Compensation Guidelines for Student Employees
Student Employees contribute significantly to the success of UCCS. The campus expects superior performance and productivity from these employees and, thus, needs appropriate ways to initially compensate and then to reward and recognize meritorious performance. The guidelines below summarize options from UCCS Compensation policy for student employee positions.
All hourly rates should be based on an analysis of the appropriate duties within each Student Assistant Job Category, internal equity with positions at the same level and scope, job performance, and other job related factors.
- Student employee positions should be set within the listed pay range in the decided Student Assistant Job CategoryInitial Hourly Rate / - Hiring a student at an hourly rate above the minimum within a Student Assistant Job Category should only be done when the student's experience warrants such an increase or when the job duties place the position within the range or at the maximum
- For guidance on which Student Assistant Job Category most closely matches the departments need you can visit-
Annual Hourly Rate Setting Process / - Student Assistant Job Categories will be increased by The Board of Regents approved percentage annually so that ranges will remain competitive. These range increase will not translate into across the board raises for all student employees. Individual merit raises should be decided based upon student evaluations and funding availability in each department. This is not a cost of living or across the board increase. Increases are not mandated.
-Merit raises should be based upon employee evaluations and funding availability
-All students in a department should be evaluated at the same time and with the same frequency unless action or responsibilities create the need for separate evaluations.
Hourly Rate Adjustments / -Students in the same or similar positions who rate similarly on their evaluations should be compensated consistently and equitably
Note* all Student hourly rate adjustments are considered base building, there are no one-time incentives / -Promotions: significant change in the level of responsibility or duties should be the main base for any promotion. A promotion is a change in Student Assistant Job Category (i.e. from a Student Assistant I to a Student Assistant II). Promotions should also be based upon employee evaluations and funding availability. Promotions should be offered equitably if more than one candidate exists.