What You Need to Know about the
Tertiary Institution Health Promotion Grant (TIHPG)
1.What is this Grant about?
The TIHPG is aco-funding scheme introduced by the Health Promotion Board (HPB). It aims to provide financial support for tertiary institutions to plan and implement comprehensive health promotion programmes/projects for their students.
2.What can the TIHPG be used to fund?
Tertiary institutions can use the TIHPG to:
- fund programmes/projects which seek to raise awareness of pertinent health issues such as
- smoking control/smoking cessation;
- sexually transmitted infections (STIs)/AIDS prevention education;
- mental wellness;
- nutrition education and
- physical activity.
These programmes (egs. talks, workshops, roadshows) aim to equip students with knowledge as well as empower them to lead healthier lifestyles. Staff capacity building programmes on youth health issues may also be considered.
- fund programmes/projects that facilitate environmental changes such as set-up of fitness stations, changes to the canteen environment (egs. provision of water coolers) which promote and support healthy living.
- engage expert services to conduct health-related training, health needs assessments/surveys and/or
- fund any other relevant health-related initiative(s) aimed at improving the health of the students.
3.Who is eligible for the TIHPG?
All government-funded tertiary institutions shall be eligible for the TIHPG. This includes Institutes of Technical Education, Polytechnics and Universities.
These institutions should not have secured similar funding schemes from HPB which are targeted at the same audience.
4What are the Terms and Conditions?
Applicants of the grant shall abide by the following terms and conditions:
- The Application Form and details of the proposed programme(s)/project(s) shall be submitted to HPB at least 1 month before the date of implementation.
- Tertiary institutions shall adhere to the approved programme(s)/project(s) and approval must be sought from HPB before any changes can be made to the proposal(s).
- The approved programme(s)/project(s) shall be completed by March 2012.
- Tertiary institutions shall submit an evaluation report (see attached) within 1 month upon the completion date for reimbursement.
- Tertiary institutions shall utilise at least 80% of their approved TIHPGs. Failure to do so may result in their disqualification from the TIHPG in the following year.
- Applicants are reminded choose healthier food options should there be food/beverages served during the programme.
- Grants are allocated on a first-come-first serve basis.
5.What is the quantum of the TIHPG?
The TIHPG is a co-funding scheme where HPB will co-fund 60% of the total cost, up to a maximum of S$5,000 per tertiary institution, over a 12 month period[1], on a reimbursement basis. All reimbursement must be made by end of March 2012.
If the programme caters to the whole institution, HPB mayco-fund 60% of the total cost up to a maximum of S$10,000 (e.g. ITE College-wide activities).
HPB reserves the right to decide on the final quantum of funding on a case-by-case basis.
6.How to apply for the TIHPG?
Applicants areto complete and submit the applicationform (see attached) at least 1 month before the programme implementation date.
HPB will notify all applicants of the status of their application within 3 weeks upon receiving the application via post or e-mail.
7.How will the successful tertiary institutions be reimbursed?
The TIHPG will be disbursed within 1 month upon receipt of evaluation form and all supporting documents. They include:
- Duplicate copies of certified receipts, payment vouchers or statements of payment.
- Inter-bank GIRO Form (see attached), for new applicants. No cash payment will be made to organisations or individuals.
- Project evaluation report with actual budget statements of expenditure incurred and photos (if any).
All payments, excluding GST, shall be made via GIRO into a non-personal bank account held by the tertiary institution.
8.Who can tertiary institutions contact to seek clarifications?
Institution OfficerTelephoneEmail
Institute of Technical Education Wesley Teo 6435
Polytechnic Eugene Heng 6435 3200
University Kelly Leow 6435
[1] For this term, the period will be from April 2011 to March 2012.