West Towson Elementary PTA Meeting

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mrs. Baker’s Classroom

Attendance:Hilary Roxe, Christie Moag, Holly Henson, Jorie Stryker, Melissa Johnson, Stephanie Grace, Molly Chacko, Michele Lansinger, Jenn Lohse, Jackie Piercey, Monica Leigh, Sue Hershfeld, Dawn Hoffmaster, Aline Line, Margo Workman, Ryan Schwanke, Kelly Templeman, Samantha Apel, Carole Vannier, Jennifer Stokes-Reichert, Amy Rehkemper, Allison Gerbereux, Theresa Bassett, Stephanie Hemm (24)

President Report:

-Hilary Roxe called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Welcome to everyone, excited about enthusiasm for PTA, 5 year old school, building on solid foundation—we are in a great place to do good things over the next few years

-Molly Chacko has stepped down as Vice-President 1. Melissa Johnson has agreed to be Vice-President 1 in Molly’s place for the 2014-2016 term. Hilary asked for a member vote.

-Membership unanimously voted Melissa Johnson as Vice-President 1 for 2014-2016 term.

Principal’s Report:

-Mrs. Hershfeld thanked the members for their enthusiasm and spreading the word for PTA meetings. Keep it up!

-Playground is in it’s final stages of approval. Taking awhile but it’s been rushed. Surface has to be poured before it gets too cold. Oct. board meeting is when the final approval and hopefully construction will begin before the weather gets bad. Very excited that we have raised over $120K, extra money to buy some batteries for the laptop computers that the Spanish program uses, every computer now has a new battery which makes the computers essentially brand new.

-BCPS1 is the new platform for parents to check grades. It has not been smooth and thatis recognized. Some of the issues have been due to birthdays not entered correctly. Give the office a call if you have any questions and they will gladly answer them.

-English/Language Arts program called Wonders as been implemented in Kindergarten, teachers are doing a lot of sharing to show what children have learned in the process- amazing! Kids reading, writing, thinking and working in an authentic way in English and Language Arts.

-There have been some modifications in the report cards this year to make it more closely aligned with what is happening in the classroom.

-The Spanish program is going very, very well, with a lot of enthusiasm from children and teachers, Ms. Rier is amazing, participate in self-paced work on the computers, literacy and vocabulary based skills.

-Teachers making their classrooms more student centered environments, maybe not all the bulletin boards appear complete because they are building their rooms with the children, kids are actually helping and taking ownership in their class, this is a big focus this year. Stay tuned with your teachers about that.

-The big elevator is broken due to a bad storm over the summer, piece has been ordered but it’s not here yet. Consequently, the Book Fair will be downstairs in the Rotunda this year due to all the books and needing to take them upstairs via the elevator in the past.

Secretary’s Report

-Jorie Stryker shared protocol for all PTA meetings, inclusive environment for all parents, teachers, Room Mothers, Committee Chairs, all are welcome, sign in sheet and name tags please for every meeting, bring a friend next time, share your ideas

-The PTA is in the process of moving all documents to an online sharing system called Dropbox. Committee Chairs should be saving their documents to this server each time and throughout the year, this is a new effort in standardizing and organizing volunteer efforts from year to year, all committee chairs have been given access to the Dropbox at this time and should be contacting previous chairs if needed to retrieve documents to transfer.

-All committee chairs have received binders to organize their documents, save minutes, and any other pertinent information for their committee, they should use the log for “history of chairs” in their binder to provide contact information for future volunteers, these binders will be passed down to the next chair

-Teachers/Admin were asked to advertise for the PTA monthly meetings in their newsletters and in a universal manner, “PTA Meeting”, this is not a board meeting, planning meeting, etc. All are welcome!

Treasurer’s Report:

-Christie Moag reports PTA budget as of Sept. 16, 2014-$17,325 for the donations, we are thrilled with the response! Outstanding Westies! PTA board can decide what committee budgets we can move this money to, this is more then 70% participation, membership is at a current total of 344, last year was 370, spread the word, encourage people to be a part of things, every membership helps the PTA and the school

-Disbursement Requests-complete in it’s entirety, obtain on the PTA Website, return with a note in WTES gold folder or mail to Christie when you need reimbursement, prefer envelope for receipts

-Cash Verifcation Form-if you are collectingmoney for any events please tally it up and it will be checked before it’s deposited

-PTA donation progress will continue to be advertised on Facebook, etc.

-Hilary would like PTA to think about our spending priorities with this generous amount. What are our priorities now? Yearbook for every 5th grader for free? Will continue this topic and keep thinking about this. Committee chairs please bring these ideas forward if you have an idea that you want to spend some of this money on.

Membership Report:

Melissa Johnson-1st Vice President & Membership Chair reports on membership. Let’s increase our membership for the PTA, add your spouse, focus on making the PTA a membership where people come to the meetings, Rodgers Forge PTA meetings have been held in the cafeteria because there are so many participants, we can do this! PTA member table will be at WTES events throughout the year to encourage the member drive, this will be an ongoing and major focus of the PTA this year

-Values of Membership: on the website. Facebook PTA Page, like this page—you will get updates, invite your friends, if you have anything to post to it notify one of the officers. West Towson Elementary School, More advertising and marketing with their newsletters and teachers, all are welcome to come!!!!

-Room Parents are all encouraged to attend PTA meetings to help bridge this gap between the PTA and the teachers, Room Parents are the vessel of communication to the rest of the classroom parents and the major link of support, Room Parent Coordinator will be asked to share this with all Room Parents, we want to hear your voices

-Hilary-Introduction of Holly Henson-2nd Vice-President

Mrs. Hoffmaster:

-64% of parents have logged into BCPS1, it did crash in the beginning of the year because so many people were trying to get on. Oct. 31st is the deadline for the password and it will expire after this date.

-Transportation-smoothest beginning of the year for this, Purple bus was arriving late but they have had their route adjusted and they are now coming on time.

-MAP testing-finishing up this week for grades 1-5th grade, testing office took recommendation and decided not to test kindergarteners for MAPs when they first enter school, they will do it 2nd semester. The other change is 3-5th graders will not be taking the spring MAP testing because the PARCC test replacing it, too much testing for the kids

Teachers Report (Mrs. Lansinger-2nd Grade)

-Teachers agree a very smooth beginning of year, huge support at Back to School Night, many teachers going to the ice cream social

-Bird houses-one of the poles to the 4 birdhouses was taken down and the baffles were tampered with, PTA granted funding to replace the birdhouses. Looking into getting poles and baffles for the houses in the meantime

Commmittee Reports:

Box Tops:

Monica Leigh reports there is a new bonus sheet, have a lot more points to use, the funds have supported the outdoor recess and gym equipment in past, this year have goal to get indoor recess game, PTA webpage has form to print out, etc. and help you through it. Will be reaching out to each class to have a leader help “own” box tops for that class.


-Moncia Leigh reports the Cash for Trash program and recycle at home has been funding around $500 (mainly from cafeteria trash) for the last few years, may be about 5 people participating from trash in their homes, not even 10% of the people in the school, this is an easy way to make money but very little participation, pick ONE thing, cereal bags, granola bar wrappers, etc., it all adds up. Committee collects quarterly, email Monica and you can drop off at her house to store for you if you need storing space.

-Planning to start a Clothing to Cash program, getting approval for a bin on the WTES property, they will take the clothes in any condition, just clean and dry, goal for each WTES family to contribute just 1 bag of clothing (rugs, sheets, clothing, towels, shoes) this year then we can raise $1,000, they recycle these clothes to repurpose them so it does not have to be wearable just usable, would like to invite Ridge Ruxton community to participate as well, put bin accessible and obvious

-PTA website gives lots of information on the Upcycle program

-Monica reports the Greener Cleaners are going to start next week at the teachers’ selection. Waste Free Wed. will be redefined this year, still support to idea but spread out over any day of the week.

Generations Day:

-Hilary reports-still looking for a Chair for this very special day. Also have a group of teacher who work with the committee that particular day so it’s a great opportunity to work with the teachers, there is a lot of support for this committee just need a leader, please contact Hilary

Health and Wellness:

-Samantha Apel and Carole Vannier report that Farm to School was last week, Fit Night and Taste Off are the key events which will occur in Feb. Still coming up with ideas and need help with logistics so please join this committee!


-Alison Gerbereux reportsthe committee provided the Back to School Breakfast in Aug. for teachers, paper bags breakfasts will go to bus drivers in Nov., Luncheon for teachers during teacher appreciation week, Cake for Patriot and Defenders List, Sign-up genius for donations,

Sign up genius on website for helping in Cafeteria throughout the year, please sign up, great way to see your kids and see what’s going on in the school year, especially K and 1st grade need help.

School Spirit:

-Margo Workman-selling out of products with $584 for a total from two events to date, working out kinks with the supplier but need to do a lot of restocking, trying to figure out what will sell and what kind of new items, big desire for pajamas, adult t-shirts, water bottles, sweats, sweatshirts, high knee socks, WTES lanyards for ID cards, Tervis Tumblers, need to prioritize

-Hilary reports chairsare needed for School Store and Supply Kits. (Teresa Bassett volunteered at the end of the meeting.)

Special Education:

Theresa Bassett, Special Education Liaison, link to SE office at BCPS offices, will help with questions about IEP process or 504, contacts at SE office, lots of resources, look for info in WTES monthly newsletter, Huge resources available at library at the SE office, books DVDs, tons of information available. Email:

Social Committee:

-Ryan Schwanke and Jenn Lohse report on great success with Kindergarten playdate at the West Towson playground before school began, 50-60 kindergarteners were present

-Friday is the Back to School Social, DJ, Ritas, 2 balloon artists, and Westie, if rain will be held inside

The Social Committee had planned to charge $1 for Rita’s, to stay within their budget while still offering a free event to the WTES community, and to ensure some crowd control at the Rita’s table. After some discussion, the group decided to use PTA funds to cover the cost for one Rita’s per child.

-Future possible events-November, WTES Gives Thanks (can goods food drive, trees of thanks in the Rotunda, donuts, apple cider, possibly games/crafts), Movie Night in winter- will include collecting hats and mittens to donate to charity, looking into Ice Skating party/hot chocolate as well


Aline Lin reports 390 yearbooks were sold last year at $18 each, this year it may go up because there are many great things to add, want to engage people in the yearbook more. Volunteers with cameras at all events to take pictures, hoping to upload photos for the yearbook with Irvine Simon instead of emailing them at the end of year, make sure the photos on phone are taken at a larger resolution, want to get the 5th graders more involved in the yearbook, when submitting need to know who is in the picture and what is the picture about, Extras are ordered but it’s hard to determine how many to get

Online Directory

-Hilary reports that Gayle Trepanier is working on this year’s directory with a goal to distribute it by Mid-October, takes awhile to collect all the forms, proofread and take to the printer,

The goal is to move this online where it will be printable and secure, the budget has a place for this cost, If we canmove it online this year then next year it will just be online adjustments to information at the start of school, This year hard copies will be available as well as online if we are able to move forward. If anyone has expertise with online directories, please contact Hilary. We are looking for a system that we can also use for targeted communications, and send out information more efficiently. This year will be a testing year and hopefully the last year with a printed hard copy.

Other Business:

Jennifer Stokes-Reichert, member

-Shares idea of local bank coming to WTESwith passbooks to do hands on lessons on money with students

Back to school Night Meeting-introduce the PTA, and share where your money goes to when joining the PTA

Melissa Johnson, Membership/VP

Welcome letter will be sent out this year to all new members, withmember card, directions on creating online profile, details of benefits of joining PTA and exactly where your money goes

Holly Henson, VP2

-pick up and drop off area where the walkers go is filled with trash, cigarette butts, dog waste, recommends a trash can.

Mrs. Hersheld responded that there is no one to empty the trash, husband will make a dog waste bag holder, the county is not set up in a way that there could be a person to collect the trash on the property, will look into this again

Holly Henson, VP2

-Two years ago Holly and Pam Chen started an organization committee where they organized and stocked three work rooms, used by teachers and parents. They are looking for additional supplies, or funding for supplies, and suggested that they begin working under the auspices of the Hospitality Committee. Mrs. Hershfeld suggested that Mrs. Ford may be able to offer some support, and Hilary suggested additional funding could be available from the PTA budget to avoid asking parents for more donations. Talking to all team leaders for each grade to see if they have any specific needs for their workrooms. Letter will go to the team leaders.

Amy Rehkemper, member:

Wants to see consistency to the role of Room Parents across the school, recommends Room Parent binders like PTA Chairs, need clear descriptions of the job, per grade level. This needs to be an ongoing conversation and it would be nice to see Room Mothers attend PTA meetings to help with this.

Hilary adjourned the meeting at 8:27. p.m.