Prestonpans Infant School
Our Improvement Plan* for Session 2016-2017
Key Priorities 2016-2017 / What will we do?1. Leadership of Change / a) Children, Families, Staff and partner agencies work together to create a new Vision, Values and Aims for our school by December 2016
b) Teachers meet weekly in year group teams to discuss teaching, learning, assessment and attainment
c) Support teachers to gain Leadership / Masters Level certification
d) Re-organise the Nursery Team
e) Implement Named Person legislation and tell children and families who the Named Person they can speak to is (as guided by Scottish Govt)
f) Use our school space to welcome After School Club, to create quiet spaces and outdoor learning
g) Have more clubs for children
2. Improve the Curriculum /
- Road Safety Campaign
- Learn about the World of Work (Develop Scotland’s Young Workforce)
- Try out ELC’s 5 new Curriculum Programmes
- Improve teaching of IT
Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing /
- Improve Reading and Writing N – P3 Continue Big Bedtime Read in Winter
- Moderate reading in school, writing in school and in cluster
- Train staff in Number Counts, attend conference
- Increase time spent on Numeracy/Maths
- Explain Number Counts to parents/carers
- Continue Learn to Sleep, Sleep to Learn
- Road Safety
3. Learning, Teaching & Assessment /
- Everyone know and use the Learning Wheel to understand learning
- Use floorbooks/learning walls to plan learning with children
- Assess children using Significant Aspects of Learning
- Teachers’ Collaborative Professional Enquiry
- Improve learning through shared N/P1 play in the early level
- First Level teachers in PINS & PPS discuss learning
4. Raising Attainment and Achievement /
- Identify children living in poverty and the lowest achieving learners
- Understand their attainment data
- Target actions to improve it, share with parents
- Offer Family Learning Programmes
- Train staff in the Poverty Attainment Gap, create anti-poverty guidance
- Celebrate children’s achievements in and out of school
- P3 make Learning Profiles to take to PPS
- Continue Father Inclusive practice and share with other schools
Our priorities match the Scottish Government Priorities, set out in the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish Delivery Plan.These are
1. Improve attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy
2. Close the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children
3. Improve children’s health and wellbeing
4. Improve employability skills
* This is an abbreviated version of our full Improvement Plan for 2016 – 2017. You can read the full version on the website or ask for a copy in the school office.
We also have a Standards and Quality Report for 2015 – 2016, which is available from the school office or on the website.