Weeks of October 17th and 24th

Word Wall Words (reading words): me, my, you, come, find, was.

These will be introduced on Tuesday and we will continue to review and do activities with them throughout the next 2 weeks. Please practice them at home each night using the word ring your child will create in class. Students should be able to recognize and read the words by next Friday (10/28).


The spelling patternis listed on the colored sheet. When studying the spelling pattern with your child, please focus on the sound we are working on or the rule, rather than just memorization. We will work on each spelling sort for about 2 weeks. Your child will be tested on some of those words as well as similar words on the spelling test day. I will work with the students on their spelling pattern in small groups over the next 2 weeks.

Spelling test: Friday, 10/28


Monday, 10/17- Review new spelling sort (cut sort and only glue headings like we do in school, then practice sorting and spelling sort words all week). Test on Friday, 10/28.

Tuesday, 10/18- Please read the story in your reading bag once to yourself and once to someone else at home. Work on word wall paper

Wednesday, 10/19 – Math sheet

Thursday, 10/20- Phonics review sheet


Monday, 10/24 Practice spelling sort

Tuesday, 10/25 Math sheet

Wednesday, 10/26 Math sheet

Thursday, 10/27 Please read the story in your reading bag once to yourself and once to someone else at home. Return word wall paper by tomorrow.

Notes and Reminders:

▪Scholastic Book Club(optional): Orders due October 27th

▪Salt Brook Character Education theme: Be Today’s HERO… Help Everyone- Respect Others. Ask your child about it!

▪Please return the conference formasap so I can firm up my conference schedule.

▪Students will celebrate Halloween on Monday, October 31st. Students will bring their costumes to school and get changed after lunch. Weather permitting, parents are invited to watch the children parade around the school at 2:15. Classes will pose on the lower playground for pictures immediately following the parade.

▪November 7, 8, 9: Students have 12:30 dismissal due to conferences.

Overview of the next 2 Weeks:

In Language Arts, we will enjoy some new stories over the next 2 weeks, including big books, Halloween and fall stories, some Norman Bridwell books (our new author of the month), and many leveled texts. As we read these stories, students will work on comprehension skills, with an emphasis on noting details and how to use questions to help comprehend a story.

During Reader’s Workshop, we will continue to focus on how partners read and think about books together. Towards the beginning of next week, we will also begin to talk about what strategies we can use to figure out unfamiliar words and to comprehend what we are reading.

In phonics, we will be focusing on the short /o/ sound. Students will be able to associate the sound of the short /o/ with the letter o. We will blend with the word families (graphemic base) –ot, -op and –ock.

In Writer’s Workshop, over the next 2 weeks, we will begin our Small Moment unit. A small moment is a focused narrative that expands on one small moment in time. Typically, the structure of these pieces is chronological (beginning, middle, end). The best small moments are told with a storyteller’s voice and not just summarized events or comments on events. We will also practice our writing in our journals and in response to our reading.

In Math we will continue to work with subtraction strategies. The students will show all the ways to take apart a number within 10. We will use our unifix cubes to model. The students will build fluency for subtraction within 10. At the end of the week or early next week, we will review all the skills/concepts taught in Unit 2 and the students will take a written assessment. The written assessment will be sent home for your signature.

We will also begin Unit 3 Addition Strategies. The students will use a ten frame to add 10 and an addend less than 10. They will also become familiar with the “make a 10” strategy to find sums within 20.

In Science we will continue our unit: New Plants. We will observe what happened since we planted our grass and alfalfa plants. Next, we will give our grass and alfalfa plants a “haircut”. In addition, we will continue to note the progress of our brassica plants.

As part of the school wide initiative in character education, we will finish up our school wide character education lessons. All our discussions and lessons focus on kindness, being a good friend and how to best deal with conflict.

Halloween is coming…