Submitting Abstracts Online for SMASH
Boris Badenov1 and Bullwinkle J. Moose2
- AcmeLabs, Pottsylvania, PA, US
- Chemistry Department, What's A Matter U., Frostbite Falls, MN, US
Body of abstract. Please try to keep your abstract to 1 page (maximum of 2 pages please). Enter title, authors and affiliations first, then body of abstract in this section. Please do not put carriage returns in your title or affiliations. Please use title case for the title.
Title: Enter title in title case. Do not enter a carriage return and/or period at the end of your title.
Authors: Enter authors as ‘firstname mi lastname’. Separate authors with a comma. If authors come from more than one affliation, use superscripted number immediately after the authors lastname to indicate which affiliation the author is associated with. The last author should be listed as either ‘and John Q. Adams’ or as ‘, and John Q. Adams’ if there are 2 or more authors respectively. The name of the presenter should be in bold face, do not bold face the superscripted affiliation number.
Affiliations: Should consist of Affiliation Name, Department (optional) City, State/Region, Country. Do not include street addresses, mail codes, phone numbers or web sites. Each Affilliation is it’s own paragraph. Do not put carriage returns in an affiliation, however if you need the line to break at a certain point use shift-return instead of a return. If there is more that one affiliations they are numbers 1,2,.. etc. The number is followed immediately by a period then 2 spaces, see above.
Abstract: The abstract can be as long as you wish, there is no page limit. Separate paragraphs with an empty line. Separate sentences with 2 spaces. Put references in the text in brackets [1,2].
References: The references have a 0.25 inch hanging indent. The reference number is immediately followed by a period then a tab (control-tab). The format for the citation is: Authors (lastname, firstname mi), Journal name, Volume(Issue), Pages, Year
Do not change any of the fonts or font sizes. The title, authors and affiliations are center justified. The body of the abstract is full justification, and the references are left justified. Please do not use the Symbol font for special characters (i.e. αβ δ→ λ, etc.), but rather select the symbol from the Verdana font.
- first reference