Role Description – Treasurer

Overall Purpose of Role

  • To provide advice, information and assurance to the Trustees about the financial stewardship of Keech Hospice Care and to support and assist management staff in the exercise of their responsibilities for financial affairs.

Summary of Main Responsibilities

  • To advise the Trustees about the financial stewardship of Keech Hospice Care.
  • To be a member of the Audit & Risk Committee.
  • To support and assist staff in the exercise of financial management.

Key Responsibilities and Tasks

  • To ensure, in close co-operation with the Chief Executive and Finance Director, that Keech Hospice Care operates within the legal and financial guidelines set out in current legislation and its own standing orders.
  • To ensure that adequate financial controls are in place and that Keech Hospice Care operates within a sound financial framework.
  • To work with and support the Chief Executive and Finance Director in order to be satisfied that the financial information presented is comprehensive and accurate.
  • To develop a close understanding of the key assumptions included in medium-term financial plans and annual budget proposals. To advise the Trustee Board on the financial implications of its strategy and policy objectives.
  • To advise Trustees on major financial issues which arise and which are outside the agreed boundaries of management authority.
  • To identify any additional financial risks facing Keech Hospice Care and recommend appropriate action.
  • To attend an annual meeting with external Auditors (and any other delegated members of the Trustee Board) to discuss the Auditor’s report and accounts; to report formally on this to the main Trustee Board.
  • To ensure, with the Chief Executive and Finance Director, that an internal audit policy operates effectively.
  • To lead the internal audit function, bringing in others as appropriate.
  • To undertake any specific tasks requested by the Trustee Board.
  • To lead in the interface between Trustees and management on financial matters.

Election and Tenure

The Treasurer must be a Member and Trustee of Keech Hospice Care.

Trustees have the power to appoint the Treasurer.

It is the intention of the Trustee Board that the Treasurer should serve in that role for a maximum of six years.