plug in the radio.
7. Instruct client to rest the radio on the floor.
8. Instruct client to select a cd for choice of music.
9. Instruct client to open and insert cd into the radio.
10. Instruct client to close the top of the radio.
11. Instruct client to press play.
12. Instruct client to help form a circle with the other players.
13. Instruct client to start with a simple dance step.
14. Instruct client to always repeat their dance step when it is their turn to go again in the circle.
15. Instruct client to practice the next player to their left dance step as the second step of the dance routine, after their first step.
16. Instruct client to continue with the dance chain, practicing each players dance steps of the dance routine along with clients first dance step.
17. Repeat steps #7 through #9 until the dance chain follows on to the last player in the circle.
18. Instruct client to practice the whole dance routine (includes all of the steps from everyone), together with all the players in circle.
19. Once all participants have practiced the whole dance routine, instruct client to press stop on the radio.
20. Instruct client to open and take cd out of radio.
21. Instruct client to close the top of radio.
22. Instruct client to unplug the radio.
Task Analysis
(what the client needs to do to perform the activity)
1. Locate radio
2. Pick up radio off table
3.Locate electrical outlet
4. Insert radio cord to the wall outlet
5. Rest radio on the floor
6. Select a cd
7. Press power on
8. Insert the cd into the radio
9. Press play
10. Form a circle with group
11. Begin with the first simple dance step
12. Wait for the circle of players to practice client’s dance step
13. Repeat same dance step when turn again
14. Practice next player to the left dance step
15. Repeat steps #9 through #11 continuing with the dance chain, practicing each players dance steps of the dance routine along with first dance step
16. Practice all participants dance steps as a whole dance routine together with circle
17. Stop dancing after dance routine is complete
18. Press stop on radio
19. Eject the cd from cd player
20. Press power off
21. Unplug the radio
Activity Analysis
(inherent skills within the activity)
Category / Skills
Primary body position / Standing
Parts of the body required / All body parts
Directionality / Person/person Person/object Object/object
Physical skills / Active range of motion(neck/head), active range of motion(upper extremities), active range of motion(trunk), active range of motion(lower extremities), balance(dynamic sitting), balance(static sitting), balance(static standing), bending, bilateral integration, cardiovascular endurance, carrying in the arms, carrying in the hands, crossing midline, fine motor coordination, flexibility, grasp(palmar grasp), grasp(scissor grasp), grasp(radial-digital grasp), grasp(3-jaw chuck grasp), grasp(pincer grasp), gross muscle coordination, hopping, jumping, lifting, manipulating, motor control, moving around obstacles, moving on different surfaces, moving around using equipment, muscle strength, picking up, pulling, punching, pushing with upper extremities, pushing with lower extremities, putting down objects, reaching, releasing, running, skipping, standing, stretching, turning or twisting hands or arms, visual-motor integration, walking short distance
Cognitive skills / Arousal/alertness, focused attention, selective attention, sharing attention, sustaining attention, calculation, cognitive flexibility, concentration, decision making (simple), initiation, insight, judgment, memory(long-term), memory (short term), orientation (person), orientation(place), orientation(topographical), organization and planning, problem solving(simple), reading, recognition(number), recognition(size), recognition(shape/form), sequencing, spatial operations, strategy, thought(abstract thought), time management
Sensory abilities / Auditory, visual
Communication/language skills / Reception of spoken language, reception of body language, reception of signs and symbols, expression of spoken language, producing body language, producing signs and symbols
Social and interpersonal skills / Conversation(starting a conversation), handling criticism, heterogeneity, interpersonal interactions, maintaining social space, physical contact, relating with equals, relating with persons in authority, regulating behavior, relationships (forming), self-expression, social conduct, social cues, showing respect and warmth, showing tolerance
Self-care skills / Caring for skin, dressing, washing/drying one’s self
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Growth & development, hope/optimism, inner strength, joy, positive emotions of escalation, positive emotions of well-being, sense of competence/mastery, sense of competence & belonging, sense of autonomy, sense of freedom/autonomy, sense of identity, anger, emotional pain, fear, frustration, guilt
(to meet the therapeutic needs of the client)
How could you simplify the activity? /
- Decrease the number of players, to shorten the dance steps, to ease the working short term memory
- Only repeat the dance step once to reduce fatigue
- Decrease weight, and size of radio for easier to grasp and manipulate
- Have participants do dance moves twice when they first demonstrate it so it can be easily remembered
- Have the participants seated rather than standing, reduce fatigue
- Only have client in the circle to decide and create the dance steps that they are comfortable with, increase their sense of competence and mastery
How could you make the activity more complex? /
- Increase the number of participants to challenge mobility (e.g., dancing longer) and cognitive (e.g., more steps to be remembered)
- Increase the distance between players in circle to challenge their attention focus skills
- Make the simple dance to more complex, encourage more mobility and build endurance
- Increase weight of radio to challenge cardiovascular fitness (carrying heavier items requires more cardiovascular demand)
- Change the music to a very fast beat, challenge their quickness of speed
- Purposefully re-locate the radio to a high height cluttered shelf location, that will challenge the client’s problem solving skills
- Talk with the client while she or he is performing dance routine to challenge attention skills
Any Additional Comments
If participants experience fatigue with performing the dance steps, specify that participants should take a seat and to rest while waiting for turn to dance.
(NOTE: If this is the case, participants should be prepared with chairs that are next to them in the circle as they are feeling fatigue.)