Essential Information for Parents of children in Class 2
Autumn 1
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Here is the curriculum letter for the Autumn term.
Lining up
When lining up with your children on the playground in the morning, could you please ensure that you are standing on the left of your child so that there is a separate line of children and parents. This enables teachers to see who is here and prevents children getting separated from their line when walking into school. Thank you.
- Children will be heard once every week by the teacher and Mrs Evans on a two week rotation.
- Children will also complete a guided reading weekly programme of activities.
- Please complete the reading diary, making comments at least once a week as a form of communication to us about how you think your child is getting on at home with their reading.
Basic number work
- Children will be expected to know the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 timetables by the end of Year 2.
- To recognise and be able to form all numbers to 100 and begin to work with three and four digit numbers.
- To add and subtract.
- To multiply and divide.
- To know the number bonds to 20 and 100.
This half term children will be studying and creating their own:
- Recounts on their summer holiday.
- Stories which mimic significant authors. Our significant author is Roald Dahl and we will be reading and working on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory making clear links to our Creative Curriculum lessons.
- Instructions.
- Poetry.
Children will also have separate handwriting lessons which will focus on joining letters correctly and consistently. I would highly recommend frequently practising cursive handwriting at home. I can provide a laminated handout which clearly shows the children how to join letters correctly. If you would like a copy just let me know and I will send one home with your child. Additional writing opportunities will also be available to the children in guided reading.
During this term we will be focusing on:
- Counting, partitioning and calculating.
- Securing number facts and understanding shape.
- Handling data and measures.
Curriculum Overview – Autumn Term 1
Our topic for this half term in Class 2 is going to be‘Class 2 and the Chocolate Factory’. Within this topic, a range of subjects are going to be covered.Children will learn about the history of the Cadbury family and chocolate, get to see where chocolate comes from, packaging products and the processes ofmelting and cooling.
Design Technology
- Food – Children will be evaluating already existing chocolate products and will use these to design and then make their own new flavour of chocolate. This will involve designing the packaging for their new product, cutting and mixing ingredients to create a new chocolate bar and then evaluating their new product.
- Changing Materials – Within this unit children will learn about some of the ways materials can be changed and that heating can cause changes which produce materials which are often useful and tasty (chocolate!). Experimental and investigative work in this unit focuses on thinking about what is expected to happen, making and recording observations and comparisons and deciding whether a test is fair.
- This half term children will be learning about a local significant person. This person is JohnCadbury. Children will learn about JohnCadbury and his family, what he did, why he did it, the factory and how the factory has impacted upon our local area.
- Gymnastics –Within this unit children will explore rolling, jumping, sequences and space. Children will need a t-shirt, shorts and pumps as kit for this unit of PE.
- New beginnings – Within this topic children will take part in discussions and activities on:
- Community.
- Feelings.
- Emotions.
- Problems and how to solve them.
Contact Arrangements
If you have any concerns about your child’s education or wish to make me aware of important issues then I am available to speak to you at a mutually convenient time after school. I hope that you have found this letter helpful and informative and hope that, in partnership, we can ensure that this is a very successful and happy school year!
Yours sincerely
(Miss Martin for)
Mrs. B Petryshyn