Sports & Entertainment Marketing I

3.01 Market Segmentation – Marty & the Martins

Read the following situations. Then, determine which of the businesses listed below would best suit Marty and which would best suit the Martins. Write the word “Marty” or the word “Martins” in the space provided beside each business. Also, in the “why” column, identify the general category or categories of characteristics (demographic, geographic, psychographic, or behavioral) that you used to determine who is more likely to frequent each business.

Marty is a single, 22-year-old graduate student at Martinsville University. He is enrolled as a business management student working on his Masters degree. Marty rents a one-bedroom apartment close to Martinsville U. He lives alone with his dog, Buddy.

The Martins are a typical American family. Mr. Martin is 39 years old and a sales manager at a local parts wholesaler. His wife enjoys cooking and is a part-time secretary for an insurance agent. They have two children. Matt is an eighth grader at Martinsville Elementary School and Matilda is a fourth grader at Martinsville Elementary. Both children are very involved with sports. The Martins live in a small suburb outside Martinsville. Their home is a modest three-bedroom house with a den and a fireplace.

Business / Marty or the Martins / Why?
Pop’s Family Dining Experience
Fast Delivery Sub Shop
Jackson Carpet House
Artsy Kitchen Appliances
McChuckles Pets
Lulu’s Dating Service
Gina’s Dry Cleaners
Harry’s Sporting Goods
Marilyn’s Birthday Palace
Baker’s Delight Cookstore

Sports & Entertainment Marketing I

3.01 Target Market – Say Cheese

Read the following scenario and then respond to both parts of the activity.

Maria recently hired Brendan as an assistant for her photography studio. During Brendan’s first week, Maria answered some basic questions about the focus of her photography. One of Brendan’s questions was about who her target market is – and why.

Maria began her explanation like this…

“The purpose of my photography is to feature my customers in an elaborate photo shoot. I shoot in-studio only; I specialize in senior pictures, headshots, and glamour shots. If customers want to come into the studio for wedding or baby photos, I am happy to accommodate. But I don’t go out to weddings or baby events – and I don’t do family portraits, pets, landscapes, or still=life photos.”

Part One: Highlight the sentence that is most appropriate.

With Maria’s purpose in mind, what do you think she told Brendan about her target market.

  1. Maria hopes high-school seniors will come to her studio from all over the country.
  2. Maria wants to find local people looking for an impressive photography session.
  3. Maria likes to capture newlyweds in her photography.
  4. Maria seeks out couples without small children.
  5. Maria desires to take photos involving action.

Part Two: Highlight every phrase appropriate for Brendan’s target market.

As part of his job responsibility, Brendan needs to locate customers in the target market. He knows the geographic area is limited to reasonable driving distance from the studio. But what does he need to look for regarding demographic, behavioral, and psychographic characteristics?

  1. People who need a striking individual pose to include with a resume or application.
  2. People who like to take digital photos to create CDs for their family members.
  3. People who have the money to spend on fancy photography.
  4. People who are retired from their full-time employment and want photos for their grandkids.
  5. People who don’t like to have their pictures taken because, in the past, they had a bad experience in a photography studio.
  6. People who enjoy dramatic photography.
  7. People who are graduating from high school soon.

Sports & Entertainment Marketing I

3.01 Target Market – Can you segment these markets?

In the “Market Segmentation” column, place the type of market segmentation that corresponds to the customer identified in the left column. Identify the specific form of segmentation, if appropriate, in the right-hand column. Choices of market segmentation are: demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral.

Market Segmentation / Specific Form
Example: Smoker / Psychographic, Behavioral / Lifestyle, Rate of Use
Rich Man
Caffeine Addict
Stay-at-Home Mother
Russian Immigrant
Catholic Priest
WNBA Basketball Player
Repeat Shopper

Sports & Entertainment Marketing I

3.01 Target Market – Nothing to Sneeze At

Explore the website to examine how Claritin attempts to identify and attract its target market(s).

  1. Which target market(s) do you think Claritin wants to attract?
  2. How does the website address customer’s unique allergy combinations?
  3. What special modifications have been made to make Claritin medications more practical for and appealing to children?
  4. What specific characteristics do you think affect customer’s issues with allergies and experiences with allergy medicines? Identify characteristics for each of the following categories.
  5. Demographic
  6. Geographic
  7. Psychographic
  8. Behavioral

Sports & Entertainment Marketing I

3.01 Target Market – Advantages and Disadvantages

Label the following as mass marketing (M) or segment marketing (S).


  1. Is cost effective
  2. Lines up with the marketing concept
  3. Addresses the largest audience available
  4. Is more precise
  5. Encourages effective communication
  6. Provides the most possibilities for success
  7. Provides a way for smaller firms to compete


  1. The diversity of the audience
  2. Needs more resources to pull it off successfully
  3. Requires more creativity
  4. Only a small percentage of the market is likely to purchase the product
  5. The difficulty in producing a complex product
  6. More expensive to produce