Angela April Bellman
Leigh Ellen Bee
Lesson Plans: August 24-28
Bell RingerFirst five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work.
Computer Lab Schedule
Bellman’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 11
Bee’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 6
Tuesday – Iready ELA
Friday – Iready ELA
ELA – Lesson 7
Lesson / R.I. 2.2
Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus specific paragraphs in the text.
Iready ELA Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Key Details
Iready ELA Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Sequence
We will be covering the following pages in the ELA Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 7.
Monday- pg. 59 – TSW focus on the idea of recounting by telling important story events in order. TSW focus on the most important details in the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Tues- pgs. 60 - 61– TSW read the first part of a fable and look for important details to recount in the part of the story. TSW continue reading a fable, about a lion and mouse. TSW answer a multiple-choice question about the end of the story and use the most important details to recount the story in their own words.
Wed- pgs. 62 -63 – TSW read the story “Pecos Bill and the Mountain Lion” twice. TTW, after the first reading, ask three questions to check your students’ comprehension of the story. TSW answer questions 1-3, using the hints to help them answer those questions.
Thurs- pgs. 64 - 66 – TSW independently read a longer fable story, “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” and answer questions in a format that provides test practice. (Common Core Practice). TTW circulate to assess the students’ comprehension of the story.
Friday – Formal assessment will be given.
Center 1 / Teacher center: TSW with project read at this center. Skills will be taught/retaught. This center will be using white boards and verbal skills to check for comprehension.
Center 2 / Asst. Teacher Center – TSW read different fables and tall tales passages. TSW complete a recounting activity about each of them. TSW name the key details of the beginning, middle and ending of the story.
Center 3 / Computer Center – Iready Reading
Center 4 / Language Center: TSW have an assortment of activities to choose from to sort singular and plural nouns. TSW (if time is permitted) complete rainbow writing on their spellings words and match vocabulary words with their meanings. TSW work in pairs to complete these activities.
Center 5 / Writing – TSW complete a story using a selection of singular and plural nouns. TSW then rewrite the story, illustrating it if time permits.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / Vocabulary words correspond with Ready Common Core Reading. Vocabulary words this week are:
Recount- Retell a story
Furious – very angry
Realized – to become aware or understand something
Leaped – an action word to describe jump
Essential Question / How can I understand proper sequencing when retelling a story?
How can I recount a story by telling the most important details in the order in which they happen?
I Can / I can understand proper sequencing when retelling a story.
I can recount a story by telling the most important details in the order in which they happen.
Intervention / Boost – Ms. Benton will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class - Hannah Lee, La’Asya Luvene, and Nadia Sterling and Ms. Bee’s Class – ZyKendrick Harper, Markee Frankline, and Cornelius Dean.
Ms. Bond will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Sha’Myia Penn and Ms. Bee’s Class - Chabli Boler, Skyy Bush, DeAngelo Kennard, Jacob Stacey.
Mr. Redmond – will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Kimora Marion and Ms. Bee’s Class – Azaria McInnis, O’Reuna Minter, LaSamuel Viverette.
GCMH – the following students will go to GCHM from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Ella Blackstone and Xavier Morgan
The following students will go to GCHM from Ms. Bee’s Class – Cornelius Dean, Kaitlin Knue, and O’reuna Minter.
The rest of the students in the class will circulate between working on the weekly grammar skills, teacher table and asst. teacher with phonic readings for fluency. Also, a review of any of the skills taught that morning prior to intervention time.
Angela April Bellman
Leigh Ellen Bee
Lesson Plans: August 24-28
Bell RingerFirst five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work.
Computer Lab Schedule
Bellman’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 11
Bee’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 6
Monday – Iready Math
Wednesday – St Math
Thursday – Iready Math
Lesson / 2.OA.1
Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Iready Math Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Subtracting – two digit numbers.
We will be covering the following pages in the Math Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 2.
Monday – pgs. 8-9 – Introduction to one-step problems. TSW explore one-step problems by examining a bar model and an open number line. TSW use varied models to represent a word problem and analyze the three possible positions of an unknown.
Tuesday – pgs. 10 - 11 – Modeled instructions. TSW use a picture to model a one-step problem and record what is known and not known. Guided instruction. TSW revisit the problem on page 10 by writing number sentences to represent what is shown in the models. Then solve a problem using both addition and subtraction.
Wednesday – pg. 12-13 – Modeled instructions. TSW solve a word problem using a picture model and record what is known and not known. Guided instruction. TSW revisit the problem on page 12, writing a number sentence to model the situation. Then solve a problem using both addition and subtractions.
Thursday – pg. 14-15 – Guided instruction. TSW model and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction. TTW circulate and help students who need extra help.
Thursday – pg. 16-17 – Common Core Practice. Independent work to check for comprehension. TSW use addition and subtraction to solve one-step word problems that might appear on a math test. TTW circulate and observe the students.
Friday – Formal assessment will be given.
Center 1 / Teacher Center - Remediation/skill building center. TSW work one-step word problems using the skills learned over the week (pictures, number bonds, and open number lines.
Center 2 / Asst. Teacher Center – What is the word problem? TSW work with the asst. teacher in creating word problems (both addition and subtraction) with a given answer. TSW use counters and pictures to solve the problems. TSW demonstrate the problem set up by pictures, number bonds, and open number lines.
Center 3 / Computer Center – ST Math
Center 4 / Visual Model: TSW work in pairs to find the missing addends. An assortment of number sentences and number bonds will be given to the student to complete. TSW use manipulatives to solve the problems.
Center 5 / Student Lead Activities – TSW work in pairs to solve one-step addition and subtraction problems. Manipulatives will be used to help solve the problems.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / One-Step problem – a problem that requires a single step to solve.
Essential Question / What are different ways to solve a one-step word problem?
What different types of information do you need to know about the problem before you solve it?
I Can / I can use different ways to solve a one-step word problem?
I can use different types of information before working the problem before I solve the problem?
Intervention / Mr. Allen – will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class - and Ms. Bee’s Class –
Mr. Redmond – will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Kimora Marion and Ms. Bee’s Class – Azaria McInnis, O’Reuna Minter, LaSamuel Viverette.
GCMH – the following students will go to GCHM from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Ella Blackstone and Xavier Morgan
The following students will go to GCHM from Ms. Bee’s Class – Cornelius Dean, Kaitlin Knue, and O’reuna Minter.
Angela April Bellman
Leigh Ellen Bee
Lesson Plans: August 24-28
Bell RingerSeparate singular nouns from plural nouns. Using a T-frame TSW separate the words.
Computer Lab Schedule
Bellman’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 11
Bee’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 6
Tuesday – Iready ELA
Friday – Iready ELA
Writing and Language
Lesson / W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section
W.2.8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
L.2.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking.
SL.2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
SS.5 Name historical figures of various cultures.
Brain Pop – TSW watch a 5 minute video on nouns on Brain Pop, then answer the five questions on the exam.
We will be covering the following pages in the Writing Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 1.
Monday- pgs. 20-21 – TSW plan the organization of their informational paragraphs. TSW use a chart to show what to include in the beginning, middle, and end.
Tues -ELA Centers
Wed- pgs. 22-23 – TSW identify the main parts of an informational paragraph. TSW draft the beginning of an informational paragraph.
Thurs – ELA Centers
Friday- pgs. 24-25 – TSW draft the middle and end of an informational paragraph. TSW provide facts and definitions about the topic, connecting the facts with the topic in different words.
Center 1 / Teacher center: TSW with project read at this center. Skills will be taught/retaught. This center will be using white boards and verbal skills to check for comprehension.
Center 2 / Asst. Teacher Center: TSW read different fables and tall tales passages. TSW complete a recounting activity about each of them. TSW name the key details of the beginning, middle, and ending of the story.
Center 3 / Computer Center – I-ready Reading
Center 4 / Language Center: TSW have an assortment of activities to choose from to sort singular and plural nouns. TSW (if time is permitted) complete rainbow writing on their spellings words and match vocabulary words with their meanings. TSW work in pairs to complete these activities.
Center 5 / Writing – TSW complete a story using a selection of singular and plural nouns. TSW then rewrite the story, illustrating it if time permits.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / Vocabulary words correspond with Ready Common Core Reading. Vocabulary words this week are:
Singular noun- a noun that names one person, place, or thing.
Plural noun- a noun that names more than one person, place, or thing.
Essential Question / How can I write to inform about a topic with facts and other details?
How can I answer questions by recalling/gathering information?
How can I make good word choices when writing and speaking?
I Can / I can write to inform about a topic with facts and other details.
I can answer questions by recalling and gathering information.
I can make good word choices when writing and speaking.
Intervention Continued / Boost – Ms. Benton will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class - Hannah Lee, La’Asya, and Nadia Sterling and Ms. Bee’s Class – ZyKendrick Harper, Markee Franklin, and Cornelius Dean.
Ms. Bond will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Sha’Myia Penn and Ms. Bee’s Class – Azaria McInnis, O’Reuna Minter, LaSamuel Viverette
Mr. Redmond – will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Kimora Marion and Ms. Bee’s Class – Azaria McInnis, O’Reuna Minter, LaSamuel Viverette
GCMH – the following students will go to GCMH from Ms. Bellman’s Class – Tuesday and Thursday - Ella Blackstone and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - Xavier Morgan
The following students will go to GCMH from Ms. Bee’s Class – Cornelius Dean, Kaitlyn Knue, and O’Reuna Minter.
The rest of the students in the class will circulate between working on the weekly grammar skills, teacher table and asst. teacher with phonic readings for fluency. Also, a review of any of the skills taught that morning prior to intervention time.